Pseudopoda huanglianensis Zhang, Jäger & Liu, 2023

Zhang, He, Zhu, Yang, Zhong, Yang, Jäger, Peter & Liu, Jie, 2023, A taxonomic revision of the spider genus Pseudopoda Jäger, 2000 (Araneae: Sparassidae) from East, South and Southeast Asia, Megataxa 9 (1), pp. 1-304 : 138-140

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Plazi (2023-02-20 18:04:55, last updated 2023-11-08 14:25:50)

scientific name

Pseudopoda huanglianensis Zhang, Jäger & Liu

sp. nov.

Pseudopoda huanglianensis Zhang, Jäger & Liu , spec. nov. Figs 124–125 View FIGURE 124 View FIGURE 125 , Map 4 View MAP 4

Type material. CHINA, Yunnan Province: Holotype female from Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture,

Luechun County, Huanglian Mountain , 22.99°N, 102.46°E, 1940 m, 13 July 2020, R. Zhong, W. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Z. Deng & Z. Li leg. ( CBEE, LJ202002838 ). Paratypes: 8 females, with same data as for holotype ( CBEE, LJ202002838 , LJ202002840 , LJ202002841 , LJ202002843 , LJ202002845 , LJ202002853 , LJ202002854 , LJ202002862 , LJ202002865 ) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the type locality, the Huanglian Mountain; adjective.

Diagnosis. The female of P. huanglianensis Zhang, Jäger & Liu , spec. nov. is similar to that of P. cangschana by anterior margin of LL broad V-shaped, extending distinctly into anterior half of epigyne, but can be distinguished by S extending in longitudinal axis (extending in transverse axis in P. cangschana ) and FW extending laterally (forming a posteriorly diverging triangle in P. cangschana ).

FEMALE (LJ202002838): Measurements: Small sized. Body length 7.2–8.0, DS length 3.7, width 3.4, OS length 5.2, width 3.8. Eyes: AME 0.16, ALE 0.26, PME 0.18, PLE 0.21,AME–AME 0.15,AME–ALE 0.09, PME– PME 0.20, PME–PLE 0.33, AME–PME 0.28, ALE–PLE 0.26, CH AME 0.38, CH ALE 0.30. Spination: Pp 131, 101, 2121, 1014; Fe I–II 323, III–IV 322; Pa I–III 101, IV 100; Ti I–II 2228, III–IV 2126; Mt I–II 2024, III 3025, IV 3036. Measurements of palps and legs: Pp 5.3 (1.5, 0.8, 1.1, –, 1.9); I 12.2 (3.5, 1.6, 3.3, 2.8, 1.0); II 15.1 (4.0, 1.8, 4.3, 3.8, 1.2); III 10.6 (3.2, 1.3, 2.7, 2.5, 0.9); IV 11.6 (3.7, 0.9, 2.9, 3.0, 1.1). Leg formula: II-I-IV-III. Cheliceral furrow with ca. 20 denticles.

Epigyne ( Figs 124A–C View FIGURE 124 ): As in diagnosis. EF wider than long. AB indistinct. LL touching each other medially in posterior half, with an elongated V-shaped anterior and a V-shaped posterior incision. FW covering most of IDS. FD long with U-turns.

Colouration ( Figs 125A–B View FIGURE 125 ): DS brown with dark spots and hairs, two lateral bands, margin with dashed line and black patterns. Fovea and striae distinctly marked. OS dorsally dark reddish brown, with several dots, with a transverse yellow line at posterior part. OS ventrally reddish brown, with lots of dark marks, with two longitudinal lines consisting of yellow dots, regular arranged; spinnerets ventrally yellow.

MALE: Unknown.

Distribution. China (Yunnan Province).

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MAP 4. Distribution of Pseudopoda species in China (Yunnan Province): 5. P. amphitropa spec. nov.; 10. P. auricularis spec. nov.; 13. P. baoshanensis spec. nov.; 18. P. cangschana; 19. P. caoi spec. nov.; 24. P. chuxiongensis spec. nov.; 26. P. colossa spec. nov.; 29. P. confusa; 31. P. contentio; 32. P. contraria; 34. P. daguanensis spec. nov.; 36. P. datangensis spec. nov.; 37. P. daweiensis spec. nov.; 38. P. dengi spec. nov.; 40. P. digitata; 51. P. grandis spec. nov.; 54. P. huanglianensis spec. nov.; 59. P. kavanaughi spec. nov.; 60. P. kongdangensis spec. nov.; 61. P. langyaensis spec. nov.; 62. P. liui spec. nov.; 63. P. longa spec. nov.; 65. P. longiuscula spec. nov.; 68. P. luechunensis spec. nov.; 69. P. mamillaris spec. nov.; 72. P. mengsongensis spec. nov.; 74. P. mojiangensis spec. nov.; 75. P. namkhan; 80. P. nematodes spec. nov.; 81. P. nujiangensis spec. nov.; 82. P. olivea spec. nov.; 83. P. oliviformis spec. nov.; 86. P. parvipunctata; 89. P. rhopalocera; 90. P. rivicola; 91. P. rufosulphurea; 96. P. songi; 98. P. spiculata; 104. P. taoi spec. nov.; 108. P. trinacriformis spec. nov.; 112. P. wui spec. nov.; 113. P. wulaoensis spec. nov.; 119. P. yunfengensis spec. nov.; 120. P. zhaoae spec. nov.; 122. P. zuoi spec. nov.

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FIGURE 124. Pseudopoda huanglianensis Zhang, Jäger & Liu, spec. nov., holotype, female: A. Epigyne, ventral; B. Schematic course of IDS, dorsal; C. Vulva, dorsal. Scale bars: A–C: 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 125. Pseudopoda huanglianensis Zhang, Jäger & Liu, spec. nov., A–B Female habitus (A. dorsal; B. ventral). Scale bars: A–B: 2 mm.











