Pseudopoda allantoides Zhang, Jäger & Liu, 2023

Zhang, He, Zhu, Yang, Zhong, Yang, Jäger, Peter & Liu, Jie, 2023, A taxonomic revision of the spider genus Pseudopoda Jäger, 2000 (Araneae: Sparassidae) from East, South and Southeast Asia, Megataxa 9 (1), pp. 1-304 : 21-23

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Plazi (2023-02-20 18:04:55, last updated 2023-11-08 14:25:50)

scientific name

Pseudopoda allantoides Zhang, Jäger & Liu

sp. nov.

Pseudopoda allantoides Zhang, Jäger & Liu , spec. nov. Figs 8–9 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 , Map 6 View MAP 6

Type material. CHINA, Zhejiang Province: Holotype female from Jinhua City, Shuanglong Scenic Spot [29.23°N, 119.71°E], 607 m. ( IOZ, IOZ0007 ). GoogleMaps

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin adjective allantoides , - oides, - oides, meaning “botuliform”, referring to the sausage shaped S in ventral view; adjective.

Diagnosis. The female of P. allantoides Zhang, Jäger & Liu , spec. nov. differs from those of all other Pseudopoda species by the following combination of characters: 1) Anterior margins of LL roughly W-shaped; 2) IDS extended in longitudinal axis.

FEMALE (IOZ0007): Measurements: Small sized. Body length 9.7, DS length 4.4, width 4.0, OS length 5.3, width 3.4. Eyes: AME 0.17, ALE 0.26, PME 0.20, PLE 0.22, AME–AME 0.19, AME–ALE 0.10, PME–PME 0.23, PME–PLE 0.38, AME–PME 0.35, ALE–PLE 0.29, CH AME 0.44, CH ALE 0.36. Spination: Pp 131, 101, 2121, 1014; Fe I–II 323, III 322, IV 331; Pa I–IV 001; Ti I 1024, II 2024, III 2026, IV 2126; Mt I–II 1014, III 3025, IV 3037. Measurements of palps and legs: Pp 6.4 (1.8, 1.0, 1.3, –, 2.3); I 16.9 (4.9, 1.8, 4.6, 4.3, 1.3); II 19.5 (5.2, 2.0, 5.9, 4.8, 1.6); III 13.7 (4.4, 1.5, 3.5, 3.2, 1.1); IV 16.2 (5.0, 1.0, 4.3, 4.5, 1.4). Leg formula: II-I-IV-III. Cheliceral furrow with ca. 28 denticles.

Epigyne ( Figs 8A–C View FIGURE 8 ): As in diagnosis. EF wider than long, without obvious AB. Anterior margins of LL almost parallel to the posterior margins, but strongly curved. FW covering all the IDS. IDS visible in dorsal and ventral view. FD long and narrow, laterad.

Colouration ( Figs 9A–B View FIGURE 9 ): DS yellowish brown. Fovea and striae slightly marked. OS dorsally cream white with several yellow dots and with a longitudinal yellowish line. OS ventrally with several small dark marks.

MALE: Unknown.

Distribution. China (Zhejiang Province).

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MAP 6. Distribution of Pseudopoda species in Central and Southeast China: 3. P. aliena spec. nov.; 4. P. allantoides spec. nov.; 35. P. daiyunensis spec. nov.; 42. P. drepanoides spec. nov.; 44. P. exiguoides; 45. P. explanata spec. nov.; 46. P. falcata spec. nov.; 49. P. foliiculiaris spec. nov.; 50. P. gracilenta spec. nov.; 53. P. huangensis spec. nov.; 55. P. hupingensis spec. nov.; 56. P. imparilis spec. nov.; 58. P. jiugongensis spec. nov.; 66. P. longtanensis spec. nov.; 67. P. longxiensis spec. nov.; 77. P. nankunensis spec. nov.; 78. P. nanlingensis spec. nov.; 84. P. pantianensis spec. nov.; 85. P. papilionacea spec. nov.; 93. P. sangzhiensis spec. nov.; 95. P. shimenensis spec. nov.; 100. P. strombuliformis spec. nov.; 102. P. subtilis spec. nov.; 105. P. taoyuanensis spec. nov.; 106. P. tianpingensis spec. nov.; 115. P. yangmingensis spec. nov.; 116. P. yangtaiensis spec. nov.; 117. P. yilanensis spec. nov.

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FIGURE 8. Pseudopoda allantoides Zhang, Jäger & Liu, spec. nov., holotype, female: A. Epigyne, ventral; B. Schematic course of IDS, dorsal; C. Vulva, dorsal. Scale bars: A–C: 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 9. Pseudopoda allantoides Zhang, Jäger & Liu, spec. nov., A–B Female habitus (A. dorsal; B. ventral). Scale bars:A–B: 2 mm.











