Lepidometopus, Vď’Ačný & Foissner, 2017

Vď’Ačný, Peter & Foissner, Wilhelm, 2017, A Huge Diversity of Metopids (Ciliophora, Armophorea) in Soil from the Murray River Floodplain, Australia. II. Morphology and Morphogenesis of Lepidometopus platycephalus nov. gen., nov. spec., Acta Protozoologica 56 (1), pp. 39-57 : 40

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4467/16890027AP.17.004.6968



persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name


gen. nov.

Lepidometopus nov. gen. Vďačný and Foissner

Diagnosis: More or less reniform Metopidae with epicortical scales. Five perizonal kineties. Type 4 oral area.

Type species: Lepidometopus platycephalus nov. spec.

Etymology: A composite of the stem of the Latin adjective lepid · us, - a, - um [m, f, n] (charming), the thematic vowel· o -, and the genus-group name Metopus . Masculine gender.

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