Polytes rubromaculatus Distant

Eger, J. E., 1990, Revision of the Genus Polytes Stål (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae), Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83 (2), pp. 115-141 : 136-137

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1093/aesa/83.2.115



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scientific name

Polytes rubromaculatus Distant


Polytes rubromaculatus Distant

( Fig. 99-103)

Polytes rubromaculatus Distant 1911: 243 .

Description. Dorsum red brown to black with numerous stramineous to red markings. Dorsal punctation moderately dense, concolorous to dark brown in colored macules. Venter dark brown to black, posterior margin of last abdominal sternite with pale yellow to orange border. Length 7.9-8.7.

Head narrowly rounded anteriorly (Fig. 99); length 1.9-2.1; width across eyes 2.6-2.8. Length of antennal segments 1-5: 0.6; 0.5; 0.6; 1.1-1.2; 1.3-1.4. Rostrum reaching onto 2nd visible abdominal sternite; basal 2 segments light brown, remaining segments darker.

Pronotum with 2 large, oblong, orange to red macules, 1 just posterad of each cicatrice. Cicatrices, thin mesial vitta, and anterolateral margins pale. Length of pronotum at meson 2.3-2.9, width across humeri 4.9-5.7. Anterolateral margins slightly convex, almost straight, with thin, marginal carina. Each corium with numerous irregular, pale, yellow to red maculations, most numerous along lateral margins. Coxae, trochanters, and tarsi light brown, remainder of legs dark brown. Propleura with distinct, pale band along lateral margins.

Scutellum with 4 elongate orange to red macules; 2 on anterior half originating near meson on either side and directed posterolaterally; 2 on posterior half almost longitudinal; thin vitta present between posterior 2 macules. Length of scutellum at meson 4.5-5.4; width at widest point 4.4-5.1.

Posterior margin of genital cup concave mesially, convex laterally. Impression in floor of genital cup relatively small; fine ridge present in floor near lateral margin ( Fig. 100). Parameres hookshaped, shank thin, relatively long; head relatively broad (Fig. 101). First conjunctival diverticula thin, elongate. Second conjunctival diverticula with large membraneous lobe, sclerotized apices elongate, acute apically, bases distinct. Sclerotized apices of 3rd conjunctival diverticula large, lacking distinct bases, curved and acute apically ( Fig. 102 and 103).

Type Material. The holotype, a male in the BMNH, was examined.

Distribution. Ecuador.

Comment. The large lobe on the second conjunctival diverticula is unusual for this genus. Similar but smaller lobes in the same position were seen in P. fenestra , P. similis , P. confusus , and P. quechuus . Other species of the P. fenestra group also may have small lobes, although this was not determined because genitalia could not be fully expanded in most of these species. In addition to the type, two specimens were located in DEI. These specimens bear labels indicating that they were examined by Lehmann (1922) and are apparently the specimens illustrated in his Fig. 2c.














Polytes rubromaculatus Distant

Eger, J. E. 1990

Polytes rubromaculatus

Distant 1911: 243
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