Caldwellia angularis ( Férussac, 1821 )

Hyman, Isabel T. & Ponder, Winston F., 2010, A morphological phylogenetic analysis and generic revision of Australian Helicarionidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora), and an assessment of the relationships of the family 2462, Zootaxa 2462 (1), pp. 1-148 : 84-85

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Caldwellia angularis ( Férussac, 1821 )


Caldwellia angularis ( Férussac, 1821) View in CoL

Figures 22K View FIGURE 22 , 29A View FIGURE 29 , 31D–F View FIGURE 31

Material examined. Mauritius: AM C205299 (one specimen dissected, radula examined), E slopes of Mt. Bambous , W of Grand Sable, E Mauritius, on ‘Liane Cerf’, native forest, 400 m alt., Dec. 2000, O.L. Griffiths , V. Florens .

Description. External morphology: Shell 4.1 whorls, orange-brown; whorl profile rounded above and below angular periphery; otherwise shell shape and sculpture as for genus. Animal cream. Mantle laps and lobes as for genus. Caudal apparatus as for genus; caudal horn large; caudal foss diamond-shaped slit in tail.

Mantle cavity: As for genus. Mantle with visible minor blood vessels.

Digestive system: As for genus.

Genital system ( Figures 22K View FIGURE 22 , 29A View FIGURE 29 ): As for genus. Free oviduct long, internally with partially fused pustules. Bursa copulatrix internally with longitudinal pilasters. Vagina internally with wavy longitudinal pilasters. Penis short; epiphallus enters penis through simple pore; nine longitudinal penis pilasters present; penial diverticulum absent. Penis retractor muscle attached to epiphallus. Epiphallus much longer than penis, simple internally. Epiphallic retractor caecum absent.

Radula ( Figure 31D–F View FIGURE 31 ): As for genus. Radular formula estimated to contain at least 400 teeth per half-row and at least 200 rows.

Remarks. Caldwellia angularis grouped with Helicarion mastersi and Brevisentis atratus in the phylogenetic analysis ( Figures 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 ). However, in the molecular phylogenetic analysis of Hyman et al. (2007) it usually grouped with a different clade of Australian taxa, made up of three species from Lord Howe Island and Nitor circumcincta from southeastern Australia.


Australian Museum


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium

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