Maretiidae Lambert, 1905

Holmes, Francis C., 2014, A late Miocene record of the echinoid Maretia (Echinoidea, Spatangoida) from Victoria, Australia., Memoirs of Museum Victoria 72, pp. 63-72 : 64

publication ID 10.24199/j.mmv.2014.72.05


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scientific name

Maretiidae Lambert, 1905


Family Maretiidae Lambert, 1905 View in CoL

Remarks. According to Smith and Kroh (2011) the family includes fourteen genera, three of them assigned with question: Araeolampas ?, Eupatagus , Granobrissoides , Gymnopatagus , Hemimaretia , Homolampas , Maretia , Mariania ?, Mazettia , Murraypneustes , Nacospatangus , Pycnolampas , Spatagobrissus and Tripatagus ?

Excluding the reference to Eupatagus , which is now referred to the family Eupatagidae Lambert, 1905 ( Kroh, 2014a), Maretia differs from other genera in the family by a combination of four primary features: lack of a peripetalous fasciole, sternal plates with small tubercules only in the posterior half, four gonopores, and the absence of a prominent sulcus.

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