Platystoma malatiense Hennig, 1945

Bodner, L. & Freidberg, A., 2016, Taxonomy and immature stages of the Platystomatidae (Diptera: Tephritoidea) of Israel, Zootaxa 4171 (2), pp. 201-245 : 221-222

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Platystoma malatiense Hennig, 1945


Platystoma malatiense Hennig, 1945

( Figs. 13 View FIGURES 8 – 18 , 24 View FIGURES 19 – 29 , 35 View FIGURES 30 – 40 , 46 View FIGURES 41 – 51 , 57 View FIGURES 52 – 62 , 68, 82)

Platystoma malatiense Hennig, 1945: 26 (palaearctic Platystomatidae View in CoL ).

Diagnosis. This small-to-medium size species bears some resemblance to P. arcuatum and P. trigonum n. sp. in its overall appearance, but is easily distinguished from these and other congeners by the presence of dense white microtrichia on almost the entire facial area and on the clypeus.

Redescription. Head ( Figs. 13 View FIGURES 8 – 18 , 24 View FIGURES 19 – 29 ): Color and vestiture: Head pale to dark brown with orange to reddishbrown areas. Frons densely microtrichose at orbits, on and around ocellar triangle and around bases of orbital and vertical setae. Ocellar triangle densely microtrichose. Lunule brown to blackish-brown with grayish microtrichia. Antenna brown to blackish-brown with dense grayish microtrichia; pedicel pale brown, sometimes yellowish dorsally; 1st flagellomere dark brown. Face dark brown to black medially, yellowish to pale brown lateroventrally, mostly densely microtrichose, except black shiny areas dorsolaterally, and yellowish-brown matte areas ventrolaterally. Clypeus densely microtrichose. Chaetotaxy: 2 (pairs) orbital setae present. Postocellar seta absent. Lunule setulose dorsomedially. Postgena with long yellowish setulae. Occiput with similar setulae as postgena, except shorter. Ratios: Head: 1.33–1.46; frons anterior: 1.35–1.56; frons posterior: 1.16–1.33; ocellar triangle/ frons: 0.24–0.33; eye: 1.92–2.17; 1st flagellomere: 1.38–2.00; gena/eye: 0.30–0.35; parafacial/gena: 0.25–0.31; posterior orbital/anterior orbital: 1.73–3.27; medial vertical/lateral vertical: 0.90–1.25; posterior orbital/medial vertical: 0.73–1.06; ocellar/medial vertical: 0.30–0.78; ocellar/ocellar triangle: 0.78–2.15.

Thorax: Color and vestiture: Ground color black, with yellowish-gray microtrichia. Scutum with 5 microtrichose stripes. Postpronotal lobe ground color usually black, sometimes reddish. Scutellum microtrichose marginally, sometimes also with medial stripe of microtrichia. Subscutellum metallic dark brown to black, with fine microtrichia. Proepisternum and proepimeron densely white microtrichose. Chaetotaxy: Presutural supra-alar seta and postsutural supra-alar seta present. Postpronotal lobe with thin long yellowish-white setulae. Anepisternum with long, posteriorly brown and ventrally yellowish-white setulae, otherwise, with short yellowishwhite to brown setulae. Katepisternum with yellowish-white setulae. Ratios: Scutum: 0.88–0.97; presutural supraalar/intra-alar: 0.31–0.45; postsutural supra-alar/intra-alar: 0.53–0.80; postalar/intra-alar: 1.04–1.26.

Legs: Color and vestiture: Leg type dark. Tarsi with yellowish areas as in genus. Coxae, trochanters and most parts of forelegs with fine microtrichia. Mid and hind femora, either inconspicuously microtrichose or bare. Chaetotaxy: Coxae anteriorly and distally with mixed white and brown setulae. Trochanters with yellowish setulae. Fore femur black setulose, with long setulae ventrally and shorter setulae dorsally. Mid and hind femora with short black setulae dorsally, and with long paler setulae ventrally. Hind femur with long and thick black setulae dorsally and distally. Tibiae short setulose, with blackish setulae dorsally and yellowish setulae ventrally. Hind metatarsus and 2nd tarsomere with yellowish setulae ventrally.

Wing ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 30 – 40 ): Pattern: Reticulate, with small to medium-size hyaline spots, scattered more or less uniformly on proximal 0.5 of wing and irregularly on distal 0.5 of wing. Combined area of hyaline spots less than combined area of pigmented pattern. Pattern with discrete transverse dark bands extending from costa to hind margin of wing: 2 bands converging posterior to vein R2+3 and extending as one band over crossvein R-M near to crossvein DM-Cu, ending near middle of posterior margin of cell cu1; 3 somewhat oblique bands beyond level of crossvein DM-Cu, converging medially towards cell r4+5. Costal cell subhyaline to hyaline with 3–5, sometimes partially merged large dark spots. Venation: Veins mostly pale to dark brown; axillary sclerites, stem vein and base of costa from proximal edge to costagial break, dark brown; rest of costa yellowish to pale brown. Vein M ends slightly anterior to wing tip. Crossvein DM-Cu without stump vein. Dorsal calypter narrower and shorter than ventral calypter, with conspicuously longer fringes. Halter base and stem yellowish to pale brown, knob dark brown. Ratios: Wing: 2.68– 3.03.

Abdomen: Structure: Male T4 about as long as T3 and about half as long as T5. Female T4 slightly shorter than T3 and slightly longer than T5. Color and vestiture: Male abdomen more or less uniformly microtrichose. Female abdomen irregularly microtrichose, with microtrichia scattered sparsely over T3 and T4, and more densely over T5. Male terminalia ( Figs. 46 View FIGURES 41 – 51 , 57 View FIGURES 52 – 62 , 68): Epandrium broad; ventral concavity wide and superficial; subepandrial sclerite laterally enclosed by epandrium; lateral surstylus in ventral view finger-like, rounded laterally and slightly curved mesally, with pointed apex; medial surstylus rectangle, rather distinguishable (mostly visible in ventral view); cerci conspicuously elongated. Terminal filaments equally long, and distinctly shorter than distiphallus. Female terminalia (Fig. 82): 3 spermathecae present; spermatheca short ovoid and smooth. Ratios: Male: T3/T4: 1.00–1.08; T4/T5: 0.57–0.71; T3+4/T5: 1.17–1.43; epandrium: 0.63–0.77; preglans: 1.22–1.50; glans: 1.82–2.25; preglans/glans: 0.38–0.50; acrophallus/preglans+glans: 3.12–4.33; distiphallus/preglans+glans: 9.88–10.09. Female: T3/T4: 1.05–1.20; T4/T5: 1.08–1.18; T3+4/T5: 2.38–2.44; aculeus: 4.39–6.07; cercal unit: 2.71–3.20; cercal unit/aculeus: 0.18–0.22.

Measurements (mm). Body length: 3.20–5.30; wing length: 2.80–3.90.

Material examined. ISRAEL: Har Hermon (or ' Mt. Hermon'): 1300m, 23.v.1998, AF (1♀) ; 1400m, 24.v.2012, AF (3♀); 1400m,, AF (1♀); 1400–1600m, 24.v. [19]83, AF (1Ƌ, 1♀); 1500m, 17.v.2009, L. Friedman (3♀), AF (2♀); 1515m, 33°17.7’N 35°45.6'E, 17.v.2011, L. Bodner (25Ƌ, 22♀), AF (10Ƌ, 4♀); 1500– 1700m, 24.v.2012, L. Bodner (7Ƌ, 7♀); 1600m, 4.v.1999, AF (1Ƌ); 33°18.3’N 35°46.2'E, 17.v.2011, AF (1Ƌ, 7♀), L. Bodner (2Ƌ, 1♀); 1600m, 18.v.2009, AF (3Ƌ, 3♀), L. Friedman (2Ƌ, 4♀); 1700m, 17.v.2009, AF (6♀), L. Friedman (1Ƌ, 4♀), W. Kuslitzky (1♀); 1800m, 33°18.1’N 35°46.4'E, 7.v.2010, AF (1♀); Nahal ‘Iyyon, HaTanur Waterfall, 430m, 33°16.1’N 35°34.5'E, 15.iii.2011, AF (15Ƌ, 22♀), L. Bodner (15Ƌ, 18♀), E. Morgulis (1Ƌ, 2♀); Panyas [Banias], 12.iv. [19]83, AF (1Ƌ); Avivim, 18.iv.1981, AF (43Ƌ, 26♀) ; Yir'on , 17.iv.2000, AF (31Ƌ, 6♀) ; Sasa , 18.iv.1981, AF (1♀) ; Rihaniya [Rihanyia], 16.iv.1992, AF (1Ƌ, 1♀) ; Meron (' Har / Mt. Meron', or ' Meiron'): 1100m, 9.iv.1977, AF (3♀) , 1100m, 32°59.7’N 35°24.7'E, 14.iv.2011, L. Bodner (14Ƌ, 15♀), 1000m, 32°59.7’N 35°24.7'E, 14.iv.2011, L. Friedman (5Ƌ, 5♀), AF (1Ƌ, 3♀), E. Morgulis (1Ƌ, 1♀), 1100m, 17.iv.2000, AF (4Ƌ, 3♀), H. Ackerman (1Ƌ), 17.iv.2012, L. Friedman (1Ƌ, 4♀), 20.iv.1972, AF (5Ƌ, 2♀), 1100m, 27.iv. [19]84, I. Yarom (1Ƌ, 1♀), 900m, 27.iv. [19]84, AF (1Ƌ), 1100m, 30.iv.1981, F. Kaplan (1Ƌ); 3.v. [19]83, Y. Zvik, (1Ƌ), 14.v.1974, AF (1♀), 1100m, 28.v.1981, AF (1♀), 800m, 28.v.2003, L. Friedman (1Ƌ), [Har Meron Reserve], 'En Zeved, 32°59'N 35°26'E, 24.iv.2002, AF (1Ƌ, 3♀), L. Friedman (1Ƌ), Nahal 'Ofaim, 1100m, 20.v.2013, L. Friedman (1♀); ' En-el-Asad , 18.iv.1984, I. Nussbaum (2Ƌ, 1♀) ; Emeq [k] Peqi'in, 3.iv.1978, D. Furth (1♀) ; Har Addir , 980m, 20.v.2013, L. Friedman, on Q[uercus]. boissieri, Q. calliprinos, (1Ƌ); Dalton, 25.iv.1974, D. Furth (2Ƌ); Qiryat ' Anavim : 25.iv.1955, HEBR. UNIV., J.W. Wahrman (3Ƌ, 1♀), [Jerusalem, Palestine, Qiryat ' Anavim], 25.iv. [19]55, O. Theodor (1Ƌ, 6♀) ; Yerushalayim, Bet haKerem [Beth Hakerem, Jerusalem, Palestine], 25.iv. [19]55, O. Theodor (1Ƌ, 1♀) .

Type locality. Malatia ( Turkey).

Distribution. Turkey, Armenia, Iraq and Israel.

Distribution in Israel. Upper Galilee, Mt. Hermon, Golan Heights and Judean Hills.

Adult activity in Israel. April to May.














Platystoma malatiense Hennig, 1945

Bodner, L. & Freidberg, A. 2016

Platystoma malatiense

Hennig 1945: 26
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