Griseothosea mousta, Solovyev & Saldaitis, 2021

Solovyev, Alexey V. & Saldaitis, Aidas, 2021, Five new species of Limacodidae (Lepidoptera: Zygaenoidea) from South-East Asia, Zootaxa 4999 (2), pp. 101-116 : 107-108

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scientific name

Griseothosea mousta

sp. nov.

Griseothosea mousta View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 13 View FIGURES 1–15 , 29 View FIGURES 27–32 )

Type-material. Holotype: ♂, “ China | Prov. W-Yünnan | Mou Ding county | 1300 m | 25`19’`N, 100`32``E | 16.3.– 10.4.2000, lg. | Brechlin’s loc. coll. | Museum Witt ” ( MWM /ZSM, genital slide 16684) . Paratypes (all MWM / ZSM, Munich ): [ China, Yunnan] : 1♂, Mou Ding county , 25º19’N, 101º32’E, 1300 m, 16.iii–10.iv.2000, leg. local collectors ( MWM /ZSM, genital slide 9885) GoogleMaps ; 3♂, Xishuangbanna Dai autonom. pref., Puwen , 30 km SSW Simao, 22º30’N, 100º02’E, 900 m, 16.iii–10.iv.2000, leg. Brechlin’s loc. coll. ( MWM /ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Mangxi Ba Mts., Simao dist. , 18 km S of Simao city, 16.iii–10.iv.2000, leg. Dr. R. Brechlin ( MWM /ZSM); [ Thailand, Nan] : 1♂, 22 km N of Bo Luang , 30.iii.1998 ( MWM /ZSM, genital slide 14092); [ Thailand, Chiang Mai] : 3♂, 20 km NW of Mae Ai , 1650 m, 21.ix.1999, leg. A. Scabó & Z. Czere. Thailand, Chiang Dao: Hill Resort, 70 km N Chiang Mai , 19°24’N, 98°56’E, 600 m, 23–, leg. Murzin ( MWM /ZSM, genital slide 17785); [ Laos] GoogleMaps : 2♂, 5 km SE Muang Sing, Chiang Tung ( Stupa ), 750 m, 26.iii–05.iv.2010, leg. local collector ( CASV; accession number in BOLD: LB- EOW1999-11; accession number in GenBank: MW472679 View Materials ) ; 1♂, the same as previous ( MWM /ZSM, genital slide 20142) ; 1♂, Luang Prabang , 15 km East from Phou Khoun , 01.v.2011, leg. Kenichiro Nakao ( CASU, genital slide 0187; accession number in BOLD: LIMBC895-11; accession number in GenBank: MW472671 View Materials ) .

Description. Male. Forewing length 11.0–12.0 mm ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 1–15 ). Antennae broadly bipectinate basally and unipectinate in distal portion. Ground color pale bronzy brown. Forewings with dark brown discal spot, and waved, slightly darker, but indistinct longitudinal fasciae in antemedial, postmedial and subterminal position.

Genitalia. Uncus triangular ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 27–32 ). Gnathos robust, narrowed to apex. Valvae triangular, elongated, with a wide base, and well-rounded apex; each valva bears an internal transverse subbasal lobe. Juxta horseshoe-shaped, with a pair of apical, digitiform, densely setose, moustache-like processes, and a pair of apical tufts of spurs. Aedeagus slender, almost straight, with apical dorsal notch.

Female. Unknown.

Diagnosis. Griseothosea mousta sp. nov. is similar to G. fasciata ( Moore, 1888) ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 1–15 ) externally, but the former is slightly paler in ground color, and the male genitalia are diagnostic. The latter has slender gnathos and valva, shield-shaped (not horseshoe-like), juxta without moustache-like processes, aedeagus twice longer than the valva and bearing a pair of apical spurs ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 27–32 ). The male genitalia of the new species are similar to the ones of G. cruda ( Walker, 1862) ( Figs 15 View FIGURES 1–15 , 30 View FIGURES 27–32 ) and G. filamentata Holloway, 1986 ( Fig. 32 View FIGURES 27–32 ) considering the horseshoe-shaped juxta and aedeagus with dorsal apical notch. However, G. mousta sp. nov. differs from the congeners by the following characters: i) the horseshoe-like juxta bears apical digitiform processes densely covered with piliform setae reminding of a pair of moustaches, and a pair of apical tufts of conspicuous spurs; ii) each valva bears an internal transverse subbasal lobe; iii) the aedeagus is slightly shorter than the valva. The moustache-like processes of juxta are also present in G. filamentata ( Fig. 32 View FIGURES 27–32 ), but they are longer, exceeding the basal third of the valva in length and only apically setose; moreover, the subbasal lobes of the valvae are reduced in G. filamentata . The related species G. cruda ( Fig. 30 View FIGURES 27–32 ) lacks the moustache-like processes, and has the apical part of the juxta with smaller spurs; also, the subbasal lobes of the valvae are of different shape.

Phenology and habitat. The specimens were collected from mid-March to mid-April, in early May, late June, and mid-September, at altitudes of 600–1,650 m asl.

Distribution. China (Yunnan), Thailand (Chiang Mai, Nan, Chiang Dao), Laos (Luang Namtha, Luang Prabang).

Etymology. The species name derives from the English word “moustache”, due to the similarity of the juxtal derivates of the species to moustache.

Remarks. The minimum interspecific distances between the new species and other species of Griseothosea is 9.2% ( Table 3).

Comment. The species mentioned in Wu (2011) as G. cruda from China (♂, China, Yunnan, Jingdong , alt. 1170 m, 27.iv.1956) could also represent the new species, but the male genitalia for correct identification were not illustrated .













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