Cochinorchestia morini ( Peethambaran Asari, 1998 ) Peethambaran Asari, 1998

Lowry, J. K. & Springthorpe, R. T., 2015, Coastal Talitridae (Amphipoda: Talitroidea) from north-western Australia to Darwin with a revision of the genus Cochinorchestia Lowry & Peart, 2010, Zootaxa 3985 (2), pp. 151-202 : 170

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3985.2.1

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scientific name

Cochinorchestia morini ( Peethambaran Asari, 1998 )

comb. nov.

Cochinorchestia morini ( Peethambaran Asari, 1998) comb. nov.

( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 )

Parorchestia morini Peethambaran Asari, 1998: 15 , fig. 20.

Type. Lost.

Type locality. Parangipettai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Habitat. Mangroves, found abundantly in partially rotten roots of Rhizophora sp. mangroves.

Description. Based on Peethambaran Asari, 1998: 15, fig. 20.

Head slender scales on ventroproximal surface unknown; eye medium (1/5–1/3 head length). Antenna 1 reaching slightly beyond end of antenna 2 peduncle. Antenna 2 peduncular articles slender, article 5 longer than article 4; virgula divina unknown. Mouthparts unknown.

Pereon. Gnathopod 1 unknown. Gnathopod 2 sexually dimorphic; subchelate; basis slender; ischium without lobe on anterior margin, without anterodistal lobe on medial surface; posterior margin of merus, carpus and propodus each without lobe covered in palmate setae; carpus triangular, reduced (enclosed by merus and propodus), posterior lobe absent, not projecting between merus and propodus; propodus subrhomboidal, about 1.2 × as long as wide; palm acute, reaching about 44% along posterior margin, smooth, with narrow distal shelf, smooth palm and shallow proximal sinus, lined with 12 robust setae; dactylus subequal in length to palm, curved, without anteroproximal bump, posterior margin smooth, not modified distally, blunt. Pereopod 7 sexually dimorphic unknown, basis without posterodistal lobe, margin cutaway; distal articles unknown.

Pleon. Pleopods 1–3 unknown. Epimeron 3 posterior margin smooth, without setae, posteroventral corner with small subacute tooth. Uropod 1 peduncle with 9 robust setae, distolateral robust seta present, very large (1/3 – 1/2 length of outer ramus), with simple tip; inner ramus subequal in length to outer ramus, inner ramus with 4 marginal robust setae in 1 row; outer ramus with 4 marginal robust setae. Uropod 2 peduncle with 4 robust setae; inner ramus subequal in length to outer ramus, with 4 marginal lateral robust setae, with 2 medial robust setae; outer ramus with 2 marginal robust setae in 1 row. Uropod 3 peduncle with 2 robust setae; ramus shorter than peduncle, 1.2 × as long as broad, triangular, without marginal setae, with 3 apical setae. Telson longer than broad, apically incised, dorsal midline vestigial or absent, with 2 apical robust setae only.

Female. Unknown.

Remarks. Cochinorchestia morini is not well described. Only three species ( C. metcalfeae , C. morini and C. sp. of Bussarawich 1998) have a smooth palm on male gnathopod 2. Cochinorchestia morini differs significantly from C. metcalfeae in the shape and dimensions of male gnathopod 2. It looks more similar to C. sp. of Bussarawich (1985) but differs from this species in the details of the male gnathopod 2: the propodus is only 1.2 × along as wide (1.6 × in C. sp.), the palm is acute (extremely acute in C. sp.), with narrow distal shelf (shelf absent in C. sp.) and the inner ramus of uropod 2 has only six marginal setae in two rows (two marginal setae on one row in C. sp.).

Distribution. India. Parangipettai, Tamil Nadu ( Peethambaran Asari 1998).
















Cochinorchestia morini ( Peethambaran Asari, 1998 )

Lowry, J. K. & Springthorpe, R. T. 2015

Parorchestia morini

Peethambaran 1998: 15
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