Aphanogryllacris inconspicua inconspicua (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888 )

Ingrisch, Sigfrid, 2018, New taxa and records of Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera, Stenopelmatoidea) from South East Asia and New Guinea with a key to the genera, Zootaxa 4510 (1), pp. 1-278 : 113-114

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Aphanogryllacris inconspicua inconspicua (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888 )


Aphanogryllacris inconspicua inconspicua (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888) View in CoL

Figs. Images in OSF.

Material examined. Indonesia: Sulawesi: Celebes, 1871, A.B. Meyer— 1 male (lectotype) (Wien ( NHMW), Brunner collection nr. 12.108); same data 1 female (Dresden SMTD) .

Description. Small to medium but not slender species. Head: Face oval; fastigium verticis about as wide as scapus.

Wings about covering abdomen (abdomen of specimen shrunk). Tegmen: Radius with two branches, both forked near tip; media fused with cubitus anterior at base, both divide within basal quarter; media anterior then forks behind basal third into MA and MP; cubitus posterior undivided, free throughout; with 3–4 anal veins.

Coloration. General color yellowish brown; head and pronotum with little distinct dark marks. Face in male type light brown, only area of fastigii darkened, in female dark brown (probably due to preparation) with fastigii black and labrum and palpi of lighter color. Tegmen yellowish semitransparent with darker venation; hind wing semitransparent with darker venation. Spines on ventral margins of hind femur and dorsal margins of hind tibia black, (last internal spine on hind femur markedly larger than preceding spines).

Male. Eighth abdominal tergite prolonged. Ninth abdominal tergite rather strongly descending laterally and apically; down-curved area furrowed in midline; at hind margin provided with a spine at both sides of midline. Subgenital plate wider than long; central area prolonged between bases of rather long and stout styli; tip of prolonged central area bilobate.

Female. Seventh abdominal sternite hidden. Subgenital plate is down-curved in apical area in the only specimen known; thus the photo in OSF and also the drawing in Gorochov (2007) show the apical area of the dorsal (normally hidden) surface of the subgenital plate in apical view: apical margin extended dorsally forming an apical surface, which has a straight ventral margin and is prolonged dorsad on both sides; the dorsal margin is concave; the marginal area of the apical surface is sclerotised and slightly swollen, while the dorso-central area is flat and membranous. Ovipositor long, moderately upcurved throughout; tip subacute.

Discussion. The description above is based on the male and female listed above. The male was selected and labeled as "Typus" by Karny (1930a, p. 52). A female from Sulawesi in the Dresden Museum has identical collecting data as the lectotype and was identified by H. Karny as A. inconspicua regarded to belong to this species as well.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien















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