Digonocryptus inflatus ( Brullé, 1846 )

Aguiar, Alexandre Pires & Ramos, Adriana C. B., 2011, 2846, Zootaxa 2846, pp. 1-98 : 46-47

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Felipe (2021-08-23 11:50:27, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 12:37:19)

scientific name

Digonocryptus inflatus ( Brullé, 1846 )


Digonocryptus inflatus ( Brullé, 1846) View in CoL

Figs 65, 66, 126, 137, 140, 196, 236

Mesostenus inflatus Brullé, 1846:239 . ♀ Description.

Mesostenus rufithorax Taschenberg, 1876:92 . ♀ Description. Syn. nov.

Digonocryptus inflatus: Townes and Townes, 1966:126 View in CoL . Generic transfer.

Digonocryptus rufithorax: Townes and Townes, 1966:127 View in CoL . Generic transfer.

Digonocryptus inflatus: Yu and Horstmann, 1998:241 View in CoL . Listed.

Digonocryptus rufithorax: Yu and Horstmann, 1998:241 View in CoL . Listed.

Description. Holotype FEMALE. Fore wing 11.4 mm.

Head. Ventral tooth of mandible approximately as long as dorsal tooth. Clypeus apical area delimited by sharp border or carina ( Fig. 126); clypeal margin with two small teeth ( Fig. 126). Antenna missing.

Mesosoma . Mesopleuron apparently glabrous (hairs probably destroyed). Subalar prominence narrow and elongate. Sulcus between sternaulus and scrobe absent. Posterior transverse carina of mesosternum absent. Mesopleuron striate-rugose. Lower metapleuron finely striate-rugulose. Propodeum: area in front of anterior transverse carina polished, smooth, medially with faint indication of two longitudinal ridges extending from carina towards anterior margin. Propodeal apophyses not developed. Posterior transverse carina indicated by weak, scalelike apophyses and medially short, inconspicuous carina. Area between transverse carinae transversely arcuately striate-rugose; area behind posterior transverse carina obliquely striate-rugose. Fore wing in Fig. 196; vein 3-Cu 1.53 length of 4-Cu. Hind wing in Fig. 236; setae partially hidden by dirt. Fore legs missing.

Metasoma. Postpetiole dorso-anteriorly weakly but distinctly concave, forming shallow depression; dorsolateral and median dorsal carinae absent; petiolar spiracles in dorsal view not prominent. Ovipositor 1.54 length of hind tibia. Apex of lower valve with 14 teeth.

Color. Reddish brown with yellow and black marks. Lateral pattern as in Fig. 65. Head reddish, with orbital band, except between 10 h to 2 h, and 5 h to 7 h, width reduced, linear. Labrum yellow. Mesosoma dorsally reddish brown, except as follows. Collar of pronotum with yellowish hue, but all of mesosoma, and propodeum ( Figs 65, 66) without yellow marks. Subalar prominence dark brown. Fore leg missing. Mid and hind femora dorsally dark brown, remaining of both femora reddish brown. Mid tibia ventrally and on apical 0.1 dark brown, otherwise pale yellow (whitish). Hind coxa on meso-dorsal apex dark brown. Hind tibia on basal 0.15 yellowish, otherwise dark brown. All tarsi missing. Metasoma dorsally reddish brown, except as follows. Postpetiole apically with two distinct yellow spots, one on each side, dark brown in between. T2–8 apical margin dark brown; also lateral and basal margins of T2. T2–3 apical margin with narrow transverse yellow stripe, medially widely interrupted, tapering toward center. T4–T8 apically with yellow restricted to lateral portion.

Characters not visible on holotype. Specimen from Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara, July 1966: Antenna with 27 flagellomeres; white band starting at flagellomere V, with 5 articles. Mesopleuron pubescent, about 90% of surface visible. Fore tibia conspicuously inflated and wider than respective femur; basal compression distinct. Fore femur dorso-laterally, except basal end, dark brown, otherwise yellowish brown. Fore tibia laterally pale yellow, mesally brown, ventro-laterally dark brown. Fore tarsus from basally brown to apically dark brown. Mid t1 between basal 0.4 and apical 0.1 whitish; t1 centrally and entire t2–5 dark brown. Hind tarsus yellow or pale yellow, except t1 on basal 0.25, apex of t4, and entire t5, dark brown.

Morphological variation. Fore wing 8.1–17.00 mm. Ovipositor 1.37–1.78 length of hind tibia. Coded and analyzed in the item “The D. inflatus complex.” The following variations also seem relevant: tegula apico-medially with tiny yellow spot, which is more evident in forms with tegula dark brown; posterior transverse carina sometimes distinct, complete. The holotype of Mesostenus inflatus was the only examined specimen with the metasoma mostly reddish; all other specimens have tergites mostly or entirely dark brown or black between the yellow marks. It was also the only specimen with reddish hind femur; for all other specimens, including the holotype of M. rufithorax , the hind femur is dark brown. Specimens from localities other than Rio de Janeiro are less intensely red, sometimes orange brown. Collar of pronotum sometimes with yellow spot or stripe laterally. Subalar prominence often yellow. Dark brown spot on hind coxa sometimes absent. On most specimens, T2–3 yellow stripes meeting or almost meeting medially. Holotype of M. rufithorax : Antenna with 26 flagellomeres; white band starting at flagellomere V, with 6 articles. The extension of black on the hind femur is highly variable for all species of the inflatus group and seems to be of no taxonomic relevance.

MALE. Structurally similar to female, except for: Mesopleuron with scarce short hairs, 90% of the cuticular surface visible. Posterior transverse carina complete. Face color varying from reddish hues to entirely yellow. Orbital band interrupted only at malar space (specimen from Rio de Janeiro). Scutellum sometimes (50%) with an approximately C-shaped yellow mark. Subalar prominence yellow. Hind coxa on meso-dorsal apex with a whitish spot. Fore and mid tibia pale yellow to whitish. Fore tarsus basally light orange to apically light brown. Mid tarsus light brown. Hind tarsus white, except t1 basal 0.4 and t5 apical 0.5 dark brown. Postpetiole apically with distinct yellow stripe. T3 with wide pale yellow stripe on apical margin. T7 with two large pale yellow spots, on each side. Otherwise, all others tergites without yellow.

Comments. The metasomal color pattern is highly variable, varying from entirely black to dark brown, brown with black, or mostly reddish, as in the holotype of Mesostenus inflatus . The stripes of yellow on the apical margin of the tergites can be complete, briefly interrupted medially or widely interrupted medially, thus restricted to the lateral part.

Material examined. 12 females, 4 males. HOLOTYPES: ♀ [ Db 14] “[des Minel?]” [round]; “ Mesostenus inflatus Br. ”; “Type” [red] ( MNHN) . Most of antenna and legs, and right fore wing, missing, wings partially destroyed, partially covered with dirt . ♀ [Db 01] “Rio d. Jan.”; “Typus” [red]; “MLU Hale, WB Zoologie, S.-No.3/ 1/14, T.-Nr.” ( MLUH) . Antenna apex and most hind tarsomeres missing, right fore wing partially destroyed; otherwise in fair condition. Other specimens: ♀ [ Db 09] “Represa do Rio Grande// Guanabara, Brazil // VII 1966 Alvarenga” [Right wings slide mounted] [ Digonocryptus sp. 28 of V. Gupta] ( AEIC) . ♂ “ReprêsaRioGrande// Guanabara, Brazil // December , 1969// M. Alvarenga ” [ Digonocryptus sp. 28 of V. Gupta] ( AEIC) . ♂ “ReprêsaRioGrande// VII. ‘72 Guan. Brazil // M. Alvarenga ” [ Digonocryptus sp. 28 of V. Gupta] ( AEIC) . ♀ [ Db 02] “DPTº ZOOL// UF-PARANÁ”; “CONC. DA BARRA-ES// BRASIL- 25/9/1969 // C.T. & C.Elias ” ( DZUP) . ♀ [ Db 03], same, 11/10/1969; “ Digonocryptus // V.Graf det. 19// C.I.I.F.” ( DZUP) . ♂ “SilvaJardim, R. deJ.// VIII. 1974 Brazil / / F. M. Oliveira ”; “ Digonocryptus // sp.28// V.Gupta, 1983” ( AEIC) . ♀ [ Db 04] “ BRASIL:RJ: Rio de Janeiro // Parque Estadual do Desengano// 21°50’S 41º40’W Bosque, pt.3// 20–23.IV.2002 // Malaise// AMPenteado-Dias et al. leg.// BIOTA-FAPESP” ( DCBU) GoogleMaps . ♀ [ Db 20] “ BRASIL: ES, Cariacica// Res. Biol. Duas Bocas// 20°16’21”S 40º28’40”W // 29.IV-03.V.2005 Malaise// APAguiar et al. leg. Pt. 01” ( UFES) GoogleMaps . ♀ [ Db 21] “ BRASIL: ES, Cariacica// Res. Biol. Duas Bocas// 20°16’21”S 40º28’40”W // 30.IV-01.V.2005 YPT// APAguiar et al. leg. Pt. 07” ( UFES) GoogleMaps . ♀ [ Db 22] “ BRASIL: ES, Cariacica// Res. Biol. Duas Bocas// 20º16’21”S 40º28’40”W // 29.IV-03.V.2005 Malaise// APAguiar et al. leg. Pt. 06” ( UFES) GoogleMaps . ♀ [ Db 23] “BRA: ES, Domingos Martins// Mata Pico do Eldorado// 20º22’17”S 49º39’29”W // 03-10.XII.2004 Malaise T7// MTavares et al. leg.” ( UFES) GoogleMaps . ♀ [ Db 24] “BRA: ES, Cariacica// Res. Biol. Duas Bocas// Pau Amarelo// 27–29.X.2005 YPT// APAguiar et al. leg. Pt. 15” ( UFES) . ♀ [ Db 25] “ BRASIL: ES, Cariacica// Res. Biol. Duas Bocas// Pau Amarelo// 28.X-04.XI.2005 Malaise// APAguiar et al. leg. Pt. 08” ( UFES) . ♂ “ Canal das// Tachas, GB// 22.VII.1961 // N. Santos ” ( QBUM) .

Distribution. Brazil (Atlantic Forest of MG, ES NR, RJ).

Brulle, M. A. (1846) Tome Quatrieme. Des Hymenopteres. Les Ichneumonides. In: Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau A. Histoire Naturelles des Insectes , Paris, 680 pp., 56 - 324.

Taschenberg, E. L. (1876) Einige neue tropische, namentlich sudamerikanische Cryptiden. Zeitschrift fur die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften, 48, 61 - 104.

Townes, H. & Townes, M. (1966) A catalogue and reclassification of the Neotropic Ichneumonidae. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 8, 1 - 367.

Yu, D. S. & Horstmann, K. (1998) A catalogue of world Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 58, 1 - 1558.


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