Mycomya bifida Freeman, 1951

Omad, Guillermo, Pessacq, Pablo & Anjos-Santos, Danielle, 2017, A new species of Mycomya Rondani (Diptera, Mycetophilidae, Mycomyinae) from Argentinean Patagonia, Zootaxa 4363 (3), pp. 445-450 : 448-449

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4363.3.10

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scientific name

Mycomya bifida Freeman


Mycomya bifida Freeman View in CoL

Mycomyia bifida Freeman 1951: 34 , fig. 18, plate IV (male and female, figures of male hypopygium in sternal view, type locality:

Correntoso lake, Argentina, Neuquén Province, about 40°44’11’’S, 71°40’28’’ W). Oliveira & Amorim 2014: 27 (catalogue). Diagnosis: Mycomya bifida View in CoL can be separated by other species of Mycomya View in CoL by the presence of a short mid-coxal spur about half as long as coxa, branched; outer branch with a black brush of bristles apically, inner branch slender, with a few hairs apically. Combs present at apices of hind tibiae only.

Male redescription. ( Fig. 8–9 View FIGURE 8–9 ). Head. Mouthparts yellow, first two segments of labial palps short, last segment longer than remaining ones. Frons and posterior part of the head brown, vertex light brown. Antenna light brown; pedicel slightly conical, scape rounded, first flagellomere 2x longer than pedicel ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8–9 ).

Thorax ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8–9 ). Light brown with the exception of mesepimerom, wich is yellowish on ventral and dorsal margin. Pronotum with three long bristles and a few small setae; proepimerom, proepisternum, anepisternum and mesepimerom bare; katepisternum light brown on the dorsal half, darkening to dark brown on the ventral half, bare; scutum dark brown on its middle, yellowish to light brown on lateral margin, covered with small setae and a few bristles close to its anterior margin. Scutellum light brown on the dorsal half, turning yellowish on the ventral half, with four strong setae. Legs yellow. Coxa two with a process on the base ( Freeman, 1951, fig. 78), nearly triangular, ending in a small dark bump covered with microtrichia, with two strong spines near apex.

Abdomen. Genitalia ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 8–9 dorsal view; ventral view by Freeman, 1951, Fig. 18). Aedeagus long, same length as parameres, with truncate apex. Parameres thin, black, strongly sclerotized. Gonocoxite wide at base, 3 times longer than gonostylus, with small setae on its surface; gonostylus smaller than gonocoxite, with globular base, tapering towards apex. Tergite one to five dark brown dorsally, turning light brown on the sides; tergite six and seven dark brown, last tergites yellowish; sternites light brown, tergite 9 yellowish; tergite 10 brownish, covered with small setae with processus nearly triangular, ending in a thin, long appendage with two or three short lateral setae on each side of the apex and two long bristles on the base ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 8–9 ). Cercus wide, similar in shape to boxing glove, with wide rounded apex with two dorsal and two ventral lateral lobes on outer margin ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 8–9 ).

Material examined. ARGENTINA: Chubut, Baggilt Lake , state protected area (43°16’S, 71°41’W), hand net, 13.II.2015, Omad, leg. 2 ♂. CIEMEP. GoogleMaps

Distribution. Nothofagus forest of western Chubut and Río Negro provinces (Baguilt, Correntoso and Nahel Huapi lakes, Argentina), and eastern of X Region (Casa Pangue, Chile) in the Subandean Patagonia province (Subantarctic subregion, Andean region).

Comments: This is the first record of the species in Chubut province.
















Mycomya bifida Freeman

Omad, Guillermo, Pessacq, Pablo & Anjos-Santos, Danielle 2017

Mycomyia bifida

Freeman 1951: 34
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