Ticinoteuthis chuchichaeschtli, Pohle & Klug, 2024

Pohle, Alexander & Klug, Christian, 2024, Orthoceratoid and coleoid cephalopods from the Middle Triassic of Switzerland with an updated taxonomic framework for Triassic Orthoceratoidea, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology (14) 143 (1), pp. 1-32 : 21

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1186/s13358-024-00307-8

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Ticinoteuthis chuchichaeschtli

gen. et sp. nov.

Ticinoteuthis chuchichaeschtli gen. et sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:67,831,665-256E-476D-8690- 5C75A42D2F44.

Figure 3 View Fig A-G, 10C

Etymology: Te Swiss German word “Chuchichäschtli” is a well-known shibboleth translating to small kitchen cupboard (standard German = Küchenschränkchen). Tis is a reference to the specimens being stored in a drawer in Zurich for many years.

Holotype: PIMUZ 39491 View Materials is the only specimen that shows the siphuncle and a partly preserved phragmocone and therefore selected as holotype.

Type locality and horizon: Point 902/Mirigioli, Meride, Ticino; middle Besano Formation, bed 112, secedensis zone, Illyrian, Anisian, middle Triassic.

Material: Two further specimens are preserved as internal moulds without trace of septa or siphuncle ( PIMUZ 39487 View Materials , 39,489 View Materials ) and seven further specimens are only preserved as external moulds ( PIMUZ 38652 View Materials , 38 View Materials , 655 View Materials , 39 View Materials , 488 View Materials , 39 View Materials , 490 View Materials , 39,492 –39,494). Because of the poor preservation, we do not select these specimens as paratypes GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis: As for genus, by monotypy.

Description: Tere are several specimens between bed 87–112 that are similar in cross section and apical angle, mostly preserved as external moulds. Tey range in the maximum lateral cross section from 6 to 20 mm and corresponding apical angles of 5–9°. Te siphuncle is visible in only in the holotype, PIMUZ 39491, which also preserves a short part of the phragmocone. Te phragmocone has a depressed cross section with a maximum lateral diameter of 8 mm and an expansion rate of 8.6°. It appears to have retrochoanitic septal necks and a relatively wide submarginal siphuncle ( Fig. 3B View Fig ). Te septa are preserved as faint traces and are inclined towards the venter in anterior direction, with relative cameral length ( RCL) of about 0.5. Further apicad, on the external mould, there are transverse lines, which could alternatively represent the septa, although they are more widely (> 1.0) and somewhat irregularly spaced. Te preserved phragmocone is 12 mm long, while the entire specimen including external moulds is about 120 mm long.

Remarks: Tere are two potential traces of septa in the holotype, moderately long and inclined on the preserved phragmocone, and long and directly transverse on the apical part of the external mould. We think that the short, inclined traces are more likely to represent the septa, as they appear to be more regular and are preserved directly on the phragmocone. Mojsisovicsteuthis boeckhi (Stürzenbaum, 1875) has only a slightly higher apical angle, but as indicated by Mojsisivics (1882) and Hauer (1888), the siphuncle is situated on the narrower side of the cross section (see also Košťák et al., 2023), meaning that M. boeckhi has a compressed conch in contrast to the depressed T. chuchichaeschtli . Furthermore, the chambers are shorter in M. boeckhi , with only about 0.2 per conch diameter.

Occurrence: Ticino, Switzerland; Middle Triassic (Anisian).


Palaontologisches Institut und Museum der Universitat Zurich

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