Piazorhinus caeloinsularis HesPenheIde, 2021

Hespenheide, Henry A., 2021, A New Piazorhinus Schoenherr, 1836 from Arizona and New Mexico (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Curculioninae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 75 (2), pp. 497-500 : 497-498

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1649/0010-065X-75.2.497

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scientific name

Piazorhinus caeloinsularis HesPenheIde

sp. nov.

Piazorhinus caeloinsularis HesPenheIde , new species zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:A32204D2-C1A5-477C-9EE9-6570D97405E1 (Figs. 1, 3)

DescrIPtIon. HolotyPe Male: BodY size 2.75 mm long, 1.40 mm wide. ModeratelY robust, oval, abruptlY narrower anterior to elYtra; black, except tarsi and antennae pale reddish brown, scape and club darker; more or less uniformlY, sparselY covered with long, pale tan hair-like scales throughout except for elYtra; scales white and conspicuous on head around eyes and on rostrum above antennal insertions, pronotum with tan scales arranged transverselY; scutellar shield with conspicuous dense, white scales; elYtra with pale tan scales on intervals along basal margin and with whiter scales in irregular fascia anterior to middle to lateral margin and connected to basal margin with scales on intervals 2–3, and in broad indistinct fascia anterior to apex and on intervals 1–3 to apex; scales beneath and on legs shorter and less conspicuous.

Head 0.45 mm wide; rostrum 0.35 mm long, verY stout, rugose, below antennal insertions glabrous and widening slightlY in frontal view; antennae inserted at basal 1/3, scape short, equal in length to basal two segments of funicle.

Pronotum 0.50 mm long, 0.70 mm wide at base, punctate with weak carina at middle along midline for about half pronotal length, lateral margins weaklY rounded from base to narrow apical collar, in lateral view slightlY convex. Scutellar shield obovate.

ElYtra 2× wider than pronotum, humeri not prominent, convex in lateral view, more stronglY declivous on apical half; intervals subequal to striae.

Abdominal ventrites 1 and 5 broader, ventrites 2–4 narrow. Femora each with minute tooth just beYond middle. Genitalia as illustrated in Fig. 3.

AllotyPe Female. As male, but rostrum longer, flatter in frontal view, broadening toward apex, mediallY with less rugose, shining area on apical half.

SPecImens ExamIned. HolotYpe: Arizona : Cochise Co., Chiricahua Mts. , E. TurkeY Creek, 6.5 mi W Portal, 6400′, 31°55–54′ N 109°15′ W, 18.06.1992, H. A. Hespenheide, Desmodium (USNM) . AllotYpe: same data as holotYpe ( USNM) . ParatYpes: Arizona : same data as holotYpe (4, BMNH, CMNC, TAMU, CHAH) , same data as holotYpe, but 14.07.1981 (2, BMNH, CHAH) , 31.07.2009 (1, CHAH) ; Cochise Co., Cave Ck. [CanYon], Chiricahua Mts. , Herb MartYr Dam, 5800′, 31°52′N 109°14′W, 25.07.1981, H. A. Hespenheide, Amorpha (1, CHAH) GoogleMaps , 27.07.1981, H. A. Hespenheide, Desmodium (3, CHAH, TAMU) ; SunnY Flat , 5100′, 31°53′N 109°10′W, 1.06.2009, H. A. Hespenheide (1, CHAH) GoogleMaps ; 3 mi SW Portal , 26.05.1975, H. A. Hespenheide (1, CHAH) ; SW Res. Sta., 5 mi W Portal, 10– 11.08.1983, E. G. & M. RileY (ASUHIC); Coronado National Forest , Chiricahua Mts., Herb MartYr [Trail], N 31.87167° W 109.24373°, 3.08.2014, M. Ferro, Sweeping trail (133F) M ( LSAM0286824 About LSAM ) GoogleMaps , nr. Walnut Grove , N31° 45.991′ W 109° 19.606′, 3.08.2014, S. Samson, Sweeping (68) M ( LSAM0194169 About LSAM ) GoogleMaps ; [Pima Co.], Catalina Mts. , [ Hitchcock HighwaY] mi 22, 29.05.1958, C. O’Brien ( ASUCOB) ; [Yavapai Co.], Indian Creek Camp, Prescott Nat’l Forest, 17.08.1954, G. H. Nelson, beating Black Locust (3, ASUCOB) . New Mexico : Otero Co., 15.2 mi E. Cloudcroft, James CanYon [Campground], 6800′, 24.07.1982, R. S. Anderson, Sweeping oak-locust (2, CMNC) ; 3 km W. Cloudcroft, 2400m, 23.08.1992, H. & A. Howden, On Quercus gambelli [sic] ( CMNC) , 3 km W. Cloudcroft, Sacramento Mtns. , BaileY CanYon Rd., 2400m, 24.08.1992, H. & A. Howden ( CMNC) . New Mexico : Otero Co., James CanYon Campground , Lincoln National Forest, 20.08.1982, R. Turnbow (6, TAMU) ; [0.3] mi E jct. hwYs. 130 & 24, 21.08.1982, R. Turnbow (2, TAMU) ; 1.2 mi E jct. hwYs. 130 & 24, 19.08.1982, R. Turnbow (2, TAMU) .

AddItIonal SPecImen ExamIned. Arizona: Cochise Co., Chiricahua Mtns., SW Res. Sta., 26.08.1983, C. B. & J. E. Barr ( LSAM0145062 About LSAM ; specimen lacks head and pronotum) .

Etymology. The specific epithet “ caeloinsularis ” refers to its distribution in mountain ranges in the Madrean SkY Islands.

Biology. Adults have been collected on Desmodium sp. , Amorpha sp. and “black locust” ( Robinia pseudoacacia L.; all Fabaceae ) and Quercus gambelii Nutt. ( Fagaceae ). Robinia pseudoacacia is not native to Arizona, but is widelY planted as an ornamental and is invasive. Species of Robinia native to Arizona include Robinia neomexicana A. GraY, which maY have been misidentified as Robinia pseudoacacia . Members of the genus Piazorhinus are known to be leaf-miners ( Anderson 2002; unpublished rearings of several species bY the author and others in Costa Rica and Panama), but there are no records of larval hosts for this or other species in the United States.

Discussion. Piazorhinus caeloinsularis is very similar to P. scutellaris but differs in being allopat- ricallY distributed, smaller in size, having a shorter rostrum black to the tip, narrower in females, the pronotum onlY weaklY convex and with a weaker medial carina, possessing scales on the head and base of the rostrum and a somewhat different pattern of scales on the elytra, and different male genitalia (compare Figs. 2 and 3). In addition, the eYes are proportionatelY somewhat more widelY spaced, the scape of the antenna is shorter than in P. scutellaris , and the antennal club is narrower and distinctlY darker than the funicle in coloration.All three other species in the United States ( Piazorhinus pictus LeConte, 1876 ; Piazorhinus thoracicus (Casey, 1910) ; and Piazorhinus tuberculatus Blatchley, 1916 ) are predominantlY brown in coloration and restricted to the eastern United States and Canada or Florida.

Champion (1903) cited specimens from Guerrero, Mexico as P. scutellaris which maY be conspecific with P. caeloinsularis , but the material has not been available for comparison. Specimens from farther south in Central America are less likelY to be conspecific with this or the next species and maY represent one or more additional species. Specimens of P. caeloinsularis varY in length from 1.65 mm to 2.35 mm (mean = 2.01 mm, N = 31; males, 1.65– 2.05 mm, mean = 1.84 mm, N = 9; females, 1.70– 2.35 mm, mean = 2.08 mm, N = 22).


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History













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