Diduga hollowayi, Zhao & Han, 2020

Zhao, Ting Ting & Han, Hui Lin, 2020, Four new species of the genus Diduga Moore, [1887] (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae) from China and Malaysia, ZooKeys 985, pp. 127-141 : 127

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ZooKeys by Pensoft (2020-11-06 07:30:15, last updated 2024-11-30 03:48:53)

scientific name

Diduga hollowayi

sp. nov.

Diduga hollowayi sp. nov. Figs 11 View Figures 7–12 , 12 View Figures 7–12 , 20 View Figures 18–21 , 26 View Figures 22–27 , 28 View Figure 28

Material examined.

Holotype: Malaysia: ♂, Sabah, Borneo Jungle Girl Camp; 5.442°N, 116.451°E, elevation 1123 m; 15-20.II.2019; leg. H. L. Han; genit. prep. no. ztt-033-1; in NEFU. Paratypes: 1♂; same locality as holotype; 24.IV-2.V.2016; leg. H. L. Han; genit. prep. no. ztt-085-1; 7♀♀; same data as holotype; leg. H. L. Han; genit. prep. nos. ztt-034-2, ztt-083-2, ztt-096-2, ztt-097-2, ztt-099-2, ztt-103-2, ztt-104-2; in NEFU.


The new species is similar to D. kohkongensis Bayarsaikhan & Bae, 2018 (Figs 10 View Figures 7–12 , 21 View Figures 18–21 , 27 View Figures 22–27 ) but it can be separated from the latter by the following characters ( D. kohkongensis details are between parentheses): the ground color of forewing is darker; the male antenna is bipectinate (ciliate); the inner edge of costal band approximately straight (undulate); the terminal line distinct, formed by brown dots (yellow); the ground color of the hindwing dark brown (grey); in the male genitalia, the editum is a small band, slightly bulging (formed by stout spines); the valva is narrow and asymmetrical (symmetrical, stout); the apical process of valva is slender, long spine-shaped, incurved inward terminally (strongly horn-shaped, weakly arched); the uncus is slender and hooked (with angular bulge ventrally); the vesica has two cornuti, one small, claw-shaped, the other long, slender, smoothly arched (a row of six irregular cornuti); in the female genitalia, the ductus bursae is narrower; the corpus bursae is approximately triangular, with a triangular signum band posteriorly (rectangular, membranous, with plate of small spines at anterior half).


Adult (Figs 11 View Figures 7–12 , 12 View Figures 7–12 ). Wingspan 12-13 mm, female larger than male. Head yellow; male antenna bipectinate, female antenna filiform. Thorax brown; patagium and tegula yellow, the color of female lighter. Abdomen with pale yellow anal tuft. Forewing with dark brown ground color; costal band broad, yellow to canary yellow, its inner edge nearly straight; the inner edge of terminal band undulated, with a slight right angle at tornus; terminal line conspicuous, formed by brown dots; fringe yellow. Hindwing brown, costal band light brown; fringe brown to smoky brown. Male genitalia (Fig. 20 View Figures 18–21 ). Tegumen triangular, weakly sclerotized, as long as uncus. Vinculum narrow, weakly sclerotized, very broadly U-shaped, with slightly produced semicircular saccus. Juxta flat, moderately sclerotized. Valva band-shaped, weakly sclerotized, covered with setae, asymmetrical; left valva with broad and moderately sclerotized sacculus, 3/4 as long as overall valva, saccular process in shape of a long spine bent internally at ca 90°; right valva as long as left one, its saccular process like left one albeit evenly hooked internally; costa very narrow, as long as valva. Uncus slender, slightly hooked. Aedeagus membranous, cylindrical; coecum short, 1/5 as long as overall aedeagus; vesica with a small claw-shaped cornutus, and long, slender, smoothly arched cornutus subterminally. Female genitalia (Fig. 26 View Figures 22–27 ). Ostium bursae flat and membranous. Ductus bursae flat, weakly sclerotized. Corpus bursae membranous, with a triangular signum band posteriorly; right part strongly sclerotized, with a signum plate covered long spines, terminally connected to ductus bursae. Apophysis anterior short, apophysis posterior ca 2 times as long as apophysis posterior. Papillae anales cylindrical, weakly sclerotized, covered with setae.


The species is named after Dr J.D. Holloway, who conducted outstanding lepidopterological research in Borneo.


Malaysia (Borneo: Sabah) (Fig. 28 View Figure 28 ).


The species was collected in a tropical rain forest area. Podocarpaceae and Myrtaceae are richest families in the collecting biotope, and mosses of Himantocladium plumula (Nees) Fleisch., 1908, Hypopterygium tamarisci Bridel ex C. Müller, 1850, Fissidens wichurae Broth. & Fleisch., 1899 are also abundant.

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Figure 28. Collecting sites of Diduga spp. Key: D. simianshana sp. nov.: China, Chongqing, Mt Simian (blue dot); D. chebalinga sp. nov.: China, Prov. Guangdong, Shaoguan, Chebaling (red dot); D. chewi sp. nov. and D. hollowayi sp. nov.: Malaysia, Borneo (both green dot).

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Figures 7 - 12. Adults of Diduga spp. 7 D. chewi sp. nov., male, holotype, Malaysia (Borneo) 8 ditto, female, paratype, Malaysia (Borneo) 9 D. trichophora, male (after Bucsek 2012) 10 D. kohkongensis, male (after Bayarsaikhan & Bae, 2018) 11 D. hollowayi sp. nov., male, holotype, Malaysia (Borneo) 12 ditto, female, paratype, Malaysia (Borneo).

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Figures 18 - 21. Male genitalia of Diduga spp. 18 D. chewi sp. nov., holotype, genit. prep. No. ztt- 110 - 1 19 D. trichophora (after Bucsek 2012) 20 D. hollowayi sp. nov., holotype, genit. prep. No. ztt- 033 - 1 21 D. kohkongensis (after Bayarsaikhan & Bae, 2018). Scale bars: 0.5 mm.

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Figures 22 - 27. Female genitalia of Diduga spp. 22 D. simianshana sp. nov., paratype, genit. prep. No. ztt- 073 - 2 23 D. chebalinga sp. nov., paratype, genit. prep. No. ztt- 077 - 2 24 D. quinquicornuta (after Bayarsaikhan and Bae 2019) 25 D. chewi sp. nov., paratype, genit. prep. No. ztt- 102 - 2 26 D. hollowayi sp. nov., paratype, genit. prep. No. ztt- 083 - 2 27 D. kohkongensis (after Bayarsaikhan & Bae, 2018). Scale bars: 0.5 mm.















