Peloribates sp.

Revelo-Tobar, Harol, Ojeda, Margarita, García-Ayala, Leonardo J. & Palacios-Vargas, José G., 2024, Checklist Of Oribatid Mites (Acari: Oribatida) From Mexico, Zootaxa 5465 (1), pp. 1-178 : 137

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5465.1.1

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scientific name

Peloribates sp.


Peloribates sp.

Records in Mexico: Quintana Roo, State of Mexico, Puebla, Jalisco, Coahuila, Veracruz, Hidalgo, Queretaro and Morelos.

Biogeographic province: Yucatan Peninsula. Transmexican Volcanic Belt. Balsas Basin. Pacific Lowlands. Sierra Madre Oriental. Veracruzan. Chihuahuan Desert.

Habitat: Orchids, cacti, bromelids, Tillandsia sp. , Aloe sp. , Arctium lappa , and Lilium sp. Soil, litter and moss. Leaf litter (of various species) and soil of the Tehuacan Valley. Leaf litter ( Pinus cembroides ). Canopy of low deciduous forest. Canopy. Shrubland, Mezquital ( Prosopis glandulosa ); wet grassland, Tular ( Sporobolus / Distichlis ); desert shrub, Larrea ( Larrea tridentata / Fouquieria ); desert shrub, Sotol ( Dasylirion wheeleri ) and Peladero ( Sporobolus ) surrounded by areas of gypsum desert dunes with no vegetation cover. Detritus of Atta mexicana . Soil and litter in a deciduous forest. Soil and litter outside a cave.

References: Hammer (1969): 74; Palacios-Vargas (1985): 47–110; Palacios-Vargas (1988): 151–152; Estrada-Venegas & Sánchez (1986): 34–144; Agustín (2000): 44–47; Hoffmann & López-Campos (2000): 159; Hoffmann & López-Campos (2002): 275; Guzmán-Sánchez & Iglesias (2009): 17–19; Villagomez et al. (2017): 33; García (2017): 106–140; Ojeda & Gasca-Pineda (2019): 35; Figueroa (2021): 49–50.

Remarks: Hammer (1969) does not provide the exact location of the collection site for his species reports.

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