Pseudopoda wui Zhang, Jäger & Liu, 2023

Zhang, He, Zhu, Yang, Zhong, Yang, Jäger, Peter & Liu, Jie, 2023, A taxonomic revision of the spider genus Pseudopoda Jäger, 2000 (Araneae: Sparassidae) from East, South and Southeast Asia, Megataxa 9 (1), pp. 1-304 : 282-283

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Plazi (2023-02-20 18:04:55, last updated 2023-11-08 14:25:50)

scientific name

Pseudopoda wui Zhang, Jäger & Liu

sp. nov.

Pseudopoda wui Zhang, Jäger & Liu , spec. nov. Figs 259–260 View FIGURE 259 View FIGURE 260 , Map 4 View MAP 4

Type material. CHINA, Yunnan Province: Holotype female from Baoshan City, Tengchong County, Qushi Town , Gaoligongshan Linjiapu , 25.28°N, 98.71°E, 2642 m, 28 April 2014, J. Wu leg. ( CBEE, LJ20210628010 ). GoogleMaps

Etymology. The specific name is a patronym in honour of the collector, Mr Jianghao Wu; noun in genitive case.

Diagnosis. P. wui Zhang, Jäger & Liu , spec. nov. is similar to P. albonotata Jäger, 2001 (Jäger 2001) by anterior margins of LL broadly W-shaped and almost parallel to posterior margins. It can be recognised by round sclerotised parts of IDS in ventral view separated by at least their diameter from posterior margins of LL, lateral margins of LL roughly right–angled (round parts separated by less than their diameter and lateral margins of LL rounded in P. albonotata ).

FEMALE (LJ20210628010): Measurements: Medium sized. Body length 12.8, DS length 5.1, width 4.6, OS length 7.7, width 5.5. Eyes: AME 0.18, ALE 0.34, PME 0.22, PLE 0.29, AME–AME 0.17, AME–ALE 0.11, PME–PME 0.25, PME–PLE 0.38, AME–PME 0.34, ALE–PLE 0.31, CH AME 0.44, CH ALE 0.36. Spination: Pp 131, 101, 2101, 1014; Fe I–III 323, IV 322; Pa I–IV 101; Ti I–IV 2126; Mt I–II 2024, III 3025, IV 3037. Measurements of palps and legs: Pp 6.3 (1.8, 0.7, 1.3, –, 2.5); I 16.7 (4.9, 2.0, 4.5, 4.0, 1.3); II 19.6 (5.3, 2.4, 5.6, 4.8, 1.5); III 14.6 (4.6, 1.7, 3.7, 3.4, 1.2); IV 16.0 (5.1, 1.1, 4.0, 4.4, 1.4). Leg formula: II-I-IV-III. Cheliceral furrow with ca. 32 denticles.

Epigyne ( Figs 259A–C View FIGURE 259 ): As in diagnosis. EF almost twice as wide as long, with indistinct AB. LL touching each other along the middle line. FW well developed, covering entire IDS, large parts of FW covered by LL in dorsal view.

Colouration ( Figs 260A–B View FIGURE 260 ): DS brown with dark marks and lines, margins with irregularly patterns. Fovea and striae distinctly marked. OS dorsally reddish brown with a faint transverse yellow line at posterior part. OS ventrally brown with several longitudinal lines.

MALE: Unknown.

Distribution. China (Yunnan Province).

Gallery Image

MAP 4. Distribution of Pseudopoda species in China (Yunnan Province): 5. P. amphitropa spec. nov.; 10. P. auricularis spec. nov.; 13. P. baoshanensis spec. nov.; 18. P. cangschana; 19. P. caoi spec. nov.; 24. P. chuxiongensis spec. nov.; 26. P. colossa spec. nov.; 29. P. confusa; 31. P. contentio; 32. P. contraria; 34. P. daguanensis spec. nov.; 36. P. datangensis spec. nov.; 37. P. daweiensis spec. nov.; 38. P. dengi spec. nov.; 40. P. digitata; 51. P. grandis spec. nov.; 54. P. huanglianensis spec. nov.; 59. P. kavanaughi spec. nov.; 60. P. kongdangensis spec. nov.; 61. P. langyaensis spec. nov.; 62. P. liui spec. nov.; 63. P. longa spec. nov.; 65. P. longiuscula spec. nov.; 68. P. luechunensis spec. nov.; 69. P. mamillaris spec. nov.; 72. P. mengsongensis spec. nov.; 74. P. mojiangensis spec. nov.; 75. P. namkhan; 80. P. nematodes spec. nov.; 81. P. nujiangensis spec. nov.; 82. P. olivea spec. nov.; 83. P. oliviformis spec. nov.; 86. P. parvipunctata; 89. P. rhopalocera; 90. P. rivicola; 91. P. rufosulphurea; 96. P. songi; 98. P. spiculata; 104. P. taoi spec. nov.; 108. P. trinacriformis spec. nov.; 112. P. wui spec. nov.; 113. P. wulaoensis spec. nov.; 119. P. yunfengensis spec. nov.; 120. P. zhaoae spec. nov.; 122. P. zuoi spec. nov.

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FIGURE 259. Pseudopoda wui Zhang, Jäger & Liu, spec. nov., holotype, female:A. Epigyne, ventral; B. Schematic course of IDS, dorsal; C. Vulva, dorsal. Scale bars: A–C: 0.5 mm.

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FIGURE 260. Pseudopoda wui Zhang, Jäger & Liu, spec. nov., A–B Female habitus (A. dorsal; B. ventral). Scale bars: A–B: 2 mm.











