MESOBLATTINIDAE Handlirsch, 1906

Vršanský, Peter, 2009, Albian cockroaches (Insecta, Blattida) from French amber of Archingeay, Geodiversitas 31 (1), pp. 73-98 : 86

publication ID 10.5252/g2009n1a7


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scientific name

MESOBLATTINIDAE Handlirsch, 1906


Family MESOBLATTINIDAE Handlirsch, 1906

DIAGNOSIS. — Head globular, eyes projected more above the outline of the head. Antennal segments with few very short subapical sensilla chaetica. Maxillary palp of mediate length. Body plain, cerci with about 15 segments without long sensilla chaetica; styli absent. Female with internalized, sometimes reduced external ovipositor. Wings with round dark veins and pale round intercalaries. Sc simple or with max. 3 branches; RS differentiated; A branched. Hindwing with sophisticated, comb-like R1, differentiated RS; simple M; branched CuA, simple CuP and simple A1. Pleating veer-like.

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