Amemboa hainanica Leng, Jin & Ye, 2024

Leng, Zhaoqi, Zhang, Beichen, Jin, Zezhong & Ye, Zhen, 2024, Taxonomic review of Amemboa Esaki, 1925 from China, with description of a new species (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Gerridae), ZooKeys 1210, pp. 1-28 : 1-28

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1210.125611

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scientific name

Amemboa hainanica Leng, Jin & Ye

sp. nov.

Amemboa hainanica Leng, Jin & Ye sp. nov.

Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 A, B View Figure 2 , 3 A View Figure 3 , 4 A, B, E, F View Figure 4 , 5 View Figure 5 , 6 A View Figure 6 , 7 A View Figure 7 , 8 A View Figure 8 , 9 A View Figure 9 , 10 A View Figure 10 , 11 A View Figure 11 , 12 A, B View Figure 12 , 15 A View Figure 15 , 16 View Figure 16 , 18 View Figure 18

Material examined.

Holotype: ♂ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Bai-sha County, Luo-shuai Village, Xian-nv-xi ; 19 ° 5 ' 58.4 " N, 109 ° 32 ' 46.2 " E; 324 m a. s. l.; 26 Jul. 2017; Zhen Ye & Juan-juan Yuan leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 3 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀ (apterous), same data as holotype ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 3 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Wan-ning City, Xing-long County, Ai-qing-gu ; 18 ° 47 ' 54.3 " N, 110 ° 8 ' 19.8 " E; 148 m a. s. l.; 11 Aug. 2017; Juan-juan Yuan leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Bao-ting County, Qi-xian-ling National Forest Park ; 18 ° 42 ' 12.2 " N, 109 ° 41 ' 44.5 " E; 318 m a. s. l.; 4 Aug. 2017; Zhen Ye leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Le-dong County, Jian-feng-ling, Wu-fen-he , Pool 3; 18 ° 43 ' 58.0 " N, 108 ° 53 ' 9.6 " E; 859 m a. s. l.; 15 Aug. 2017; Juan-juan Yuan leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Qiong-zhong County, Li-mu-shan ; 19 ° 11 ' 11.1 " N, 109 ° 44 ' 21.4 " E; 631 m a. s. l.; 25 Jul. 2017; Zhen Ye leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Bai-sha County, Luo-shuai Village, Xian-nv-xi ; 19 ° 5 ' 58.4 " N, 109 ° 32 ′ 46.2 " E; 324 m a. s. l.; 26 Jul. 2017; Zhen Ye & Juan-juan Yuan leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Wan-ning City, Jian-feng-ling Nature Reserve, Yu-lin-gu ; 18 ° 42 ' 30.9 " N, 108 ° 49 ' 20.2 " E; 1 Aug. 2017; Zhen Ye leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Qiong-zhong County, Beng-ling Village ; 18 ° 46 ' 42.7 " N, 109 ° 50 ' 29.3 " E; 253 m a. s. l.; 9 Aug. 2017; Zhen Ye leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Wan-ning City, Xing-long County, Ai-qing-gu ; 18 ° 47 ' 54.3 " N, 110 ° 8 ' 19.8 " E; 148 m a. s. l.; 11 Aug. 2017; Juan-juan Yuan leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps .

Non-type materials: 1 ♂ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Chang-jiang County, Ba-wang-ling Nature Reserve ; 19 ° 7 ' 16.8 " N, 109 ° 9 ' 38.2 " E; 650 m a. s. l.; 6 Apr. 2008; Bo Cai leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 1 ♂ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Bao-ting County, Xian-an-shi-lin ; 18 ° 36 ' 5.8 " N, 109 ° 25 ' 59.5 " E; 571 m a. s. l.; 7 Aug. 2017; Kun Jiang & Si-ying Fu leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Bai-sha County, Shi-cai Village, Ying-ge-ling Nature Reserve, Nan-kai Branch Station ; 19 ° 4 ' 23.0 " N, 109 ° 22 ' 34.0 " E; 310 m a. s. l.; 20 Jul. 2013; Yan-hui Wang leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 3 ♂♂ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Dan-zhou City, Lu-mu-wan Waterfall ; 19 ° 13 ' 54.6 " N, 109 ° 41 ' 16.5 " E; 202 m a. s. l.; 22 Jul. 2017; Zhen Ye leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 3 ♂♂, 8 ♀♀ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Tun-chang County, Nan-lv-ling ; 19 ° 13 ' 49.0 " N, 110 ° 10 ' 20.8 " E; 172 m a. s. l.; 24 Jul. 2017; Zhen Ye leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 1 ♂ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Wu-zhi-shan City, Shui-man Township, Shi-ling-rui Bridge ; 18 ° 54 ' 10.9 " N, 109 ° 39 ' 23.7 " E; 3 Jul. 2014; Qiang Xie leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps 3 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀ (apterous), China, Hainan Province, Bai-sha County, Ying-ge-ling Nature Reserve, Nan-kai Branch Station ; 19 ° 2 ' 1.7 " N, 109 ° 24 ' 14.5 " E; 20 Jul. 2013; Hao-yang Wu leg. ( NKUM) GoogleMaps .


Color pattern as shown in Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 A, B View Figure 2 , 3 A View Figure 3 , 4 A, B, E, F View Figure 4 , 5 A – F View Figure 5 , 12 A, B View Figure 12 . Males: profemur moderately incrassate (Figs 5 G View Figure 5 , 6 A View Figure 6 ); ventral side of the profemur with two tufts of dark setae on apical 1 / 2 (Figs 5 G View Figure 5 , 6 A View Figure 6 ); protibia slightly curved and with an indistinct tumescence on basal 1 / 3 (Figs 5 G View Figure 5 , 6 A View Figure 6 ); abdominal segment VIII relatively short (Fig. 8 A View Figure 8 ); pygophore posteriorly with a digitate median process, also with a pair of distinct blunt processes on both sides of the median process (Figs 5 H, I View Figure 5 , 8 A View Figure 8 , 9 A View Figure 9 ); median process of pygophore relatively broad in lateral view (Figs 5 J, K View Figure 5 , 10 A View Figure 10 , 11 A View Figure 11 ); lateral arm of proctiger relatively slender in ventral view (Figs 5 H View Figure 5 , 8 A View Figure 8 ), with a distinct subapical process in lateral view, forming a distinct subapical notch on dorsal margin (Figs 5 J View Figure 5 , 10 A View Figure 10 ).

Comparative notes.

Amemboa hainanica sp. nov. is most similar to A. cambodiana D. Polhemus, 2017 . In males of both species, the lateral arm of the proctiger in lateral view exhibits a distinct subapical notch on its dorsal margin, isolating a small, slightly recurved apical process, which gives the lateral arm a hooked appearance (Fig. 10 A View Figure 10 ; also see Polhemus 2017: fig. 22). These are the only two known Amemboa species that share this morphological characteristic. Besides, the ventral side of the profemur bears two tufts of dark setae in the males of both species (Fig. 6 A View Figure 6 ; also see Polhemus 2017: fig. 19). Some color patterns of both species are also similar (Figs 2 A View Figure 2 , 12 A View Figure 12 ; also see Polhemus 2017: figs 14, 15). However, these two species can be distinguished by the following characteristics. The apical hook of lateral arm is more acutely pointed in A. cambodiana (see Polhemus 2017: fig. 22), while it is blunter in A. hainanica sp. nov. (Fig. 10 A View Figure 10 ). The subapical process is weakly developed in A. cambodiana , while it is more distinct in A. hainanica sp. nov. (Fig. 10 A View Figure 10 ; also see Polhemus 2017: fig. 22). The two species can also be separated by the shape of their pygophores, which is campanulate in A. cambodiana (see Polhemus 2017: fig. 21) and lacks the pair of lateral blunt processes seen in A. hainanica sp. nov. (Fig. 9 A View Figure 9 ).

Amemboa hainanica sp. nov. is also similar to A. fumi Esaki, 1925 . In males of both species, the ventral side of the profemur bears two tufts of dark setae on apical 1 / 2, and protibia exhibits an indistinct tumescence on the basal 1 / 3 (Fig. 6 A, G View Figure 6 ); abdominal segment VIII relatively short (Fig. 7 A, F View Figure 7 ); pygophore has a digitate median process posteromedially and a pair of distinct blunt processes to either side of the median process (Fig. 9 A, F View Figure 9 ). However, A. hainanica sp. nov. differs from A. fumi in the following characteristics. In males of A. hainanica sp. nov., the lateral arm of proctiger bears a distinct subapical process in lateral view (Fig. 10 A View Figure 10 ), while in A. fumi , the lateral arm of proctiger lacks a process in lateral view (Fig. 10 F View Figure 10 ). Additionally, although color characteristics are quite variable within Amemboa species, some generalizations can still be made based on the current specimens. In both sexes of A. hainanica sp. nov., the black marks and stripes on head, pronotum and mesonotum are more slender and weaker (Figs 2 A View Figure 2 , 4 A, E View Figure 4 , 5 A, D View Figure 5 , 12 A View Figure 12 ), or nearly absent (Figs 2 B View Figure 2 , 4 B, F View Figure 4 , 12 B View Figure 12 ), while they are broader and more prominent in A. fumi (Figs 2 G View Figure 2 , 12 G View Figure 12 ). Moreover, the metanotum of A. hainanica sp. nov. exhibits brownish-yellow spots (Figs 2 A View Figure 2 , 4 A, E View Figure 4 , 5 A, D View Figure 5 , 12 A View Figure 12 ) or is predominantly brownish-yellow (Figs 2 B View Figure 2 , 4 B, F View Figure 4 , 12 B View Figure 12 ), whereas it is entirely black in A. fumi (Figs 2 G View Figure 2 , 12 G View Figure 12 ).

Description of apterous male.

Measurements. Body length 3.68–3.96 (holotype 3.76), width 1.39–1.49 (holotype 1.39), head width 0.92–0.98, interocular width 0.43–0.44, eye length (in dorsal view) 0.39–0.43; lengths of antennal segments I – IV: 0.86–0.93: 0.78–0.82: 0.83–0.89: 1.32–1.51; pronotum: length 0.53–0.55, width 0.99–1.11; mesonotum: length 1.25–1.30, width 1.39–1.49; metanotum: length 0.44–0.48, width 1.11–1.17; lengths of leg segments (femur: tibia: tarsal segment I: tarsal segment II): fore leg: 1.24–1.30: 1.17–1.21: 0.28–0.29: 0.16–0.18, middle leg: 3.47–3.56: 2.19–2.25: 0.81–0.87: 0.40–0.43, hind leg: 3.05–3.28: 1.22–1.33: 0.48–0.53: 0.35–0.38.

Color. Body dorsally brownish yellow with black stripes (Figs 1 A View Figure 1 , 2 A, B View Figure 2 , 5 A View Figure 5 ). Color pattern as shown in Figs 2 A, B View Figure 2 , 3 A View Figure 3 , 4 A, B View Figure 4 , 5 A – C View Figure 5 . Head dorsally with several tiny, discontinuous, black spots (Figs 2 A, B View Figure 2 , 5 A View Figure 5 ); rostrum mainly yellow, with dorsomedian line and segment IV black (Fig. 4 A, B View Figure 4 ). Pronotum with two pairs of black stripes in dorsal view (Figs 2 A View Figure 2 , 5 A View Figure 5 ), sometimes the pair of lateral stripes nearly absent (Fig. 2 B View Figure 2 ); proacetabulum with a pair of black or brown marks laterally, coxal cleft brown (Figs 3 A View Figure 3 , 5 B View Figure 5 ). Mesonotum with broad, black stripes medially and slender, black stripes laterally (Figs 2 A View Figure 2 , 4 A View Figure 4 , 5 B, C View Figure 5 ), sometimes stripes nearly absent (Figs 2 B View Figure 2 , 4 B View Figure 4 ); mesopleuron with a relatively broad, black stripe medially on each side, covered by silvery setae (Figs 4 A, B View Figure 4 , 5 C View Figure 5 ); mesacetabulum with broad, black mark dorsally, covered by silvery setae (Figs 2 A, B View Figure 2 , 4 A, B View Figure 4 ), basal part of coxal cleft black, other part brownish-black (Figs 3 A View Figure 3 , 4 A View Figure 4 ) or pale brown (Fig. 4 B View Figure 4 ); mesosternum with a pair of elongate, black stripes anterolaterally, a broad, black stripe medially, and a pair of black spots posterolaterally (Figs 3 A View Figure 3 , 5 B View Figure 5 ). Metanotum mainly black, with a pair of dark brown spots (Figs 2 A View Figure 2 , 5 A View Figure 5 ) or mainly brownish-yellow (Fig. 2 B View Figure 2 ); metapleuron dark brown or yellowish-brown (Fig. 4 A, B View Figure 4 ); metacetabulum with broad, black mark dorsally, covered by silvery setae (Figs 2 A, B View Figure 2 , 4 A, B View Figure 4 ); metasternum mainly black (Figs 3 A View Figure 3 , 5 E View Figure 5 ). Abdominal tergites I – V black (Figs 2 A View Figure 2 , 5 A View Figure 5 ) or brownish-yellow (Fig. 2 B View Figure 2 ); mediotergites IV – VIII with brownish-yellow spots medially (Figs 2 A, B View Figure 2 , 5 A View Figure 5 ); abdominal sterna II – VI completely black, sternite VII mainly black with a pair of yellowish-brown stripes on posterior margin (Figs 3 A View Figure 3 , 5 B View Figure 5 ); abdominal segment VIII mainly yellow, dorsal part black (Figs 2 A View Figure 2 , 5 A View Figure 5 ) or with brown spots (Fig. 2 B View Figure 2 ), ventral part with a pair of black spots medially (Figs 3 A View Figure 3 , 5 B View Figure 5 ).

Structure. Head: elongate, deflected anteriorly; antennal segment I slightly curved, stouter than other segments, with apical part slightly incrassate, antennal tubercles protruded, visible in dorsal view (Fig. 1 A View Figure 1 ); compound eyes large, globular; rostrum stout, reaching anterior part of mesosternum (Fig. 2 A, B View Figure 2 ). Thorax: prothorax and metathorax short, mesothorax prolonged; proacetabulum oblique, mesoacetabulum and metacetabulum almost horizontal (Figs 4 A, B View Figure 4 , 5 C View Figure 5 ); profemur moderately incrassate (Figs 5 G View Figure 5 , 6 A View Figure 6 ); ventral side of the profemur with two tufts of dark setae on apical 1 / 2 (Figs 5 G View Figure 5 , 6 A View Figure 6 ); protibia slightly curved, with an indistinct tumescence on basal 1 / 3 (Figs 5 G View Figure 5 , 6 A View Figure 6 ); protarsus stout, with large claws (Figs 5 G View Figure 5 , 6 A View Figure 6 ); meso- and metafemora relatively long, stouter than meso- and metatibia (Fig. 1 A View Figure 1 ); meso- and metatarsi slender (Fig. 1 A View Figure 1 ); claws of middle and hind legs shorter than claw of fore leg (Fig. 1 A View Figure 1 ). Abdomen: mediotergites declined, connexiva raised and convergent (Fig. 2 A, B View Figure 2 ); abdominal segment VII short; abdominal segment VIII cylindriform, protruding from pregenital segments, relatively short and stout (Fig. 7 A View Figure 7 ). Genitalia: pygophore posteriorly with a digitate median process (Figs 5 H, I View Figure 5 , 8 A View Figure 8 , 9 A View Figure 9 ), also with a pair of distinct blunt processes on both sides of median process in ventral view (Figs 5 H, I View Figure 5 , 8 A View Figure 8 , 9 A View Figure 9 ); median process of pygophore relatively broad in lateral view (Figs 5 J, K View Figure 5 , 10 A View Figure 10 , 11 A View Figure 11 ); lateral arms of proctiger relatively slender in ventral view (Figs 5 H View Figure 5 , 8 A View Figure 8 ), with a distinct subapical process in lateral view, forming a distinct subapical notch on the dorsal margin (Figs 5 J View Figure 5 , 10 A View Figure 10 ).

Description of apterous female.

Measurements. Body length 4.19–4.52, width 1.76–1.78, head width 1.00–1.02, interocular width 0.45–0.49, eye length (dorsal view) 0.44–0.48; lengths of antennal segments I – IV: 0.93–0.99: 0.80–0.88: 0.91–1.00: 1.41–1.54; pronotum: length 0.50–0.55, width 1.01–1.24; mesonotum: length 1.52–1.58, width 1.75–1.78; metanotum: length 0.50–0.56, width 1.32–1.40; lengths of leg segments (femur: tibia: tarsal segment I: tarsal segment II): fore leg: 1.29–1.44: 1.33–1.38: 0.33–0.34: 0.20–0.21, middle leg: 3.88–4.10: 2.50–2.75: 1.02–1.06: 0.46–0.48, hind leg: 3.40–3.53: 1.48–1.56: 0.56–0.64: 0.43–0.46.

Color. Color pattern as shown in Figs 1 B View Figure 1 , 5 D – F View Figure 5 , 12 A, B View Figure 12 . Similar to apterous male with the following exceptions: mesosternum lacking a pair of black spots posterolaterally (Fig. 5 E View Figure 5 ); metasternum mainly yellow with median part black (Fig. 5 E View Figure 5 ); metasternum yellow, with a median black mark (Fig. 5 E View Figure 5 ); abdominal sternites II – VII mainly yellow with median black marks, the marks on sternites III – VII with brown spots in the center (Fig. 5 E View Figure 5 ).

Structure. Similar to apterous male with some exceptions: body stouter than male; profemur slightly incrassate, without special modifications (Fig. 1 B View Figure 1 ); protibia straight without special modifications (Fig. 1 B View Figure 1 ). Abdominal segment VII relatively long, genital segments completely withdrawn into segment VII (Figs 5 D – F View Figure 5 , 12 A, B View Figure 12 ). Proctiger simple, hind margin rounded.

Macropterous forms.



The specific epithet hainanica refers to the island of Hainan, China, the only area in which this species has so far been collected.


China: Hainan (Fig. 18 View Figure 18 ).


Amemboa hainanica sp. nov. is found in rivers and pools below waterfalls (Fig. 15 A View Figure 15 ), actively moving on the water surface (Fig. 16 A, B View Figure 16 ) and resting at the edges of still water puddles (Fig. 16 C View Figure 16 ).


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