Trigonopterus cricki Riedel

Riedel, Alexander & Narakusumo, Raden Pramesa, 2019, One hundred and three new species of Trigonopterus weevils from Sulawesi, ZooKeys 828, pp. 1-153 : 1

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scientific name

Trigonopterus cricki Riedel

sp. n.

21. Trigonopterus cricki Riedel sp. n.

Diagnostic description.

Holotype, male (Fig. 21a). Length 2.38 mm. Color of antennae, tibiae and tarsi ferruginous; remainder black. Body subovate; in dorsal aspect and in profile with weak constriction between pronotum and elytron. Rostrum dorsally with median and pair of submedian ridges; intervening furrows with sparse rows of piliform scales; epistome short, posteriorly with five denticles. Pronotum with disk densely punctate with small punctures; each puncture containing fine, recumbent seta; interspaces between punctures subglabrous. Elytra with striae marked by rows of small punctures; basal margin costate; sutural interval subbasally swollen, coarsely punctate; other intervals subglabrous; humerus with irregular, coarse punctures. Femora edentate; anteroventral ridge distinct, weakly crenate; anterior surface densely coarsely punctate, each puncture with recumbent piliform scale. Metafemur subapically with stridulatory patch. Abdominal ventrites 1-2 concave, microreticulate, subglabrous; ventrite 5 at middle with subtrapezoid impression, microreticulate, punctate. Penis (Fig. 21b) with subangulate extension, medially weakly rounded, without setae; apodemes 3.0 × as long as body of penis; transfer apparatus flagelliform, 2.5 × longer than body of penis; ductus ejaculatorius with indistinct bulbus. Intraspecific variation. Length 2.38-2.40 mm. Female rostrum more slender; dorsally in apical 1/2 subglabrous, with two submedian rows of punctures, with pair of sublateral furrows. Female abdominal ventrite 5 flat, coarsely punctate.

Material examined.

Holotype (MZB): ARC3036 (EMBL # LN884951), S-Sulawesi Prov., Tanah Toraja, Bittuang, Gn. Ponding, 02°56.446'S 119°38.075'E, 1625 m, beaten, 09-V-2013. Paratypes (SMNK): 2 exx, ARC3039 (GenBank # MK260502), ARC6032 (GenBank # MK260503), same data as holotype.


S-Sulawesi Prov. (Tanah Toraja). Elevation ca. 1625 m.


On foliage in montane forests.


This species is named in honor of Nobel laureate Francis HC Crick for his contribution in the discovery of the structure of DNA. An invariable genitive.


Trigonopterus cricki Riedel, sp. n. was coded as " Trigonopterus sp. 499".