Polytes tigrinus (Vollenhoven)

Eger, J. E., 1990, Revision of the Genus Polytes Stål (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae), Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83 (2), pp. 115-141 : 123-125

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1093/aesa/83.2.115



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scientific name

Polytes tigrinus (Vollenhoven)


Polytes tigrinus (Vollenhoven)

( Fig. 10, 31-36) View Fig

Pachycoris tigrinus Vollenhoven 1868: 176-177 .

Polytes lineosus Stal 1870: 8 . (Synonymized by Stal 1872: 129.)

Polytes tigrinus : Stal 1870: 229; Stal 1872: 129 (synonymy); Schouteden 1904b: 50 (listed, synonymy); Kirkaldy 1909: 287 (listed, synonymy); Lattin 1977: 188-189, fig. 1, 2, 5-11.

Polytodes ochraceus Horvath 1892: 255-256 ; Schouteden 1904a: 61-62, pi. 1, fig. 12 (described); Schouteden 1904b: 51 (listed); Kirkaldy 1909: 287 (listed). (Synonymized by Lattin 1977: 188.)

Polytes onca Breddin 1904: 49 ; Schouteden 1904b: 50 (listed); Bergroth 1908: 142 (listed); Kirkaldy 1909: 287 (listed); Gaedike 1971: 94 (type disposition). NEW SYNONYMY.

Description. Dorsum stramineous to brown, variably patterned with brown to black, dark maculation usually arranged in longitudinal and transverse bands, banding most pronounced on pronotum. Punctation dense, red to black with greenish tinge. Venter stramineous to light brown, occasionally with dark brown to black macules arranged in 4 irregular vittae on abdomen, lateral vittae continuing onto thoracic pleura and covering most of head. Punctation dark brown to black, infrequently concolorous with supporting surface, dense on head and thorax, moderate on abdomen. Length 9.1-11.7.

Head dark brown to black; light brown, partially impunctate vitta present mesially on tylus and each jugum; broadly to moderately rounded anteriorly ( Fig. 10 View Fig ), lateral margins finely carinate; 2.2-2.8 long, 2.8-3.3 wide across eyes. First antennal segment pale basally, remaining segments dark brown to black; length of segments 1-5: 0.5-0.8; 0.6-0.7; 0.7-1.0; 1.1-1.4; 1.4-1.9. Rostrum light brown basally, dark brown apically; surpassing anterior margin, occasionally reaching posterior margin of 2nd visible abdominal sternite.

Pronotum 3.1-3.5 long at meson, 6.1-6.8 wide across humeri. Anterolateral margins moderately straight, flattened, finely carinate; humeral angles slightly produced, rounded. Legs light brown with numerous dark brown to black circular macules, these frequently coalescing into larger macules and occasionally covering most of femora and tibiae; setae short.

Scutellum mottled, punctures frequently connected to form short fasciae; thin mesial vitta, irregular macule midway along each lateral margin and scutellar apex usually pale; length at meson 5.3-6.8, width at broadest point 5.0-5.9. Connexiva densely punctured, segments bicolored, pale anteriorly, dark brown to black posteriorly. Sternites convex. Spiracles brown.

Ventral surface of male genital cup moderately punctate, with broad elevation mesially on posterior margin (Fig. 31); posterior margin concave mesially, convex laterally (Fig. 32). Parameres hookshaped; head short, thin, surface lightly sha-greened; base elongate (Fig. 34). First conjunctival diverticula short, membranous. Sclerotized apices of 2nd conjunctival diverticula with well-defined flattened base, acute apically (Fig. 36). Sclerotized apices of 3rd conjunctival diverticula flattened, lacking distinct base, bifurcate, and variously provided with small denticles apically (Fig. 35a and b).

Type Material. The holotype of Pachycoris ti-griyms , a male in the RNH, was figured by Lattin (1977) and was not sought. The holotype of Poly-todes ochraceus , a male in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, was discussed by Lattin (1977), who also located a second specimen in the Narodni Museum, Praha, Czechoslovakia, and stated that "apparently it was part of the type series." Horvath (1892), however, mentioned only a single specimen. For this reason, the specimen in the Hungarian Museum should be considered the holotype. Gaedike (1971) stated that the holotype of Polytes onca Breddin was located in the DEI.I located an additional specimen in the RISNB which was also labeled "type. " The following are designated: LECTOTYPE: <3, labeled: (a) Peru, Chanchamayo. (b) Polytes onca n. sp. (c) Coll. Breddin. (d) onca Brdn., Cotypus. (e) Holotypus. (f) H. Lehmann rev. ( DEI). PARALECTOTYPE: 6, labeled: (a) Coll. R. I. Sc. N. B., Perou: ex. Coll. Schouteden. (b) Polytes onca , n. spec, (c) Polytes onca Br. Typ. (d) Syntype ( RISNB).

The type of Polytes lineosus , a male in the RNH, was examined.

Distribution. Peru, Colombia.

Comment. This is the most variable species of the genus. Specimens examined from Peru tended to be smaller with the dark coloration mottled and usually confined to punctures; head more broadly rounded. Those from Colombia were larger, the dark markings tended to coalesce into distinct vittae with more impunctate or concolorously punctate areas, and the head was more narrowly round-ed. Specimens intermediate between these two morphs were seen; the male genitalia were relatively consistent among all specimens.


Germany, Muencheberg, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut im ZALF
















Polytes tigrinus (Vollenhoven)

Eger, J. E. 1990

Polytes onca

Breddin 1904: 49

Polytodes ochraceus

Horvath 1892: 255 - 256

Polytes lineosus

Stal 1870: 8

Pachycoris tigrinus

Vollenhoven 1868: 176 - 177
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