Parmacochlea fischeri Smith, 1884

Hyman, Isabel T. & Ponder, Winston F., 2010, A morphological phylogenetic analysis and generic revision of Australian Helicarionidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora), and an assessment of the relationships of the family 2462, Zootaxa 2462 (1), pp. 1-148 : 57-58

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scientific name

Parmacochlea fischeri Smith, 1884


Parmacochlea fischeri Smith, 1884 View in CoL

Figures 6N View FIGURE 6 , 13L View FIGURE 13 , 17G–I View FIGURE 17 , 18D View FIGURE 18 , 19D View FIGURE 19 , 20C View FIGURE 20 , 21D View FIGURE 21

Parmacochlea fischeri Smith, 1884: 273 View in CoL , pl. 13, figs 15, 15a; Tryon, 1885: 167, pl. 37, figs 55–58; Hedley, 1888: 49; Iredale, 1937c: 10; Smith, 1992: 239.

Parmarion (Parmacochlea) fischeri: Cox, 1909: 5 .

Material examined. Queensland: AM C432179 (one shell measured, photographed), Cairns, Freshwater Creek behind Cool Waters Caravan Park (16º54' S, 145º42' E), under logs in rainforest along creek, Jan. 1975, M. Shea; AM C107460 (one specimen dissected, reproductively immature), Atherton Tablelands, Tinaroo Creek Road (17º7' S, 145º33' E), under logs on deep granite soil with blady & kangaroo grass, in mixed Casuarina and Eucalyptus stand, 16 Jul. 1977, C. Coleman; AM C441743 (one specimen dissected, radula examined), Mt. Finlay State Forest, near Ayton, Bloomfield River (15º50' S, 145º20' E), microphyll vine forest, general sample, 25 Oct. 1975, P.H. Colman.

Northern Territory: AM C446199 Darwin, holiday Inn, Esplanade (12º27.767' S, 130º50.083' E), 21 Mar. 2005, H. Fukuda, W.F. Ponder GoogleMaps , V. Kessner .

Description. External morphology: Shell ( Figures 19D View FIGURE 19 , 20C View FIGURE 20 , 21D View FIGURE 21 ) reduced, 1.7–2 whorls, orange-brown; shell shape and sculpture as for genus. Animal ( Figure 6N View FIGURE 6 ) greyish-brown with white sole. Mantle laps and lobes as for genus. Caudal apparatus as for genus; caudal horn extremely small; caudal foss a very large vertical slit in tail.

Mantle cavity and digestive system: As for genus.

Genital system ( Figures 13L View FIGURE 13 , 18D View FIGURE 18 ): As for genus. Penis moderately long; epiphallus enters penis through short verge; penis internally smooth, one longitudinal penis pilaster present. Epiphallus approximately equal to penis length. Spermatophore not present in dissected specimen.

Radula ( Figure 17G–I View FIGURE 17 ): As for genus. Radular formula ( × 120 rows.

Range and habitat. Parmacochlea fischeri is found in northern Queensland from Cardwell to Weipa, Cape York Peninsula. It is possible that this species also extends north into New Guinea, or that other undescribed members of Parmacochlea can be found in this region. Specimens have been recently collected from Darwin (Northern Territory), where they were probably introduced on vegetation.

Parmacochlea fischeri occurs in a variety of habitats including tropical rainforest, complex mesophyll to notophyll vine forest, microphyll vine forest and dry sclerophyll forest. It is usually found inside or under rotting logs, rocks and other debris on the ground, but arboreal specimens have been observed.

Remarks. The second species, Parmacochlea smithi , described from Cooktown, was not available for dissection. It is possible that it is a synonym of P.fischeri . Further anatomical studies are required to confirm this.


Australian Museum


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Parmacochlea fischeri Smith, 1884

Hyman, Isabel T. & Ponder, Winston F. 2010

Parmarion (Parmacochlea) fischeri:

Cox, J. C. 1909: 5

Parmacochlea fischeri

Smith, B. J. 1992: 239
Iredale, T. 1937: 10
Hedley, C. 1888: 49
Tryon, G. W. 1885: 167
Smith, E. A. 1884: 273
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