Achilia temporalis Jeannel, 1962

Kurbatov, Sergey A., Cuccodoro, Giulio & Sabella, Giorgio, 2021, A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini - Part 7. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. cosmoptera species group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 128 (1), pp. 135-156 : 154-155

publication ID 10.35929/RSZ.0041


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Achilia temporalis Jeannel, 1962


Achilia temporalis Jeannel, 1962 View in CoL

Figs 6 View Figs 1-6 , 19 View Figs 16-22 , 58 View Figs 57-62 , 60 View Figs 57-62 , 62 View Figs 57-62 , 64 View Fig

Achilia temporalis Jeannel,1962: 426 View in CoL , 427, fig. 200 (aedeagus). Achilia caneloi Franz, 1996: 122 View in CoL (syn. nov.).

Type material (5 ex.): CENTRAL CHILE: Región Valparaíso: Quillota Prov.: MHNS; 1 ♂ (Holotype of A. temporalis ) labels verbatim “Holotype / Quillota; P. Germain / Achillia temporalis / temporalis (handwritten by Jeannel) / CHILE, M.N.H.N., Typo, n. 1853 . – MNHN, 1 ♂ (Paratype of A. temporalis ); labels verbatim “Paratype / Quillota, Germain ; IV.1898 / temporalis (handwritten by Jeannel)” . – MNHN, 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ (Paratypes of A. temporalis ); labels verbatim “ Paratype / Quillota, Germain ” . – Región Coquimbo: Choapa Prov.: NHMW; 1 ♀ (Holotype of A. caneloi ); labels verbatim “Holotype / Bosque de Canelo ; nordl. Los Vilos; Chile; H. Franz / Achillia caneloi m. (handwritten by Franz)” .

Additional material examined (91 ex.): CENTRAL CHILE: Región Valparaíso: Quillota Prov.: MHNS; 2 ♀ (mislabeled as paratype of Achilia temporalis n. 2078 but there are two specimens on the same pin); Quillota ; P. Germain. – Petorca Prov.: MHNS; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ (mislabeled as paratype of Achilia temporalis n. 1854 but there are two specimens on the same pin); Zapallar ; 20.III.1954; G. Kuschel. – Valparaíso Prov.: MHNG; 1 ♂; Bosque de Quintero ; 1963; H. Franz. – NHMW; 1 ♂ (identified as A. bifrons ); same data . – MHNS; 1 ♀; same locality; II.1968; J. Solervicens. – San Antonio Prov.: MNHS; 1 ♂ (identified as A. elfridae ); Algarrobo; 21.VII.1951; G. Kuschel & L. E. Peña. – MNHN; 1 ♂ (identified as A. elfridae ); Algarrobo; 21.VII.1951; G. Kuschel & L. E. Peña. – Región Coquimbo: Prov. Choapa : MHNG; 2 ♂; Hda Illapel; 600 m; 16.XI.1954; L. E. Peña. – FMNH ( FMHD #54-66 About FMNH ); 2 ♂; El Bato , Illapel, Coquimbo; 600 m; X.1954; L. E. Peña. – FMNH; 2 ♂ and 2 ♀; El Bato , Illapel Coquimbo; V-VI.1960; L. E. Peña. – NHMW; 1 ♂ (identified as A. bifrons ); Quebrada La Palma, Hacienda La Palma , S of Ovalle ; 1963; H. Franz. – NHMW; 33 ♂ and 38 ♀ (identified as A. bifrons ); Bosque de Canelo , N- Los Vilos; H. Franz. – MHNG; 1 ♂; Los Vilos, nr. P-B. 269; 05.XII.1965; Hungarian soil-Zool. Exp.; A. Zicsi. – FMNH; 1 ♂; Ñague , Los Vilos; V-VI.1960; L. E. Peña.

Description: Body 1.55-1.85 mm long, generally entirely reddish with slightly darkened abdomen, some specimens darker; palpi yellowish.

Male: Head as in Figs 58, 60 & 62 View Figs 57-62 , very wide, with slightly raised occipital region and frons, the latter flattened laterally with enlarged and sharp lateral margins, and crossed by transverse wide U-shaped sulcus originating posterior to antennal tubercles; frontal lobe very large and slightly convex, punctate and with slight medial carina separated from frons by prominent ridge angled posteriorly at middle. Antennae ( Fig. 19 View Figs 16-22 ) with scape and pedicel longer than wide; antennomeres III-VII about as long as wide; antennomere VIII wider than long; antennomere IX slightly wider than VIII and slightly wider than long; antennomere X distinctly wider than long and wider than IX; antennomere XI moderately elongate, about as long as VII-X combined. Metaventrite with deep and wide transverse sulcus on apical two-thirds, sulcus with prominent margins. First abdominal sternite slightly raised and flattened at middle; remaining abdominal sternites flattened at middle. Mesotibiae with distal half swollen and densely pubescent. Aedeagus ( Fig. 6 View Figs 1-6 ) 0.265 -0.275 mm long, with ovoidal dorsal plate narrowed apically; dorsal longitudinal struts slightly divergent. Parameres relatively wide with very large and long recurved seta on well-developed outer lobe; apical portion of parameres slightly enlarged, prolonged laterally as short spine; apex bearing two long ventral medial setae. Copulatory pieces consisting of pair of subequal and short lateral sclerites that are slightly enlarged at apex, recurved, and more robust basally.

Female: Similar to male except head not modified; antennae shorter; eyes smaller; metaventrite, abdominal sternites, and legs unmodified.

Collecting data: The label data indicate a very long collecting period from November to July.

Distribution: Achilia temporalis occurs in Central Chile (Región Valparaíso and Región Coquimbo) from San Antonio to Choapa Provinces ( Fig. 64 View Fig : green squares).

Comments: We have examined the holotype of A. caneloi Franz, 1996 . Despite its missing abdomen (lost by Franz) we identifed it as a female (and not a male as stated by Franz) of A. temporalis , and consequently place A. caneloi Franz, 1996 as a junior synonym of A. temporalis Jeannel, 1962 (syn. nov.).

The males of A. temporalis are easily distinguished from other species of the A. cosmoptera group by the shape of the head ( Figs 58, 60, 62 View Figs 57-62 ), antennae ( Fig. 19 View Figs 16-22 ) and aedeagus ( Fig. 6 View Figs 1-6 ). For characters to distinguish the females of A. temporalis from those of A. bifrons see the “Comments” section of the latter species.


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Achilia temporalis Jeannel, 1962

Kurbatov, Sergey A., Cuccodoro, Giulio & Sabella, Giorgio 2021

Achilia temporalis

Franz H. 1996: 122
Jeannel R. 1962: 426
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