Madagocerum thoderirk, Oláh & Johanson, 2011

Oláh, J. & Johanson, K., 2011, Description Of A New Endemic Genus Of Trichoptera From Madagascar (Odontoceridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57 (2), pp. 117-129 : 127

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12612328

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scientific name

Madagocerum thoderirk

sp. nov.

Madagocerum thoderirk sp. n.

( Figs 17–21 View Figs 17–21 )

Diagnosis – This species is easily distinguished from the 2 other species of the new genus by its long pleural region of segment IX, that are short in the other species; the short preanal appendages, being long in the other species; and by having very robust coxopodites.

Description – Male (in alcohol).Body light brown; forewing membrane light brown (in alcohol).

Wings ( Fig. 17 View Figs 17–21 ): Forewing forks I, II, III, and V present; Sc running to R1, and R1 running to R2 before C, meeting at hypertrophied pterostigma; distally almost indiscernible; Cu2 apparently absent; postanal vein running closely to posterior wing-margin.

Male genitalia ( Figs 18–21 View Figs 17–21 ): Abdominal segment IX fused annularly, anteriorly produced into rounded plates; tergum IX short, venter 2 times longer than tergum; anterior margin convex, with rounded pleural plate bearing mesally depressed, large lateral concavity; posterior margin straight, without apical lobe; ventral half of posterior margin produced apicad at base of coxopodites; antecosta and antecostal suture on anterior margin of segment IX narrow, forming pigmented marginal rim running evenly along anterior margin; dorsally more strongly developed, separated from rest of antecostal sutures. Acrotergites very small membranous; entire surface of segment IX glabrous; spine row on posterior margins of segment IX absent; setose areas absent from apicopleural and apicoventral regions. Intersegmental depression between segments IX and X very deep, stepwise; segment X sunk deep to upper third of segment IX in lateral view; intersegmental depression partly covered by preanal appendages in dorsal view. Segment X aviform in lateral view; deeply bilobed in dorsal view, constricting basally, broadening at midway, tapering apex; in dorsal view with parallel-sided mesal margins. Apicoventral setose lobes represented by apical setae. Apicodorsal setose lobes reduced to small setal area on middle. Segment X with long dorsal interlobular gap; each lateral lobe with parallel-sided mesal margin in dorsal view. Short, filiform preanal appendages fused to dorsum of segment IX; fused seam, or borderline between segment IX and preanal appendages, not visible. Coxopodites robust, wide, cover almost entire segment X and posterior part of phallic apparatus. Harpagones large, broad, with slightly ventrad and mesad curving apicoventral lobe and spiny apex; spines dark, short, conical. Phallic apparatus with short, broad, ventrad directed basal part; long, straight horizontal mid-part; slightly curving dorsad at apex. Small phallotremal sclerites almost indiscernible.

Material examined – Holotype: Male: “ Madagascar: Andohahela: 1800 m, 22.i.1958 [Paulian]”.

Paratypes: 1 male, 1 female, same data as holotype .

Etymology: Thoderirk, robust in Sanskrit, name referring to the robust gonocoxites.


Acknowledgements – Prof. JEAN LEGRAND kindly loaned us the material from Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris.

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