Polytes propinquus (Walker), 1867

Eger, J. E., 1990, Revision of the Genus Polytes Stål (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae), Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83 (2), pp. 115-141 : 120

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1093/aesa/83.2.115



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scientific name

Polytes propinquus (Walker)


Polytes propinquus (Walker)

( Fig. 11-17 View Fig )

Pachycoris propinquus Walker 1867: 50 .

Polytes propinquus : Distant 1899: 41, 50; Schou-teden 1904b: 50 (listed); Kirkaldy 1909: 287


Description. Dorsum stramineous, relatively uniform in color; punctation moderately dense, uniform, dark brown to black, occasionally with slight greenish tinge, infrequently connected to form short fasciae. Venter uniformly pale stramineous; punctation dark red to brown, moderately dense on head, pleura and laterally on abdominal sternites. Length 7.5-8.8.

Head elongate, narrowly rounded anteriorly; lateral margins rounded, lacking distinct marginal carina or angulation; length 2.0-2.2, width across eyes 2.4-2.7. First antennal segment stramineous, dark at apex; remaining segments brown, somewhat lighter at base and apex; length of segments 1 -5: 0.5-0.6; 0.4-0.5; 0.5-0.6; 1.0; 1.1-1.2. Rostrum stramineous, darker posteriorly, surpassing anterior margin of 2nd visible abdominal sternite.

Pronotum 2.2-2.7 long at meson, 4.6-5.2 wide across humeri. Anterolateral margins straight or slightly convex, finely carinate. Legs stramineous with small, distinct, red to dark brown macules; femora and tibiae provided with long, dense setae.

Scutellum 4.4-5.3 long at meson, 3.8-4.5 broad at widest point. Connexiva stramineous, densely punctured, dark brown to black macule present laterally on posterior half of each segment. Sternites convex. Spiracles pale.

Ventral surface of male genital cup moderately punctate with transverse impression near posterior margin; large, circular elevation present basally ( Fig. 12 View Fig ). Posterior margin of genital cup with distinct mesial concavity, convex laterally. Parameres hookshaped; head broad, short, surface shagreened ( Fig. 17 View Fig ). First conjunctival diverticula elongate, membranous. Sclerotized apices of 2nd conjunctival diverticula small with well-defined base, acute apically ( Fig. 15 View Fig ). Sclerotized apices of 3rd conjunctival diverticula large, flattened, posterior margin dentate ( Fig. 16 View Fig ).

First gonocoxae with shallow, transverse impression along inner posterior angles; posterior margins sinuate near inner angles. Ninth paratergites overlapping mesially ( Fig. 14 View Fig ).

Type Material. The holotype of Pachycoris pro-pinquus , a female in the BMNH, was examined.

Distribution. Only two specimens of this species were available for study: the type, and a male in the author's collection, both from Venezuela.

Comment. Although resembling P. lineolatus in the rounded lateral margins of the head, P. pro-pinquus can be readily separated from the former species by the smaller size, lack of ventral maculation, and the more uniformly colored dorsum. It is similar in size and color to P. obscurus but can be separated by the rounded jugal margins.














Polytes propinquus (Walker)

Eger, J. E. 1990

Pachycoris propinquus

Walker 1867: 50
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