Naddia barbarossa, De, 2014

De, G., 2014, The genus Naddia in Borneo (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (2), pp. 1737-1765 : 1750-1751

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5312184


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Naddia barbarossa

sp. nov.

Naddia barbarossa View in CoL nov.sp.

(Figs 7, 7a, 7al)

Holotype, 3 & 2 paratypes: MALAYSIA, Sabah, Lahad Datu, Ulu Segama For. Res. , Danum Valley Forest Centre , 04˚57.9’N 117˚48.1’E, 200 m alt., xi.2005, 1˚ Forest FIT, coll. Mann, Slade & Villanueva, OUMNH-2006-051 (Holotype & GoogleMaps 4 paratypes in OUMNH, GoogleMaps 1 paratype in RCO; GoogleMaps 1 paratype in LL); GoogleMaps 1 paratype: MALAYSIA, Borneo , Sabah, Ulu Segana Forest Reserve , Yayasan Sabah logging concession, ca. 6 km from Danum Valley F.C. , Secondary selectively logged forest, 13.IV.2004.2004 F.I.Trap Coupe 88, Plot 1 ca. N04˚59.74 E117˚50.17 Leg. E. Slade + J. Villanueva, OUMNH-2005-062 , Oxford University Museum of Natural History (in OUMNH); 1 paratype: MALAYSIA, Sabah, Lahad Datu , Ulu Segama For. Res. , Danum Valley F.C. , 04˚57.9’N 117˚48.1’E 200 m alt., 21.xi.2005, 1˚Forest, coll. Mann, Slade & Villanueva, Flight Interception Trap, Lowland, mixed Dipterocarp Forest, West Trail area, OUMNH-2006-051 (in OUMNH); 1 paratype: MALAYSIA: Sabah, Lahad Datu , Ulu Segama For. Res. , Coupe 81 logging area 04˚58.660’N 117˚53.410’E, iii.2005, FIT, 2˚ Forest, Coll. E. Slade & J. Villanueva (in OUMNH); 1 paratype: MALAYSIA, Sabah, Lahad Datu , Ulu Segama For. Res. , Danum Valley F.C. , 04˚57.9’N 117˚48.1’E, 200 m alt., 03-13.xi.2005, 1˚ Forest, coll. Mann, Slade & Villanueva, Flight Interception Trap, Lowland, mixed Dipterocarp Frst West Trail N5, OUMNH-2005-051 (in OUMNH); 1 & 1 Paratypes: SABAH: Danum Valley , B.R.L, f.i.t., 14-16.II.2007, G. de Rougemont (in RCO).

Additional material 1: FIT 11/1/2, Malaysia, Sabah, Sandakan, Sepilok (PF), March 97, AYC Chung (in NHML) ; 2 exx.: Malaysia, Sabah, ca. 25 km S Sapulut, Batu Punngul env. Primary forest, intersept (sic.) trap, 23.5.2001, J. F. Kočiam (sic.) legt. (in NHMW) .

Description: Proportions of holotype: length: 11.2 mm; length of head: 1.6; total length of head: 1.8; breadth of head: 2.0; length of eye: 0.7; length of temple: 0.9; length of antenna: 2.4; length of pronotum: 2.0; breadth of pronotum:1.8; length of elytron: 2.3; breadth of elytra: 2.3. Habitus: fig. 7.

Eyes very prominent, a little shorter than temples. Antennomeres 1-3 elongate; 4 to10 increasingly transverse, only 9 and 10 slightly asymmetrical.

Integument of entire body black; antennae black, legs dark brown. Pubescence of head and pronotum very short, dark, with some very sparse short whitish hairs; sides with numerous dark setae; most of elytra, apart from a narrow area along anterior margin and posterior 1/4th covered in dense coppery red pubescence; sides with dark setae if varying length; posterior margins with a sparse fringe of pale hairs; abdominal tergites IV-V with broad fasciae of bright brassy pubescence extending the entire length of tergite; sternite VI with only with only a very narrow transverse fringe of sparse, short silvery pubescence along anterior margin; tergite VII with two large conspicuous fasciae of silvery pubescence; sides of segments almost asetose; tibiae with dense brassy pubescence.

Sculpture of head and pronotum coarse, that of head consisting, as in many Naddia , of close umbilicate punctures posteriorly and on temples, the interstices coalescing to form longitudinal rugae in anterior 2/3rd, but these rugae short, interrupted, the individual punctures still clearly visible even on frons; sculpture of pronotum consisting of umbilicate punctures, sparse and discrete near posterior margin and temples, close and dense on either side of the suture, tending to form oblique rugae directed towards anterior angles in anterior 1/3rd; leaving traces of an impunctate mid-longitudinal band in the form of a narrow shiny callosity broadly interrupted in the middle; sculpture of elytra very confused, composed of sparse, large shallow umbilicate punctures only visible in anterior 3/4th obscured by the deeply wrinkled interstices; puncturation of abdominal tergites shallow and sparse.

Male: sternite VII modified, the surface of the depressed area with dense transverse micro-striation and only a few scattered punctures; sternite VIII with a very small median emargination; aedoeagus: figs 7a, 7al, in ventral view broad, the median lobe expanded into a subquadrate apical part (comparable to N. sarahae nov.sp.), in lateral view the apex abruptly deflexed; ventral extension of basal sclerite relatively short, with narrowly rounded apex; paramere adpressed, short and broad, sub-truncate with rounded anterior angles.

Owing to the small size and coloured elytral pubescence of both species females of N. barbarossa can only be confused with N. aeneipennis .


United Kingdom, Oxford, University Museum of Natural History


Libya, Tripoli, Natural History Museum


Austria, Wien, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Natural History Museum, Tripoli


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien















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