Campanella diplocystis Singer

Honan, Amy H., Desjardin, Dennis E., Perry, Brian A., Horak, Egon & Baroni, Timothy J., 2015, Towards a better understanding of Tetrapyrgos (Basidiomycota, Agaricales): new species, type studies, and phylogenetic inferences, Phytotaxa 231 (2), pp. 101-132 : 125

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Campanella diplocystis Singer


Campanella diplocystis Singer View in CoL , Nova Hedwigia 26: 868. 1975 (1976). Fig. 9f–g View FIGURE 9

Synonyms: Pterospora diplocystis (Singer) E. Horak, Sydowia View in CoL 36: 131. 1983.

Tetrapyrgos diplocystis (Singer) E. Horak Sydowia View in CoL 39: 103. 1987 [1986].

Holotype:— PERU. Cusco Prov.: Machu Picchu , 20 May 1958, R Singer B 3025 ( LIL!)

The holotype specimen consists of two basidiomes in good condition, one dried brown overall, and the other dried cream-colored overall. Description of dried holotype: Pileus 4 mm diam., plano-convex in profile, hemispherical in surface view; surface glabrous, subreticulate from lamellar depressions. Lamellae remote, few thru lamellae and numerous smaller cross-lamellae giving an angular, subporoid appearance, forked and anastomosing. Stipe absent, with a small, eccentric pseudostipe arising from the pileus surface. Texture gummy-gelatinous. Material reviving poorly. Basidiospores 6.5–7.7 × 5–6 μm, broadly ellipsoid, some with a slight bulge on one side, not tetrahedral, smooth, hyaline, inamyloid, thin-walled. Basidia 4-spored. Hymenial cystidia common, collapsed and not reviving, appearing lageniform-capitate or ventricose-capitate, smooth, lacking diverticula, hyaline, thin-walled; metuloids not observed; some cells may be thick-walled but the morphology is undeterminable because of inability to revive sufficiently. Pileipellis a weakly-gelatinized Rameales -structure, only a few hyphal layers thick; hyphae 2.5–5 μm diam., with scattered but numerous tiny diverticula, hyaline, inamyloid; terminal cells clavate to irregular in outline, densely diverticulate, lacking a smooth capitulum; pileipellis arising from strongly gelatinized tramal tissue. Tramal hyphae monomitic, parallel, embedded in a thick gelatinous matrix, 3–5 μm diam., cylindrical, smooth, inamyloid. Clamp connections present.

Status: The following diagnostic features suggest that Campanella diplocystis is best retained in Campanella and not in Tetrapyrgos : 1) basidiospores are not tetrahedral; 2) the pileus tissues are strongly gelatinized; 3) a true stipe is absent, replaced by a pseudostipe; 4) black, dark grey or bluish grey tissues at the base of the stipe are absent, as are any bluish or greenish blue staining reactions; and 5) ventricose-capitate or cylindrical-capitate cystidia that are covered basally by diverticula are absent. It should be noted that the basidiospore measurements in our analysis were much smaller than those reported in the protologue, viz., 6.5–7.7 × 5–6 μm versus 9.5–9.7 × 6–6.5 μm, respectively. In addition, two types of hymenial cystidia upon which the epithet was based were not observed.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Fundación Miguel Lillo














Campanella diplocystis Singer

Honan, Amy H., Desjardin, Dennis E., Perry, Brian A., Horak, Egon & Baroni, Timothy J. 2015

Campanella diplocystis

Singer 1975: 868
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF