Pseudopoda trigonia Zhang, Jäger & Liu, 2023

Zhang, He, Zhu, Yang, Zhong, Yang, Jäger, Peter & Liu, Jie, 2023, A taxonomic revision of the spider genus Pseudopoda Jäger, 2000 (Araneae: Sparassidae) from East, South and Southeast Asia, Megataxa 9 (1), pp. 1-304 : 263-266

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Plazi (2023-02-20 18:04:55, last updated 2023-11-08 14:25:50)

scientific name

Pseudopoda trigonia Zhang, Jäger & Liu

sp. nov.

Pseudopoda trigonia Zhang, Jäger & Liu , spec. nov. Figs 246–247 View FIGURE 246 View FIGURE 247 , Map 3

Type material. BHUTAN: Holotype male from road 87 kms from Phuntsholling in direction to Thimphu, few kms after Mathur bridge [27.07°N, 89.55°E], 1700 m, 22 May 1972 , Expedition leg. ( NHMB, PJ2348 ). GoogleMaps

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin adjective trigonius, - a, - um, meaning “triangular”, referring to the triangular shape of the cymbium and the EP in prolateral view; adjective.

Diagnosis. P. trigonia Zhang, Jäger & Liu , spec. nov. is similar to P. martensi by: 1) E flattened, sickle-shaped; 2) EP short. It can be recognised by EP with tapering apical tip, dRTA with small hump (apically widened, dRTA without small hump in P. martensi ).

MALE (PJ2348): Measurements: Medium sized. Body length 12.1, DS length 5.8, width 5.0, OS length 6.3, width 3.6. Eyes: AME 0.13, ALE 0.22, PME 0.15, PLE 0.18, AME–AME 0.19, AME–ALE 0.11, PME–PME 0.24, PME–PLE 0.45, AME–PME 0.36, ALE–PLE 0.30, CH AME 0.46, CH ALE 0.39. Spination: Pp 131, 101, 2111; Fe I–II 323, III 322, IV 331; Pa I–III 101, IV 000; Ti I–II 2226, III–IV 2126; Mt I–II 2024, III 3025, IV 3036. Measurements of palps and legs: Pp 4.4 (2.2, 1.0, 1.5, –, 2.9); I 26.3 (7.7, 2.6, 7.4, 6.9, 1.7); II 30.9 (8.4, 3.0, 9.2, 8.0, 2.3); III 23.1 (7.0, 2.4, 6.7, 5.6, 1.4); IV 27.0 (8.1, 1.8, 7.3, 7.7, 2.1). Leg formula: II-IV-I-III. Cheliceral furrow with ca. 21 denticles.

Palp ( Figs 246A–C View FIGURE 246 ): As in diagnosis. C arising from T at 12:00 o’clock position, with a bulge at its basal part. E arising from T at 9:00 o’clock position, its tip flat and narrow. Spermophor visible submarginally on retrolateral T in ventral view and as slightly Sshaped tube in both lateral views. RTA arising medially to proximally from Ti, with broad basal part. vRTA broad and dRTA relatively short with one acute and one hump.

Colouration ( Figs 247A–B View FIGURE 247 ): DS light yellow. Fovea and striae distinctly marked. OS light yellow, dorsally with reddish-brown pattern, posterior half with a transverse white triangular patch. OS ventrally with reddish-brown marks, irregularly arranged and fused to patch in front of spinnerets.

FEMALE: Unknown.

Distribution. Bhutan (upper limit of evergreen montane forest; light forest with many oaks resulting in a Mediterranean impression; with unique fauna and quite a lot of tropical elements [ Baroni Urbani et al. 1973]).

Baroni Urbani, C., Stemmler, O., Wittmer, W. & Wurmli, M. (1973) Zoologische Expedition des Naturhistorischen Museums Basel in das Konigreich Bhutan. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Basel, 83 (2), 319 - 336.

Fox, I. (1936) Chinese spiders of the families Agelenidae, Pisauridae and Sparassidae. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 26, 121 - 128.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 246. Pseudopoda trigonia Zhang, Jäger & Liu, spec. nov., holotype, male: A–C left male palp (A. prolateral; B. ventral; C. retrolateral). Scale bars: A–C: 0.5 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 247. Pseudopoda trigonia Zhang, Jäger & Liu, spec. nov., A–B Male habitus (A. dorsal; B. ventral). Scale bars: A–B: 2 mm.


Natural History Museum Bucharest











