Austrogymnocnemia meteorica (Gerstaecker, 1885), 2020

Machado, Renato Jose Pires & Oswald, John David, 2020, Morphological phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the former antlion subtribe Periclystina (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae: Dendroleontinae), Zootaxa 4796 (1), pp. 1-322 : 127-131

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scientific name

Austrogymnocnemia meteorica (Gerstaecker, 1885)

comb. nov.

Austrogymnocnemia meteorica (Gerstaecker, 1885) , new combination

( Figs. 58–60 View FIGURE 58 View FIGURE 59 View FIGURE 60 ) 84A77668-D83C-4D8C-8B76-B8CDD27E39A5

Myrmeleon meteoricus Gerstaecker, 1885a:25 View in CoL (OD); Gerstaecker 1885b:114 (cit).

Glenoleon meteoricus (Gerstaecker) View in CoL : Banks 1913:224 (ncb) [= G. falsus View in CoL ]; Esben-Petersen 1915:72 (key, ill) [as “ meteoricum ”]; Esben-Petersen 1923:586 (cit); Esben-Petersen 1926:12 (cit); Stange 1976:305 (cat); New 1985b:40 (key, rd, ill); New 1996:82 (cat); Stange 2004:104 (cat); Oswald 2018 (cat); Machado et al. 2019 (tree).

Diagnosis. Forewing narrow, without a long longitudinal brown line; pronotum mostly black with pale marks; tibial spurs long; female posterior gonapophysis without cavisetae; male 9 th sternite emarginate, with sides elongate.

Description. Lengths: forewing: 24–33 mm; hind wing: 21–30 mm.

Head ( Figs. 58 View FIGURE 58 a–b): Labrum pale with a line of elongate setae. Clypeus pale; set with some elongate pale setae. Frons predominantly shiny black, except for ventrolateral corner, pale; set with short black setae. Gena pale. Vertex raised; in anterior view pale, with a median black line (interrupted centrally); in dorsal view mostly pale with a transverse black central line and three posterior marks; covered with short black setae. Ocular setae absent. Antennae clubbed; elongate,> 2x length of pronotum; distance between antennae wider than scape width; scape and pedicel dark brown, flagellum brown with a pale dorsal ring on basal flagellomeres, apical ones generally darker; torular membrane dark brown; flagellomeres almost as long as wide at base, apical ones much wider than long; all segments set with short black setae. Mandibles mostly pale, with tip black. Palpi, maxillary and labial mostly pale, except for dark spots on basal segments, and distal segments entirely brown; apical labial palpomere fusiform, palpimacula opening oval-shaped, located medially.

Thorax ( Fig. 58b View FIGURE 58 ): Pronotum about as long as wide; posterior margin as wide as anterior; subapical furrow present; mostly dark brown except for some pale lines: two small medial longitudinal, two small curved on anterior area, and two sinuous on posterior area; beset with short black setae and few elongate near margins. Mesonotum mostly dark brown, with some pale marks as follows: two small spots on prescutum, two longitudinal lines on scutum, posterior margin of scutellum; covered with short black setae (setae on prescutum longer). Metanotum dark brown, with some irregular pale areas, mainly on scutum medial area; set with few short black setae. Pterothoracic pleura mostly dark brown with irregular pale areas on sclerites margins; covered with short white setae, except for anterior segments with black setae; Miller’s organ present.

Wings ( Fig. 58c View FIGURE 58 ): Rather narrow with tip acute; anterior Banksian line present in both wings, posterior distinguishable only in the forewing; veins mostly dark brown, but some veins intercalated with white spots, beset with short black setae. Male pilula axillaris present. Forewing membrane mostly hyaline with brown marks concentrated on tip, posterior margin, gradate veins, pterostigma, subcostal area, and parts of mediocubital area; CuA fork located near RP origin; three or four presectoral crossveins; costal area large with most veinlets simple, but few forked; posterior area narrower than prefork area. Hind wing membrane mostly hyaline except for a small brown mark beneath pterostigma, and a large brown spot on rhegmal area; MP fork located between RP origin and first fork; subcostal veinlets simple; one presectoral crossvein, with medial spur.

Legs: ( Figs. 58 View FIGURE 58 a–b) All pairs of legs, femur elongate (> 2.5x length of coxa); tibia and femur about same size, but longer than tarsi; tibial spurs surpassing T1 apex; T3 and T4 about same size, T2 slightly longer than T3, T1 slightly longer than T2, T5 twice longer than T1; claws about half of T5 length; coxa, trochanter and femur set with short white setae; femur, tibia and tarsi set with short black setae, and scattered long black setae; T5 ventrally with two rows of thick, long, black setae. Proleg sense hair about half of femur length; tibia with antennal cleaning setae ventroapically; coxa dark brown with some pale areas on anterior surface, trochanter light brown, femur dark brown with pale areas on anterior surface in some specimens, tibia mostly dark brown with three pale rings (some specimens anterior surface pale); tarsi dark brown, except for T1 mostly pale with tip dark. Mesoleg with same colour pattern of proleg. Metaleg with femur, tibia and T1 slightly longer than in other legs; colour pattern similar to anterior legs, except for tibia pale with tip dark brown, and T1 and base of T2 pale.

Abdomen: Segments mostly dark brown with scattered pale marks mainly in central areas; beset with short white setae on basal segments and short black setae on distal segments.

Male Terminalia ( Figs. 59 View FIGURE 59 a–d): Ectoproct posterior margin rounded in lateral view, set with elongate black setae. 9 th sternite with posterior margin emarginate, sides elongate in ventral view; set with long black setae. Gonarcus broad and arched; anterior margin thinner than posterior in lateral view. Mediuncus short with tip rounded. Paramere large with tip sclerotized, curved and medially fused in ventral view.

Female Terminalia ( Figs. 59 View FIGURE 59 e–f): Ectoproct posterior margin rounded, covered with thin elongate setae. Lateral gonapophyses rounded, about same size as ectoproct, set with cavisetae. 7 th sternite distal margin straight in ventral view; covered with long black setae. Pregenital plate shaped like a “goblet”. Posterior gonapophyses broad, elongate, with tip curved; covered with long black setae. 9 th tergite with a short membranous digitiform process. Anterior gonapophyses absent. Ventral membrane gonapophyseal plates present.

Distribution ( Fig. 60 View FIGURE 60 ). Australia: NSW, NT, QLD, SA, VIC, WA. Widespread and common across mainland Australia; most records in southern half.

Adult activity period. Records for November to May.

Biology. Unknown, larva unknown.

Name-bearing type. Myrmeleon meteoricus : Lectotype (by present designation), male, ZIMG, high-resolution images examined. Type locality: Australia, Queensland, Peak Downs (homestead). From original description: “(mas, fem.) -- Patria: Peak Downs Australiae”. From New 1985: “ Holotype: ‘Australia’ (Greifswald, not seen) (diagnosis based on specimens det. by Esben-Petersen and Tillyard, ANIC)”. From Stange (2004): “ Holotype, Australia (EMAU [today ZIMG])”. The holotype statements of New (1985b) and Stange (2004) are incorrect; in the original description Gerstaecker mentions at least two specimens (male and female) and did not fix a holotype. The holotype statements made by subsequent authors do not meet the requirements of Art. 74.5 to fix a lectotype. We designate here the male specimen held at ZIMG (20433) as the lectotype, the female specimen becomes a paralectoptype (also held in ZIMG). Lectotype condition: very good.

Additional material examined (104♂, 146♀). AUSTRALIA: ACT: Black Mountain : ii.1947 (1♀, ANIC) ; Canberra : 2.iii.1960, E.F. Riek (2♂, 1♀, FSCA) ; iii.1929 (1♀, ANIC) ; ii.1931 (1♀, ANIC) ; iii.1946 (1♀, ANIC) ; i.1960 (1♂, 1♀, ANIC) ; ii.1960 (2♂, 2♀, ANIC) ; 7.iii.1960 (1♂, ANIC) ; 10.iii.1961 (1♂, ANIC) ; iii.1957 (3♀, ANIC) ; iii.1963 (1♂, ANIC) ; New South Wales: Bogan River : (1♂, ANIC) ; Callubri Nyngan : iii.1936, J. Arm- strong (1♀, AMSA) ; Dunedoo : 3.ii.1966, C.N. Smithers (1♀, AMSA) ; Cowan Station : iii.1953 (1♀, ANIC) ; Goo- noo State Forest: 5mi S. of Mendooran , 22.iii.1971, D.K. McAlpine (1♂, AMSA) ; 23.iii.1971 (1♂, 1♀, AMSA) ; 25.iii.1971 (1♀, AMSA) ; Enfield : 5.iii.1904 (1♀, AMSA) ; Ingleburn : ii.1915 (2♀, ANIC) ; 30 km S of Lightning Ridge , 27.xii.1988, M.S. & B.J. Moulds (1♀, AMSA) ; 5mi S of Mendooran , 19.ii.1972, mv lamp, G. Daniels (1♀, AMSA) ; Nombinnie Nature Reserve: 18 air km SSE Mount Hope , 160m, 32.99613 oS– 145.94006 oE ± 70m, 3.i.2013, M.V., Oswald, Diehl & Machado, Oswald #626 (1♀, TAMU) ; Sydney : (2♀, ANIC) ; Temora : 2.iii.1974 (1♀, ANIC) ; Tuross : 17–22.i.1936, K.C. McKeown (1♂, AMSA) ; Ulan : xii.1982 (1♀, ANIC) ; Wagga area : ii.1964 (1♀, ANIC) ; Warrubungle National Park: Buckley’s Creek , 31 o 16.083S– 149 o 00.344E, 13.iii–8.iv.2008, S. Winterton (1♂, CSCA) GoogleMaps ; Wheogo: near Dunedoo , xii.1927, A. Musgrave (1♂, 1♀, AMSA) ; Wingabutta Creek: 23mi N. of Mendooran , 27.iii.1971, D.K. McAlpine (1♀, AMSA) ; Northern Territory: 16 km E of Ayer’s Rock , 18.v.1983, at light, G.A. Holloway (1♂, AMSA) ; Center of Australia Marker : iii.1993 (1♂, SAMA) ; Queensland: Amby : W of Roma, 12.ii.1981, M.S. & B.J. Moulds (1♀, AMSA) ; Barcaldine : 10.ii.1981, M.S. & B.J. Moulds (1♂, AMSA) ; Bluff Range : 21.xii.1970 (1♂, ANIC) ; Brisbane : i.1926 (1♀, ANIC) ; 10.iii.1926 (1♂, ZMUC) ; 11.iv.1926 (1♂, ZMUC) ; 13.xi.1926 (1♀, ZMUC) ; 13.ii.1927 (1♂, AMSA) ; Carnarvon Range : 12.xii.1938, N. Geary (1♀, AMSA) ; 17.xii.1938 (1♀, AMSA) ; iii.1944 (1♀, AMSA) ; Chinchilla : 9.i.1986, light, Grace Lithgow (1♂, QMBA) ; 27.ii.1986 (1♀, QMBA) ; 8 km S of Clermont , 18.iii.1982, M.S. & B.J. Moulds (5♀, AMSA) ; iii.1920 (1♂, ANIC) ; 55 km NNE of Injune , 23.x.1986, M.S. & B.J. Moulds (1♀, AMSA) ; Lake Broadwater: near Dalby , 27 o 21’S– 151 o 06’E, 2.v.1987, G & A Daniels (1♀, QMBA) GoogleMaps ; Millmerram : iv.1957 (1♂, ANIC) ; Rock Poll : ridge, Carnarvon Gorge NP, 25 o 3’51.7’’S– 148 o 14’38.3’’E, 405m, 27.iv.2006, MV lamp, D.R. Britton & J.R. Weiner (1♂, AMSA) GoogleMaps ; Stan- thorpe: ii.1923 (1♂, QMBA) ; South Australia: Adelaide : (1♂, SAMA) ; Anna Creek Station : iv.2004 (1♀, SAMA) ; Billiatt Conservation Park: S Alawoona , iii.2000 (2♀, SAMA) ; Blackwood : ii.1965 (1♀, SAMA) ; iii.1965 (1♀, SAMA) ; ii.1966 (1♀, SAMA) ; iv.1966 (1♂, SAMA) ; iii.1967 (1♀, SAMA) ; ii.1969 (2♀, SAMA) ; i.1960 (1♀, SAMA) ; Ceduna : iii.1963 (1♀, ANIC) ; Danggali Conservation Park : iii.2001 (7♂, 7♀, SAMA) ; Emu Junction : iv.1994 (6♂, 6♀, SAMA) ; Eyre Peninsula: Colona , iv.2008 (2♀, SAMA) ; Iron Knob : iii.1963 (2♀, 1♂, ANIC) ; 16.iii.1968 (1♀, ANIC) ; 28.iii.1964, G.L. Bush (1♂, FSCA) ; Kangaroo Island : i.1986 (1♂, SAMA) ; Kurlge : Black- wood, iv.1957 (1♂, SAMA) ; iii.1962 (2♂, 2♀, SAMA) ; Malinong : iv.2010 (1♂, SAMA) ; Moorundie : iii.1973, G. Hall (1♀, ANIC) ; Mount Chambers Gorge : iii.1973 (1♀, SAMA) ; Murat Bay : (1♀, SAMA) ; Narrina Station : iii.1999 (1♀, SAMA) ; Nullarbor : 40 miles E, 18.iii.1968, I.F.B. Common & M.S. Upton (1♂, ANIC) ; Oak Valley : v.2002 (1♂, 1♀, SAMA) ; Pantaltjara : iii.1996 (1♂, 1♀, SAMA) ; Pinkawillinia : iii.1996 (2♂, 1♀, SAMA) ; Portee Station : iii.1973 (1♀, SAMA) ; Reedy Creek : ii.1962 (2♀, SAMA) ; Serpentine Lakes : iv.1994 (3♂, 10♀, SAMA) ; Tintinara : ii.1985 (2♂, 6♀, SAMA) ; Venus Bay : ii.1994 (1♀, SAMA) ; Vokes Hill : iv.1994 (1♂, 2♀, SAMA) ; Yalata Mission : 21.iii.1971, Upton & Mitchell (5♀, ANIC) ; 14 km NNW of Yalata Mission , 31.22S– 131.47E, 9.iv.1983, E.S. Nielsen & E.D. Edwards (1♂, ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Yeelanna : (1♂, 1♀, SAMA) ; Yunta : i.1943 (1♂, 2♀, MVM) ; Willm- ington: i.1943 (1♀, SAMA) ; Victoria: Bendigo : 5.i.1930 (1♀, MVM) ; Broadmeadows : 25.ii.1931 (1♀, MVM) ; Cobram : 13.i.1944 (1♂, 2♀, MVM) ; Kiata : i.1979 (1♂, SAMA) ; Lake Hattah : 15.ii.1969 (1♂, MVM) ; Lake Meran : 7.iii.1948 (1♀, MVM) ; Mallee : 19.ii.1914 (1♂, 1♀, MVM) ; 1mi S of Ouyen , 14.iii.1966, M.S. Upton & J.A. Grant (3♀, ANIC) ; Taratap Station : i.1965 (1♀, SAMA) ; Tatura : ii.1893 (1♂, 1♀, MVM) ; Warook : v.1935 (1♂, SAMA) ; 26 km SE of Wedderburn , 12.xi.1989, R.B. Miller (1♂, FSCA) ; Western Australia: Austin : 27 o 36.51’S– 117 o 53.3’E, 24.iii. 2005, 410m, D. Brzoska (1♂, AMSA) GoogleMaps ; Balledonia : iii.1996 (2♂, 3♀, SAMA) ; Beverley : (1♀, SAMA) ; Bin- neringie: (2♂, 1♀, SAMA) ; Cave Hill : iii.1995 (1♂, 1♀, SAMA) ; iii.1996 (2♀, SAMA) ; Coolgardie : iii.1996 (5♀, 3♂, ANIC) ; Grass Patch : iii.1996 (1♂, 1♀, SAMA) ; Kambalda : iii.1996 (1♂, 1♀, SAMA) ; Lake Johnston : iii.1996 (2♀, SAMA) ; Lake Marmion : iii.1996 (3♂, 2♀, SAMA) ; Madura : iii.1968 (1♀, 1♂ ANIC) ; iv.1968 (1♀, ANIC) ; Murchison : 27.iii.1971 (2♂, ANIC) ; New Eucla : 22.iii.1971, Upton & Mitchell (3♀, 2♂, ANIC) ; Norse- man: xi.1958 (1♀, ANIC) ; Northampton : iv.1968 (2♀, 1♂, ANIC) ; Northam : iii.1959 (2♂, 2♀, MVM) ; Old Pinjin: near Lake Rebecca , iii.1996 (1♀, SAMA) ; 19mi ENE of Perth , 30.i.1967, M.S. Upton (1♀, ANIC) ; NO LABEL: (1♂, MVM; 1♂, SAMA) .

Comments. See Comments for A. berthoudi .


Australian National Insect Collection


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Albany Museum


California State Collection of Arthropods


South Australia Museum


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen














Austrogymnocnemia meteorica (Gerstaecker, 1885)

Machado, Renato Jose Pires & Oswald, John David 2020

Myrmeleon meteoricus

Gerstaecker 1885: 25

G. falsus

Walker 1853
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF