Favolaschia xtbgensis Karunarathna & Nimalrathna, 2022

Nimalrathna, Thilina S., Tibpromma, Saowaluck, Nakamura, Akihiro, Galappaththi, Mahesh C. A., Xu, Jianchu, Mortimer, Peter E. & Karunarathna, Samantha C., 2022, The case of the missing mushroom: a novel bioluminescent species discovered within Favolaschia in southwestern China, Phytotaxa 539 (3), pp. 244-256 : 248

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.539.3.3



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scientific name

Favolaschia xtbgensis Karunarathna & Nimalrathna

sp. nov.

Favolaschia xtbgensis Karunarathna & Nimalrathna View in CoL sp. nov. Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 3 View FIGURE 3

Index Fungorum number: IF559348

Etymology: The species epithet “xtbgensis” refers to the place “Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden” where the type species was collected.

Holotype:— HKAS 121667

Diagnosis:— This new species can be distinguished from other taxa in the genus Favolaschia by white to grayish lilac, translucent, smooth and spongy pileus; 1 × 2 mm size 180–200 pores in hymenophore; 8.2–10.4 × 6.1–8.2 μm size basidiospores; 30–44 × 10–13 μm size basidia and the absence of cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia.

Pileus 5–12 mm diam., plano-convex, surface white to grayish lilac, translucent, smooth, spongy, margin not entire. Hymenophore poroid, outermost pores close to the margin are smaller than the center, mostly hexagonal, pores 1 × 2 mm in size, 180–200 in number/hymenophore. Stipe concolorous with pileus, short, 2–4 mm long, 1–2 mm in diameter, lateral, eccentric, cylindric, surface smooth. Context white and thin. Spore print white.

Luminescence. Emitting soft green light in the fruit bodies, spore print and the mycelium of the fruit bodies ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ).

Basidiospores 8.2–10.4 × 6.1–8.2 μm (Q =1.27, total number of spores examined = 50), subglobose, white, spore surface rough, large oil drop inside. Basidia ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ) 30–44 × 10–13 μm, clavate, 4 spored, sterigmata 6–7 × 1–2μm. Hymenophore edge fertile, cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia absent. Gloeocystidia and Acanthocystida absent. Pileal trama ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ) composed of thin-walled, gelatinized, filamentous hyphae, 7–10 μm in diameter, branched. Clampconnections present.

Ecology and distribution:— Caespitose, growing up to 20–30 fruit bodies, Southwest China (Yunnan Province, Menglun City), June to September.

Material examined:— CHINA. Yunnan Province, Menglun City, 26°54’50.58”N 99°46’50.76”E, elev. 550 m, on dead bamboo, 21 July 2021, Thilina Nimalrathna ( HKAS 121667, holotype).

Additional specimen examined: — CHINA. Yunnan Province, Menglun City, 26°54’50.58”N 99°46’50.76”E, elev. 550 m, on dead bamboo, 22 July 2021, Thilina Nimalrathna ( HKAS 121975, paratype).

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