Paraploderus parcepunctus ( Fauvel, 1905 )

Makranczy, György, 2016, Review Of The Genus Paraploderus Herman, 1970 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (1), pp. 59-116 : 81-84

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Felipe (2021-11-30 13:47:35, last updated 2024-07-02 12:46:00)

scientific name

Paraploderus parcepunctus ( Fauvel, 1905 )


Paraploderus parcepunctus ( Fauvel, 1905) View in CoL

( Figs 38–42 View Figs 38–42 , 80 View Figs 80–82 )

Oxytelus parcepunctus Fauvel, 1905: 121 View in CoL .

Trogophloeus punctus Bernhauer, 1933: 291 View in CoL , syn. n.

Paraploderusparcepunctus HeRmAN, 1970: 401, HeRmAN, 2001: 1463.

Paraploderus punctus GildeNKov, 2004: 341.

Typematerialexamined – ( parcepunctus ) Lectotype (heredesignated): “Lecto-; type [lilacmargineddisc, curatorlabel] \ Kinchassa; Congo 2, 4 [February, April] \ parcepunc- tus; Fvl. \ Coll. etdet. A. Fauvel; Oxytelus ; parcepunctatus[sic!]; Fauv.; R.I.Sc.N.B. 17.479 \ G. Fagelelig., 1956; Oxytelus ; parcepunctatus[sic!]; Fauv.; Lectotype \ G. Fageldet., 1956; Trogophloeopsis; gen. nov. \ Oxytelus ; parcepunctusFvl.; P.M. Hammond; det. 1972; Lec- totype \ Lectotypus; Oxytelus ; parcepunctusFauvel; des. Makranczy, 2013 \ Paraploderus ; parcepunctus (Fauvel) ; det. Makranczy, 2013 ” (ISNB); Paralectotype (1): “Para-; lecto-; type [lightbluemargineddisc, curatorlabel] \ Kinchassa; Congo; 2-4 \ Coll. etdet. A. Fauvel; Oxytelus ; parcepunctatus[sic!]; Fauv.; R.I.Sc.N.B. 17.479 \ Ex-Typis \ Para-; type \ Oxytelus ; parcepunctusFvl.; P.M. Hammond; det. 1972; Paralectotype \ Paralectotypus; Oxytelus ; parcepunctusFauvel; des. Makranczy, 2013 \ Paraploderus ; parcepunctus (Fauvel) ; det. Makranczy, 2013 ” (ISNB). ( punctus ) Lectotype: “Lecto-; type [lilacmargineddisc, cura- torlabel] \ Typus; m \ MuséeduCongo; Léopoldville; 1930; Eg. Devroye \ Trogophloeus ; punctusBernh.; P.M. Hammond; det. 1972; Lectotype \ Paraploderus ; punctus (Bh.) ; det. M. Gildenkov 2003 \ Paraploderus ; punctus (Bernh.) ; comb. n. Gildenkov \ Lectotypus; Trogophloeus ; punctusBernhauer; ver. Makranczy, 2013 \ Paraploderus ; parcepunctus (Fauvel) ; det. Makranczy, 2013 ” (MRAC); Paralectotypes (4): “Para-; lecto-; type [lightblue margineddisc, curatorlabel] \ Tr.; Type; punctusBrnh. \ MuséeduCongo; Léopoldville; 1930; E. Devroey \ R. dét.; C; 2271 \ Trogophloeus ; punctusBernh.; P.M. Hammond; det. 1972; Paralectotype \ Paraploderus ; punctus (Bh.) ; det. M. Gildenkov 2003 \ Paralectoty- pus; Trogophloeus ; punctusBernhauer; ver. Makranczy, 2013 \ Paraploderus ; parcepunc- tus (Fauvel); det. Makranczy, 2013 ” (MRAC); “Para-; lecto-; type [lightbluemargined disc, curatorlabel] \ Tr.; Type; punctusBrnh. \ MuséeduCongo; Léopoldville; 1930; E. Devroey \ R. dét.; C; 2271 \ Trogophloeus ; punctus; Brnh. Typ. \ Trogophloeus ; punc- tusBernh.; P.M. Hammond; det. 1972; Paralectotype \ Paraploderus ; punctus (Bh.) ; det. M. Gildenkov 2003 \ Paralectotypus; Trogophloeus ; punctusBernhauer; ver. Makranczy, 2013 \ Paraploderus ; parcepunctus (Fauvel) ; det. Makranczy, 2013 ” (MRAC); “Muséedu Congo \ Léopoldville; 1930; E. Devroey \ punctus; Brh. Typ. \ punctus; Brnh. Typus; Trogophloeus \ ChicagoNHMus; M. Bernhauer; Collection \ Trogophloeus ; punctusBnh.; P.M. Hammond; det. 1974 m; Paralectotype \ Paraploderus ; parcepunctus (Fvl.) ; P.M. Hammond; det. 1974 \ Paralectotype; testeA. Westrich 2015; GDIImagingProject” (1 m, FMNH); “Musée du Congo \ Léopoldville; 1930; E. Devroey \ punctus; Brnh.; Cotypus \ ChicagoNHMus; M. Bernhauer; Collection \ Trogophloeus ; punctusBnh.; P.M. Hammond; det. 1974 f; Paralectotype \ Paralectotype; testeA. Westrich 2015; GDIImaging Project” (1 f, FMNH).

Other material – GUINEA: Sérédou [08°23’N, 09°18’W], 5.IV.1975, leg. Zott, lux (1, ZMHB) GoogleMaps , same but 7–8.IV.1975 (1, ZMHB) , same but 4. V.1975 (1, ZMHB) ; CÔTE D’IVOIRE: Adiopo-doumé [05°20’N, 04°07’W], 1975, leg. P. Dessart (1, MRAC) GoogleMaps , same but 7–8.IV.1975 (1, ZMHB) , same but 4. V.1975 (1, ZMHB) ; CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Bozo [05°08’N, 18°29’E], 8.XI.1980, leg. N. Degallier, at light (1, ZMHB) GoogleMaps , same but 21. V.1981 (1, ZMHB) ; CONGOREP.: Odzala , 0°31’N, 14°33’E, X.1963, exp. Descarpentries & Villiers (5, coll. Levasseur, MNHP) GoogleMaps ; Bouenza , 04.30°S, 13.96°E, 3. V.1985, leg. Bremer, lux (1, ZMHB) GoogleMaps ; MéyanearKindamba , 03°50’19”S, 14°30’08”E, 03.XI.1963, leg. S. Endrődy- Younga (no. 92), bylamplightatsettlement (3, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; samebut 05.XI.1963, leg. J. Balogh & A. Zicsi (no. 111) (1, HNHM) , samebutleg. S. Endrődy- Younga (no. 112) (1, HNHM) ; MéyanearKin- damba, Louoloriver , 03°50’19”S, 14°29’00”E, 05.XI.1963, leg. S. Endrődy- Younga (no. 110), beatenfromshrubsinmultilayergalleryforest (1, HNHM) GoogleMaps , samebut 12.XI.1963, leg. S. Endrődy- Younga (no. 185), bylamplightingalleryforest, onriverside (1, HNHM) ; Mt. FourariReservationnearGabon, 02°38’00”S, 11°34’04”E, 12.XII.1963, leg. S. Endrődy- Younga (no. 456), collectedbylamplightonhillsidefacingsavannah (271, HNHM, 1, NHMW, 1, JJRC, 1, SDEI, 1, FMNH, 1, MHNG, 1, MZLU, 1, NMPC, 1, SMNS, 1, CNCI, 1, AMNH, 1, ZFMK) GoogleMaps ; Loudima , park of the SAGRO Institution, 04°10’00”S, 13°00’39”E, 06.XII.1963, leg. S. Endrődy- Younga (no. 378), bylamplight, onhillsidefacingsavannah (2, HNHM) GoogleMaps , same butleg. J. Balogh & A. Zicsi (no. 379) (1, HNHM) , samebut 07.XII.1963, leg. S. Endrődy- Younga (no. 403) (1, HNHM) , same but 10.XII.1963 (no. 431) (2, HNHM) ; Brazzaville , park oftheORSTOMInstitution, 04°10’38”S, 15°10’28”E, 19.XI.1963, leg. S. Endrődy- Younga (no. 214), lighttrap (1, HNHM) GoogleMaps , samebut 22.XI.1963, leg. J. Balogh & A. Zicsi (no. 220) (1, HNHM) , samebut 21.XII.1963, leg. S. Endrődy- Younga (no. 491), lighttrap (1, HNHM) , samebut 22.XII.1963 (no. 495) (1, HNHM) ; GABON: Mt. FourariReservation , 02°38’00”S, 11°33’00”E, 14.XII.1963, leg. S. Endrődy- Younga (no. 465), singledandsiftedfrombuffalo dung (2, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; D. R. CONGO: Elisabethville , 1953–55, leg. Ch. Seydel, à la lumière (1, MRAC) ; Eala , XI.1929, leg. H. J. Brédo (1, MRAC) ; Kidada (Kitobola) [05°22’S, 14°31’E], II.1922, leg. H. Schouteden (1, MRAC) GoogleMaps ; terr. Mwenga , Kitutu [03°17’S, 28°05’E], 650 m, IV.1958, leg. N. Leleup, lumière (1, MRAC) GoogleMaps ; Tshuapa , terr. Bikoro, Mabali [00°53’S, 18°17’E], IX-X.1959, leg. N. Leleup, Esobe de M-Bolo, à la lumière (1 f, 1, MRAC, 1 m, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Parc NationalGarambaII/gd/4 [cellulebiologiqueII, 03°58’N, 29°22’E], 3.XII.1951, leg. H. De Saeger (2843) (1, MRAC) GoogleMaps ; ANGOLA: Chianga , 6.III.1972, exp. B.M. Southern Africa (A21), damp leaf litter by stream (1, BMNH) ; lac Lundo , 105 km N Vila Luso, I.1954, leg. A. de BarrosMachado & E. LunadeCarvalho (Ang. 4652.1) (1, MRAC) ; lacCalundo, 105 kmE Vila Luso , [1150 m], XII.1954, leg. A. de Barros Machado & E. Luna de Carvalho (4544.13), lumière (1, MRAC) , same but (4623.2) (1, BMNH); rives du lac Calundo , XII.1954, leg. A. de BarrosMachado (4595.1), lumière (1, MRAC) .

Redescription – Measurements (in mm, n = 10): EW = 0.45 (0.42–0.47); TW = 0.44 (0.41–0.46); PW = 0.45 (0.42–0.48); SW = 0.50 (0.47–0.54); AW = 0.55 (0.50–0.60); HL = 0.30 (0.28–0.31); EL = 0.12 (0.11–0.13); TL = 0.08 (0.07–0.09); PL = 0.33 (0.30–0.35); SL = 0.46 (0.45– 0.48); SC = 0.43 (0.42–0.45); FB = 1.15 (1.09–1.20); BL = 2.04 (1.86–2.38). Habitus as in Fig. 80 View Figs 80–82 . Headreddishdarkbrown, epistomalsutureblackish. Pronotumyellowishmedium tolightbrown, aswellasabdominalbase; restofabdomenmediumbrownwithbasal ridgesoftergitesmarkedindarkbrown, legs, antennaeandmouthpartslightbrown, but mandiblesdarkreddishbrown. Head transversewithroundedtemplesalmostaswideas eyes. Clypeuswithveryscattered, minutepuncturesonly, withathinanteriorrimalsoon sides, onlyfeebletracesofmicrosculptureandunevennesslaterallyonsurface. Epistomal suturebetweentipsofsupraantennalprominencesoronlyalittlebehindimaginaryline connectingthem. Medialportionofoccipitalgroovebendinganteriorly, neckmedially shiny, laterallywithtracesofcoriaceousmicrosculpturewithisodiametriccells. Vertex withveryscattered, indefinite-borderedandvariouslysizedpunctures; punctationnear templesmuchdenserandobscuresapostocularridge. Faintlongitudinalimpressionsrun- ningonbothsidesofvertexfromepistomalsuturetooccipitalgroove, becomingmore markedposteriorly. Headsurfaceotherwiseshiny, withoutmicrosculpture. Pronotum withcomplete, thinmarginalbead. Surfaceshiny, withoutanymicrosculpturebutmore stronglypuncturedthanhead, indefinite-bordered, mostlyratherlargepits (slightlyumbilicate) almosteverywhereonsurfaceexceptalongmidlineandnarrowlyalongposterior margin. Longitudinalmidlineunmarked. Onbothsidesofmidlinemiddle-posterior 3/5 ofdiscmoderatelystronglyimpressed. Elytra withdiscgentlyconvex, twoverythinand shallowlongitudinalimpressionsalongsuturebehindscutellum. Epipleuralridgepresent onalmostentirelength. Thinmarginalbeadwithobscureconnectiontoepipleuralridge continuingalongposteriormargin, notreachingsuturalcorner, slightlycurvinganteriorly beforeit. Alongsutureveryfinemarginalbeadonlyconspicuousbecauseofdarkercolour. Elytralpunctationmostlyrathershallow, obscuredbyunevensurface, moreorlessequally spaced, moderatelydense, missingonathin, slightlyelevatedstripealongsuture. Abdomen shinyandsmoothwithonlytinyinsertionpointsofsetaeandextremelyfaintcoriaceous microsculpturewithisodiametriccells. MalesterniteVIIIasinFig. 40 View Figs 38–42 , aedeagusasinFigs 38–39 View Figs 38–42 , femalesterniteVIIIasinFig. 41 View Figs 38–42 , spermathecaasinFig. 42 View Figs 38–42 .

Distribution – ThespeciesisknowntohavearatherwidedistributionfromGuinea totheCentralAfricanRepublicandtoAngolainthesouth.

Remarks – Thearticlewiththelectotypedesignationof “ Trogophloeus punctus ” (Gildenkov, 2004) includesafigureoftheaedeaguswithoutpara- meres, unwarranted. Theaedeagalstructuresaswellastheexternalcharac- tersofthetypeseriesof‘ punctus ’ aretotallyconsistentwiththeconceptof P. parcepunctus , hencethesynonymybetweenthetwonamesishereproposed.

42 = spermatheca. Scales: 0.1 mm for Fig. 42 View Figs 38–42 , 0.13 mm for Figs 38–39 View Figs 38–42 , 0.2 mm for Figs 40–41 View Figs 38–42 .

FAuvel, A. (1905) Staphylinidesexotiquesnouveaux. 3 e Partie. Revued'Entomologie (Caen) 24: 113 - 147.

HeRmAN, L. H. (1970) Phylogenyandreclassificationofthegeneraoftherove-beetlesubfamilyOxytelinaeoftheWorld (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). BulletinoftheAmerican Museum of Natural History 142 (5): 343 - 454.

HeRmAN, L. H. (2001) CatalogoftheStaphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1785 totheend of the second Millennium. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 265: 1 - 4218. doi: 10.1206 / 0003 - 0090 (2001) 264 <0003: NCITSI> 2.0. CO; 2

MAKRANCZY, GY. (2013) DescriptionofanewAnotylusspeciesfromMadagascarandthe femaleofAnotylusflavipennisfromLaos (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 59 (3): 187 - 195.

Gallery Image

Figs 38–42. Paraploderus parcepunctus (Fauvel, 1905). 38 = aedeagus, lateral view, 39 = aedeagus, frontal view (parameral setation shown on left),40 = sternite VIII, male, 41 = sternite VIII,female,

Gallery Image

Figs 80–82. Habitus of Paraploderus species. 80 = P. parcepunctus (Fauvel, 1905), 81 = P. leleupi sp. n., 82 = P. notabilis (Cameron, 1950).


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale


Princeton University


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Field Museum of Natural History


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Lund University


National Museum Prague


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkund Stuttgart


Canadian National Collection Insects


American Museum of Natural History


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig











