Mochlomelikertes Engel, Breitkreuz, & Ohl, 2014

Engel, Michael S., Breitkreuz, Laura C. V. & Ohl, Michael, 2014, The first male of the extinct bee tribe Melikertini (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Journal of Melittology 2014 (30), pp. 1-18 : 5-9

publication ID 10.17161/jom.v0i30.4698

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scientific name

Mochlomelikertes Engel, Breitkreuz, & Ohl

gen. nov.

Mochlomelikertes Engel, Breitkreuz, & Ohl , new genus


TYPE SPECIES: Mochlomelikertes hoffeinsorum Engel, Breitkreuz, & Ohl , new species .

DIAGNOSIS: ♂: Medium-sized bee, ca. 8 mm in length. Mandibles simple, elongate; axes of mandibular articulations converging anteriorly such that closed mandibles overlap at slightly obtuse angle ( Fig. 8 View Figures 7–8 ); clypeus with apical margin pale, contrasting with brown integument of remainder of head ( Figs. 5 View Figures 5–6 , 8 View Figures 7–8 ); clypeus without basal prominence or protrusion; epistomal sulcus forming broadly obtuse angle. Pronotal lobe densely setose; mesoscutum with anterior border low, broadly rounded; tegula elongate-ovoid; mesoscutellum with elongate medial extension of posterior margin ( Figs. 3, 4 View Figures 3–4 , 9–11 View Figures 9–11 ), with process greatly elongate and projecting over metanotum, propodeum, and anterior portions of metasoma (at least extending beyond apical margin of second metasomal tergum), and with projection slightly longer than remainder of mesosoma and densely setose on dorsal surface ( Figs. 9–11 View Figures 9–11 ). Forewing with prominent pterostigma; two submarginal cells present (1rs-m absent); second submarginal cell greatly elongate, length 3.5 times width (resulting from absence of 1rs-m and thereby representing equivalent length of what would otherwise be the second and long third submarginal cells); first submarginal cell angled, horsehead-shaped (resulting from strongly angled second abscissa Rs); r-rs relatively long, meeting pterostigma near midpoint; 1m-cu short, relatively straight; basal vein basad cu-a. Mesobasitarsus elongate, nearly as long as mesotibia ( Fig. 12 View Figures 12–13 ), both podites slightly swollen with numerous elongate setae along outer and posterior surfaces, such setae minutely branched in apical quarters; metatibia without corbicula (true for all males), with outer surface slightly swollen, outer and posterior surfaces of metatibia and metabasitarsus with numerous, elongate setae ( Fig. 13 View Figures 12–13 ), such setae minutely branched in apical thirds to quarters; inner surface of metatibia with keirotrichia; keirotrichiate zone not elevated, running from base to near apex, separated from posterior border by distance less than one-third width of keirotrichiate zone; single metatibial spur present, spur minutely serrate; metabasitarsus subquadrate, slightly longer than wide, inner surface with dense, stiff, simple setae forming loose comb rows (typical among higher corbiculate bees); pretarsal claws cleft. Metasoma sparsely setose, most setae minute, simple, and appressed to subappressed; visible metasomal sterna unmodified; gonostyli relatively broad, thumb-like, apically rounded, with a few distinct setae along outer apical borders.

ETYMOLOGY: The new genus-group name is a combination of the mochlos (Greek, “lever”, a reference to large mesoscutellar extension which resembles an extended lever) and Melikertes , type genus of the tribe Melikertini . The name is masculine.











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