Ozerov, A. L. & Krivosheina, M. G., 2023, Contribution to the fauna of dung flies (Diptera: Scathophagidae) of Russia with a key to genera and a checklist of the Russian Scathophagidae, Russian Entomological Journal 32 (1), pp. 95-122 : 96-97

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.32.1.12

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scientific name




1. Anepisternum covered with hairs completely or almost completely, with hairs posterior to anterior spiracle ( Figs 24 View Figs 22–27 , 28, 29 View Figs 28–32 ) .................................................................... 2

— Anepisternum covered with hairs usually along dorsal margin and in posterior part only, without hairs posteri- or to anterior thoracic spiracle ( Figs 22, 23, 26, 27 View Figs 22–27 ) .. 4

2. Katepisternum without setae ( Fig. 29 View Figs 28–32 ). Wing membrane with dark spots ( Fig. 53 View Figs 50–58 ) ................. Ernoneura Becker View in CoL

— Katepisternum with one strong seta in upper posterior corner ( Fig. 28 View Figs 28–32 ). Wing membrane without dark spots (except for possible shading of crossveins r-m and dmcu) ................................................................................. 3

3. Postmetacoxal bridge present ( Fig. 31 View Figs 28–32 ) ........................... ............................................................ Scatomyza Fallén View in CoL

— Postmetacoxal bridge absent ( Fig. 30 View Figs 28–32 ) ............................ ..................................................... Scathophaga Meigen View in CoL

4. Katepisternum with strong 2–3 setae ( Figs 25–27 View Figs 22–27 ) ....... 5

— Katepisternum with one strong seta as in Fig. 28 View Figs 28–32 ....... 10

5. Proepisternum bare without hairs at middle or in anterior part ............................................................................... 6

— Proepisternum is covered with hairs at middle or in anterior part ( Fig. 25 View Figs 22–27 ) .......................................................... 9

6. Postpedicel short, no more than 2 times longer than the pedicel ( Fig. 13 View Figs 13–18 ) ............................................................ 7

— Postpedicel long, about 3 times longer than pedicel (Figs 1, 10, 14) ....................................................................... 8

7. Katepisternum with 2 setae in upper posterior corner. Postpronotal lobe anteriorly without erect spinules ...... ............................................ Delina Robineau-Desvoidy View in CoL

— Katepisternum with 3 setae in upper posterior corner. Postpronotal lobe anteriorly with erect spinules ........... ..................................................... Neochirosia Malloch View in CoL

8. Vibrissae weakly developed; proboscis short and wide; postpedicel with rounded upper apical corner ( Fig. 14 View Figs 13–18 ) ...................................................... Hexamitocera Becker View in CoL

— Vibrissae well developed; proboscis long; postpedicel with acute upper apical corner ( Fig. 10 View Figs 7–12 ) ........................ ............................................. Cleigastra Macquart View in CoL (part)

9. Katepisternum with anterior and upper posterior setae present, lower posterior seta absent ( Fig. 27 View Figs 22–27 ) ................ ... Trichopalpus Rondani View in CoL (part) ( T. punctipes (Meigen)) View in CoL

— Katepisternum with 3 setae ( Fig. 25 View Figs 22–27 ), if with 2 setae, then upper and lower posterior setae present, anterior seta absent ( Fig. 26 View Figs 22–27 ) ................... Cleigastra Macquart View in CoL (part)

10. Fore tibia of both sexes with ventral apical spur ( Fig. 39 View Figs 38–43 ) .................................................... Acanthocnema Becker View in CoL

— Fore tibia in both sexes without such spur ................. 11

11. Femur and tibia of foreleg of both sexes with posteroventral row of very strong setae ( Fig. 46) ................ 12

— Femur and tibia of foreleg of both sexes without such row of strong setae ............................................................ 13

12. Head with one pair of orbital setae, postocellar setae absent. Scutellum with a pair of strong apical setae, discal scutellar setae absent or hair-like ( Fig. 37 View Figs 33–37 ). Fore tibia with a row of strong posteroventral setae, anteroventral setae absent ( Fig. 40 View Figs 38–43 ). Female abdominal sternite 8 without spines ( Fig. 59 View Figs 59, 60 ) ... Norellia Robineau-Desvoidy View in CoL

— Head with two pairs of orbital setae, postocellar setae present. Scutellum with a pair of strong discal setae, apical scutellar setae absent or hair-like ( Fig. 36 View Figs 33–37 ). Fore tibia with rows of strong posteroventral and anteroventral setae ( Fig. 41 View Figs 38–43 ). Female abdominal sternite 8 covered with spines ( Fig. 60 View Figs 59, 60 ) ...................... Norellisoma Hendel View in CoL

13. Fore tibia without spinules ventrally ......................... 14

— Fore tibia ventrally with short black spinules, usually in two or more rows on whole length ( Figs 38 View Figs 38–43 , 44, 45, 47–49) .... 27

14. Palpus with strong apical or subapical seta about as long as or longer than palpus (Figs 3, 4) ............................ 15

— Palpus without strong apical or subapical seta (e.g., Figs 5–11, 13–16, 18–21) ................................................. 16

15. Proepisternum bare, without hairs at middle and on anterior part ........................................... Leptopa Zetterstedt View in CoL

— Proepisternum covered with hairs at middle or on anteri- or part (as in Figs 22, 23 View Figs 22–27 ) ................... Cordilura Fallén View in CoL

16. Head with ocellar setae absent; orbital setae very short ( Figs 21 View Figs 19–21 , 115 View Figs 112–117 ) ................................... Hydromyza Fallén View in CoL

— Head with ocellar and orbital setae well developed .. 17

17. Head with strong postocellar setae, as strong as ocellar setae ( Fig. 18 View Figs 13–18 ) ............................ Mixocordylura Hendel View in CoL

— Postocellar setae thin and short, 2 times shorter than ocellar setae ................................................................ 18

18. Palpus distinctly spatulate ( Fig. 19 View Figs 19–21 ) .......................... 19

— Palpus filiform, at most somewhat flattened but never spatulate (e.g., Fig. 16 View Figs 13–18 ) .............................................. 20

19. One short and thin vibrissa present. Arista relatively short, about as long as broad postpedicel, widened throughout its length ( Fig. 8 View Figs 7–12 ) ....................................... ............................................ Acerocnema Becker View in CoL (part)

— Two strong vibrissae present. Arista well-developed, long- er than postpedicel, enlarged only at base ( Fig. 19 View Figs 19–21 ) ...... ...................................................... Spaziphora Rondani View in CoL

20. Arista plumose or pubescent; postgena with strong seta ( Fig. 16 View Figs 13–18 ) .................................... Megaphthalma Becker View in CoL

— ... Arista bare or nearly bare ( Fig. 17 View Figs 13–18 ). Postgena without seta or with very fine seta .......................................... 21

21. Postpronotal lobe anteriorly with erect spines or spinules ( Fig. 32 View Figs 28–32 ) ..................................................................... 22

— Postpronotal lobe anteriorly without erect spines or spinules ....................................................................... 23

22. Postpedicel approximately 2–2.5 times as long as wide ( Fig. 114 View Figs 112–117 ) ........................... Gimnomera Rondani View in CoL (part)

— Postpedicel long, about 4–5 times as long as wide ( Fig. 17 View Figs 13–18 ) ................................................................................... Micropselapha Becker View in CoL

23. Vein R 1 bare (e.g., Fig. 52 View Figs 50–58 ) ....................................... 24

—. Vein R 1 setulose on apical third of dorsal surface ( Figs 57, 58 View Figs 50–58 ) ......................................................................... 26

24. Postpedicel approximately 1.5–2 times as long as scapus .............................................................................. 25

— Postpedicel approximately 4 times as long as scapus ..... ............................................. Acerocnema Becker View in CoL (part)

25. Scutum with scapular setae absent. Male femora of mid and hind legs strongly thickened in the central part ( Figs 43 View Figs 38–43 , 126 View Figs 124–128 ). Basitarsus of hind leg as long as 1/2 hind tibia ......................................................................................... Staegeria Rondani View in CoL

— Scutum with scapular setae present ( Fig. 20 View Figs 19–21 ; see also Fig. 32 View Figs 28–32 ), if fine, then male femora of mid and hind legs not thickened. Basitarsus of hind leg about 1/3 hind tibia .. ......................................... Trichopalpus Rondani View in CoL (part)

26. Postpedicel not longer than tarsomere 2 of hind leg ..... ............................................. Gimnomera Rondani View in CoL (part)

— Postpedicel distinctly longer than tarsomere 2 of hind leg ............................................. Acerocnema Becker View in CoL (part)

27. Males .......................................................................... 28

— Females ......................................................................... 33

28. Fore femur modified and/or with short black setae or spinules ventrally ( Figs 44, 47–49) ............................ 29

— Fore femur without processes, short black setae or spinules ventrally ( Fig. 45) ....................... Microprosopa Becker View in CoL

29. Tip of vein M 1 downcurved, wing membrane emarginate between M 1 and CuA l, margin here with long fringe of hairs ( Fig. 55 View Figs 50–58 ) ..................... Pleurochaetella Vockeroth View in CoL

— Vein M 1 not abruptly downcurved ( Figs 51, 54 View Figs 50–58 ) ........ 30

30. Scutellum with a pair of strong apical setae. ................. ............................................ Paracosmetopus Hackman View in CoL

— Scutellum with two pairs strong setae (apical and basal) ... .................................................................................... 31

31.. Fore femur ventrally near midlength with bifurcate tubercle, matching with ventral emargination of fore tibia ( Fig. 44) ......................................... Cosmetopus Becker View in CoL

— Fore femur ventrally with black setae or spinules ( Figs 47–49) ......................................................................... 32

32. Head and thorax covered with whitish or pale yellow setae ........................................... Bostrichopyga Becker View in CoL ,

— Head and thorax covered with black setae ...................... ...................................................... Pogonota Zetterstedt View in CoL

33. Fore femur ventrally with black setae or spinules ..... 34

— Fore femur ventrally without black setae or spinules ..... 36

34. Scutellum with a pair of strong apical setae. Head and thorax covered with whitish or pale yellow setae .......... ............................................ Paracosmetopus Hackman View in CoL

— Scutellum with two pairs of strong setae (apical and basal) ..................................................................................... 35

35. Proepisternum with well developed black seta .............. ............................................. Pleurochaetella Vockeroth View in CoL

— Proepisternum covered with pale hairs only ................... ...................................................... Pogonota Zetterstedt View in CoL

36. Tibia of hind leg without anterodorsal setae .................. ......................................................... Cosmetopus Becker View in CoL

— Tibia of hind leg with 1–2 anterodorsal setae ............ 37

37. Head and thorax covered with whitish or pale yellow setae ............................................. Bostrichopyga Becker View in CoL

— Head and thorax covered with black setae ...................... ..................................................... Microprosopa Becker View in CoL











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