Haritalodes basipunctalis ( Bremer, 1864 )

Shin, Bora, Choi, Sei-Woong & Kim, Sung-Soo, 2022, Fourteen new records of Crambidae (Lepidoptera) from South Korea, Zootaxa 5159 (4), pp. 513-534 : 523-524

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5159.4.3

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scientific name

Haritalodes basipunctalis ( Bremer, 1864 )


Haritalodes basipunctalis ( Bremer, 1864) View in CoL

( Figs. 1H View FIGURE 1 , 2I, 2J View FIGURE 2 , 5A View FIGURE 5 )

Botys basipunctalis Bremer, 1864: 68–69 View in CoL , pl. 6, fig. 8. TL: Russia, Siberia, Bureja Mountains, Ussuri delta to above Ema.

Haritalodes basipunctalis: Nuss et al., 2003 View in CoL –2021.

Material examined. 1 male, Songjiho , GW: Gangneung, 2013.09.11. (Kim SS) ; 1 male, Mt. Nambyungsan , GW: Pyungchang, 2016.07.13. (Kim SS) ; 1 male, Mt. Baekun , GW: Wonju, 2005.08.01. (Choi SW) .

Diagnosis. Haritalodes basipunctalis can be diagnosed by the whitish fore- and hindwings with blackish medial lines and horizontal lines on the veins of subtermen. H. basipunctalis is externally similar to H. derogata (Fabricius, 1775) in wing pattern elements, but can be distinguished by the thick and smoothly lined subterminal line and straight subtermen of the hindwing. The male genitalia of H. basipunctalis are similar to those of H. derogata but can be distinguished by the relatively long basal process of the sacculus of valva.

Description. Wingspan 33–35mm. Antennae filiform; frons broad, white; maxillary palpi minute, tip whitish; labial palpi moderate in length, about twice to eye diameter, white, 2 nd segment tinged with dark ochreous scales. Body white. Forewing light white in ground color; basal part with about three black dots and light blackish lunulate short line; antemedial line blackish, slanted; postmedial line blackish, costally weakly dentate, medially undulating and strongly curved inward, dorsally meets antemedial line; central fascia costally broad, tapered from middle to dorsum, three blackish large irregulars shaped dots; subtermen with horizontal blackish lines on veins, relatively thick dark blackish band; termen lined with black; fringe mixed with white and black hairs. Hindwing whitish in ground color; anteriorly with black dot and line; postmedial line thick, blackish, medially projected outward, weakly undulating; subtermen with blackish horizontal lines on veins and thick line that dorsally bent; termen line with black. Male genitalia. Uncus long, triangular, basally thicker, tapered distally, apex obtuse with bilobed tip; gnathos simple, not strongly projected; vinculum medially strongly convex; juxta narrow; saccus medially projected. Valva long, basally with a pair of sacs of coremata, distally expanded; costa sclerotized, basally broader, tapered distally; fibula slender digitiform process with hairs; sacculus weakly sclerotized. Aedeagus long, slender, apically with minute spicules; cornutus thin rod-shaped process. Female genitalia. Papillae anales small; posterior apophyses basally thick, short almost 1.3 of 8 th segment; anterior apophyses basally thicker, gradually tapered distally, longer than 8 th segment; ostium bursae large, funnel-shaped; ductus bursae long, striated, posterior 2/3 curved, anterior to ostium bursae with ductus seminalis; corpus bursae large ovate, signa two rounded patches of minute spicules located in the opposite position.

Distribution. South Korea and Japan.

DNA barcoding. One specimen from South Korea ( OK501202 View Materials ) was sequenced, and the genetic differences between H. basipunctalis and its relatives, H. derogata were 8.4%.

Remarks. The genus Haritalodes comprises 11 species worldwide ( Nuss et al., 2003 –3021) and the species of the genus feed on Malvaceae , Amaranthaceae , and Moraceae (Mally et al., 1999) . Furthermore, H. derogata feeds on Hibiscus syriacus , H. mutabilis , H. hamabo , Abelmoschus esculentus , Corchoropsis crenata , and Gossypium (Malvaceae) , and Tiliaceae in Japan. In South Korea, two species of Haritalodes are known.


















Haritalodes basipunctalis ( Bremer, 1864 )

Shin, Bora, Choi, Sei-Woong & Kim, Sung-Soo 2022

Botys basipunctalis

Bremer, O. 1864: 69

Haritalodes basipunctalis:

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