Euryobeidia largeteaui ( Oberthür, 1884 )

Han, Hongxiang, 2017, A review of Euryobeidia Fletcher, 1979 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Ennominae), with description of three new species, Zootaxa 4317 (2), pp. 370-378 : 373-374

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4317.2.11

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Euryobeidia largeteaui ( Oberthür, 1884 )


Euryobeidia largeteaui ( Oberthür, 1884) View in CoL

Figs 7–10 View FIGURES 1 – 14 , 18, 23, 28 View FIGURES 15 – 29 , 32 View FIGURES 30 – 33

Rhyparia largeteaui Oberthür, 1884 View in CoL , Études ent. 10: 32, pl. 1, fig. 5. holotype ♂, China: Kouy-Tchéou. Euryobeidia largeteaui: Fletcher, 1979 View in CoL , The Generic Names of Moths of the World, 3: 84.

Diagnosis. Forewing length: male 19–23 mm; female 2 1–23 mm. Externally, E. largeteaui is extremely similar to E. quadrata . But it can be distinguished by the following characters: the forewing upperside of E. largeteaui is entirely orange-yellow, while in E. quadrata , it is white at posterior base. In the male genitalia, the dorsal process of the uncus is smaller and less developed than in E. quadrata ; the small process at the tip of the costa is more pointed in E. largeteaui ; the aedeagus of E. largeteaui ends in a long, strongly sclerotized and hook-like process, whereas it ends in a broad sclerite in E. quadrata . In the female genitalia, the lamella antevaginalis of E. largeteaui is a triangular sclerite instead of approximately two semicircle sclerites in E. quadrata , and the lamella postvaginalis is absent or tiny in E. largeteaui but developed in E. quadrata .

Type-material examined. CHINA: Guizhou: holotype, ♂ ( ZFMK), China, Kouy-Tchéou (Guizhou), Abbé Largeteau, slide no. 5578.

Additional material examined. CHINA: Gansu ( IZCAS): 2♂, Wenxian, 9.VI.2002, coll. Wang Hongjian ; 1♀, Kangxian, Meiyuangou, 1000–1020 m, 13–14.VIII.2014, coll. Xue Dayong. Zhejiang ( IZCAS): 2 6 1♀, Tianmushan, 23.VII.1973, coll. Zhang Baolin ; 1 6 6♀, Lin’an, West Tianmushan , 400–1500 m, 6.VI.1999, 26– 30.VII.2003, coll. Xue Dayong et al. ; 2♂ 2♀, West Tianmushan , Sanmuping, 789 m, 25.VII.2011, coll. Cheng Rui ; 1 6 8♀, Wuyanling, Shuangkengkou, 680 m, 29.VII.2005, coll. Lang Songyun; 1♂, Fengyangshan, Datianping, 1290 m, 6–10.VIII.2003, coll. Han Hongxiang; 1♀, Simingshan, 813 m, 22.VII.2015, coll. Cheng Rui. Hubei ( IZCAS): 2♂, Xingshan, 1300 m, 29.VII.1980, coll. Yu Peiyu ; 3♀, Xingshan, Longmenhe, 1350 m, 14.VII.1993, coll. Song Shimei; 1♂, Zigui, Jiulingtou, 150 m, 12.VI.1993, coll. Yao Jian et al.; 1♂, Shennongjia, Honghua, 860 m, 17.VII.1981, coll. Han Yinhen; 1♂, Yingshan, Taohuachong, 590 m, 23–27.VI.2014, coll. Jiang Nan; 3♂,Yingshan, Wujiashan, 860 m, 28–30.VI.2014, coll. Jiang Nan & Xue Dayong. Jiangxi ( IZCAS): 3♂, Tushui, 29.VI.1975, coll. Song Shimei ; 1♀, Ruijin , V.1981. Hunan ( IZCAS): 2♀, Zhangjiajie, Wulingyuan, 267 m, 12.VI.2015, coll. Yao Jian & Zhao Kaidong ; 1♂, Yongshun, Shaba, 416 m, 19.VI.2015, coll. Yao Jian & Zhao Kaidong. Fujian ( IZCAS): 1 6 1♀, Wuyishan, Sangang, 740 m, 27.VI.1960, 4.VI.1983, coll. Zhang Yiran & Wang Linyao ; 2♀, Huangkeng, 15.VI.1980, coll. Jiang Fan; 1♀, Longxishan, Yujiaping, 30.V.1991, coll. Huang Chunmei. Guangdong ( IZCAS): 2♀, Lianping, 13.V.1973, coll. Zhang Baolin ; 2 6 2♀, Renhua, Danxiashan, 130 m, 28.VI.2013, coll. Cheng Rui. Guangxi ( IZCAS): 1♀, Longsheng, 14.VI.1980, coll. Song Shimei ; 2♀, Mao’ershan, Jiuniuchang, 1100–1150 m, 7.VI.1985, 13.VI.1985, coll. Fang Chenglai; 1♂, Jinxiu, Lianhuashan, 900 m, 20.V.1999, coll. Li Wenzhu. Sichuan ( IZCAS): 12 6 5 ♀, Emeishan, Qingyinge, 800–1000 m, 23- 26.VI.1957, coll. Huang Keren & Zhu Fuxing ; 4 6 1♀, Emeishan, 25.VI.1955, 11.VI.1974, 21.VI.1979, coll. Wang Ziqing et al.; 1♂, Baoxing, Dashuigou, 1591 m, 1–5.VIII.2016, coll. Cui Le. Chongqing ( IZCAS): 1♂, Wushan, Wulipo National Nature Reserve, 1138 m, 24.VII.2013, coll. Cheng Rui . Guizhou ( IZCAS): 1♂, Dayong, Zhushitou, 18.VIII.1988, coll. Chen Yixin .

Distribution. China (Gansu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Jiangxi, Hunan, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Tibet).

Remarks. Oberthür (1884) described this species as Rhyparia largeteaui , without mentioning the number or the sex of the specimens he had at hand for description. He figured one specimen on plate 1, as fig. 5 (probably a male), mentioned the origin of the species as “Kouy-Tchéou” (Kweitschou, Guizhou) and the discoverer as “M. (onsieur) L’ abbé Largeteau”. Exactly this is written on the locality label of one male specimen kept in the collection of ZFMK. In addition, there is a hand-written label attached, denoting the determination and the publication-data “(Etud. d’Ent., X e liv sn Pl.1, fig.5)”. Wehrli later dissected this specimen (genitalia slide no. 5518) and referred to its structures in the generic description of Euryobeidia Wehrli, 1939 .

Wehrli purchased the Palearctic Geometridae out of the collection Charles Oberthür, the larger part (remaining Geometridae and all other families of Lepidoptera ) went to the NHM, London. We studied –besides many other parts– the material of E. largeteaui at the collection of NHM, but did not find another specimen with label-data like those mentioned above.

So we consider the specimen in the collection of ZFMK as the only existing type, a holotype by monotypy.


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig


Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
















Euryobeidia largeteaui ( Oberthür, 1884 )

Han, Hongxiang 2017

Euryobeidia largeteaui

: Fletcher 1979

Rhyparia largeteaui Oberthür, 1884

Oberthur 1884
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