Euryobeidia quadrata Xiang & Han, 2017

Han, Hongxiang, 2017, A review of Euryobeidia Fletcher, 1979 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Ennominae), with description of three new species, Zootaxa 4317 (2), pp. 370-378 : 374-377

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4317.2.11

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scientific name

Euryobeidia quadrata Xiang & Han

sp. nov.

Euryobeidia quadrata Xiang & Han sp. nov.

Figs 11–14 View FIGURES 1 – 14 , 19, 24, 29 View FIGURES 15 – 29 , 33 View FIGURES 30 – 33

Description. Head. Antenna filiform in both sexes. Frons pale yellow, with a large dark grey spot at middle, not protruding. Labial palpus pale yellow, slightly extending beyond frons; third segment not extending frons in female. Vertex, tegula and patagia pale yellow; patagia with a grey spot at middle. Thorax. Dorsal side pale yellow; two dark grey spots present, one on prothorax and another on metathorax. Hind tibia with two pairs of spurs in both sexes, not dilated and without hair-pencil in male. Forewing length: male 19–21 mm; female 21–23 mm. Outer margin of forewing arc-shaped slightly, that of hindwing rounded; both wings not elongated, with apex rounded. Forewing mostly orange-yellow, with posterior base white; wing base scattered with lots of small dark grey spots, sometimes contacted with each other and form patches; antemedial line appearing as three large dark grey spots; postmedial line presented as six dark grey spots, posterior three larger, protruding outwards among M veins; discal spot a dark grey spot; terminal area decorated many small dark grey spots; terminal line appearing as a row of dark grey spots; fringes dark grey corresponding to those spots, pale yellow between veins. Hindwing with large basal area white, terminal half orange-yellow; spots on hindwing identical with those on forewing, but antemedial line absent; the first two and middle two spots of postmedial line commonly mixed together; terminal line and fringes identical with forewing. Underside of forewing identical to upperside; underside of hindwing identical to upperside, but costa tinged with pale yellow.

Abdomen. Abdomen with dorsal side pale yellow; a dark grey spot present at middle of each segment respectively. Third sternite of male abdomen without setal comb.

Male genitalia. Uncus short, broad basally, narrow and pointed apically; dorsal side bearing setae and an extremely developed quadrate process; gnathos weak; valva narrow and long, tapering and slightly curved, with a row of dense setae from base to apex; costa with a tiny process at the apex; saccus rounded terminally; juxta weak, groove-shaped. Aedeagus broad basally and slightly bended, ending in a quadrate sclerite; cornuti as in E. ellipsoidea , composed of two parts, one small process and one sclerotized patch on vesica.

Female genitalia. Papillae analis short and oval. Apophyses anteriores short, about 1/4 length of apophyses posteriores; a triangular sclerite present between the bases of apophyses posteriores. Lamella antevaginalis well developed, appearing as two approximately semicircle sclerites, margin not smooth; lamella postvaginalis an Mshaped sclerite. Ostium wide-open, ductus bursae sclerotized, scobinate inside; corpus bursae nearly oval, the upper half bearing lots of spines inside, the lower half membranous.

Diagnosis. On the wing pattern, E. quadrata is very close to E. largeteaui . But it can be distinguished by the following characters: the posterior half of the forewing base is white, whereas the forewing is entirely orangeyellow in E. largeteaui . In the male genitalia, the dorsal process of the uncus is larger and more developed than E.

largeteaui . The small process at the tip of the costa is not as pointed as in E. largeteaui . The aedeagus ends in a quadrate sclerite, which is different from the hook-like process in E. largeteaui . In the female genitalia, the lamella antevaginalis is approximately two semicircle sclerites instead of a triangular sclerite in E. largeteaui . The lamella postvaginalis of E. quadrata is an M-shaped sclerite, but it is absent or tiny in E. largeteaui .

Type-material examined. Holotype, ♂ ( IZCAS), CHINA: Zhejiang: Taishun, Wuyanling, Shuangkengkou , 680 m, 29.VII.2005, coll. Lang Songyun.

Paratypes: CHINA: Zhejiang ( IZCAS): 5♂, Qingyuan, Fengyangshan, Datianping, 1290 m, 6–10.VIII.2003, coll. Han Hongxiang ; 1♀, Qingyuan, Baishanzu, 1856 m, 12–13.VIII.2003, coll. Han Hongxiang; 1♂3♀, Taishun, Wuyanling, Shuangkengkou, 680 m, 28.VII.2005, coll. Lang Songyun; 1♀, Taishun, Wuyanling, Ankengqiao, 400 m, 1.VIII.2005, coll. Lang Songyun; 1♀, Taishun, Wuyanling, Shangfengxiang, 1050 m, 30.VII.2005, coll. Lang Songyun; 1♀, Jingning, Wangdongyang Alpine Wetlands, 1010 m, 7.VIII.2016, coll. Li Xinxin; 2♀, Jingning, Caoyutang Forest Park, 9.VIII.2016, coll. Li Xinxin. Hubei ( ZFMK): 1♂, Wufeng, Yizhuxiang, 1560 m, VI.1998, leg. Wang & Li (or local collectors). Jiangxi ( IZCAS): 2♀, Dayu, 14.VI.1977 ; 1♀, Jiulianshan, 8.VI.1975, coll. Zhang Baolin. Fukien [Fujian] ( ZFMK): 1♂ 2♀, Shaowu, 500 m, 25.V.1937 (♀), 2.VI.1937 (♂), J. Klapperich. Guangdong ( IZCAS): 2♂, Renhua, Danxiashan, 130 m, 28.V.2013, coll. Cheng Rui ; 1♀, Lofau ( Luofu ), VII.1929 ( ZFMK). Guangxi ( IZCAS): 1♂, Mao’ershan, Jiuniutang, 1100 m, 13.VII.1985, coll. Fang Chenglai . Sichuan ( IZCAS): 1♂, Emeishan, 580 m, 26.VI.1955, coll. Huang Tianrong ; 1♀, Emeishan, Linggongli, 1288 m, 31.VI.2013, coll. Cheng Rui; 1♂, Ginfu-Shan, Kr. Nanchuan, S.O. Szechuan, VI.1932, leg. Friedrich, coll. Wehrli (ZFMK).

Distribution. China (Zhejiang, Hubei, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan).

Etymology. This species name refers to the shape of the developed quadrate dorsal process of the uncus in the male genitalia.


Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig















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