Platygaster koreana, Buhl, 2006

Buhl, P. N., 2006, Taxonomical And Distributional Notes On New And Known Palaearctic Platygastrid Species (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (3), pp. 287-311 : 297-298

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585869


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scientific name

Platygaster koreana

sp. nov.

Platygaster koreana View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 20–23 View Figs 20–23 )

Female – Length: 1.3 mm. Black, A1-A3 and legs brownish yellow, coxae and last segment of tarsi slightly darker, A4–A10 brown. Head from above ( Fig. 20 View Figs 20–23 ) 2.0 times as wide as long, fully 1.2 times as wide as mesosoma; occiput and vertex finely and densely transversely reticulate-striate; frons finely fan-like reticulate-striate. OOL and LOL about equal. Head in frontal view one and a third times as wide as high; antenna ( Fig. 21 View Figs 20–23 ) with A1 0.8 times as long as height of head; preapical antennal segments at most as long as wide. Mesosoma 1.4 times as long as wide, hardly higher than wide. Sides of pronotum finely longitudinally reticulate-coriaceous except along rather narrow upper and hind margins. Mesoscutum sparsely hairy, finely and almost uniformly reticulate-coriaceous all over, slightly smoother in front of scutellum; notauli hardly indicated posteriorly; hind margin medially slightly and bluntly prolonged, with about five long hairs at each side. Mesopleuron smooth. Scutellum ( Fig. 22 View Figs 20–23 ) almost smooth, bare medially, moderately hairy laterally. Metapleuron with pilosity all over. Propodeal carinae short, parallel, much transverse area between them smooth and shiny. Fore wing hardly reaching tip of metasoma, almost clear, 2.4 times as long as wide, with rather long and moderately dense microtrichia and short marginal cilia. Hind wing 5.1 times as long as wide, with two hamuli; marginal cilia 0.25 width of wing. Metasoma ( Fig. 23 View Figs 20–23 ) 1.2 times as long as head and mesosoma combined, slightly narrower than mesosoma. T1 evenly crenulated. T2 striated in basal foveae to two-thirds of length, medially only to 0.25. T3–T6 smooth, T3 with a few moderately deeply implanted hairs laterally at about midlength, such hairs form a medially interrupted transverse row on T4–T5 at about midlength of tergites; T6 with a few superficially implanted hairs laterally. Sternite 2 without hump.

Material examined: Holotype female: North Korea, South Pyongan, Mts. Guk-san-bong, 40 km NE of Nam-po, 5.IX.1971. S. HORVATOVICH & J. PAPP leg. Preserved in HNHM.

Close to P. rutilipes BUHL, 1997 , but this species has head less narrowed behind eyes (genae longer than eyes), preapical antennal segments longer than wide, mesoscutum smoother, T2 shorter striated, and T3–T6 longer than in P. koreana , cf. also BUHL (1997).


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)

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