Neolindus hermani Asenjo

Asenjo, Angelico, 2011, First record of Neolindus Scheerpeltz from French Guiana (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae), with a key to males, ZooKeys 135, pp. 57-67 : 61-64

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scientific name

Neolindus hermani Asenjo

sp. n.

Neolindus hermani Asenjo View in CoL sp. n. hermaniFigs 8-14

Type material.

FRENCH GUIANA: Holotype male with labels:"GUYANA FRANCESA: / Montagne des chevaux, / 04°43'N, 52°25'W, 90m[altitude in relation to sea level], / flight intercept trap(glass), / 8.iii.2009, S. Brûlé, / P.H. Dalens, E. Poirier" "Holotype / Neolindus / hermani Asenjo / Desig. Asenjo, 2011" (DZUP).


5 males with labels: "GUYANA FRANCESA: / Montagne des chevaux, / 04°43'N, 52°25'W, 90m[altitude in relation to sea level], / flight intercept trap(glass), / 2.v.2009, S. Brûlé, / P.H. Dalens, E. Poirier" [without right elytron] (MNHN); "GUYANA FRANCESA: / Montagne des chevaux, / 04°43'N, 52°25'W, 90m[altitude in relation to sea level], / flight intercept trap(glass), / 10.iii.2009, S. Brûlé, / P.H. Dalens, E. Poirier" [without left elytron] (DZUP); "GUYANA FRANCESA: / Montagne des chevaux, / 04°43'N, 52°25'W, 90m[altitude in relation to sea level], / flight intercept trap(glass), / 8.iii.2009, S. Brûlé, / P.H. Dalens, E. Poirier" [without right elytron] (MUSM); "GUYANA FRANCESA: / Réserve Trésor, [around]~225m[altitude in relation to sea level], 04°36'37.6"N, 52°16'44.5"W, / flight intercept trap (glass), / 1.xi.2009, S. Brûlé, P.H. / Dalens, E. Poirier" (MUSM); "GUYANA FRANCESA:The / Nouragues natural reserve, / Saut Pararé, 04°02'17.1"N, 52°40'22.3"W, 80m[altitude in relation to sea level], flight" "intercept trap (glass), / 20.x.2009, S. Brûlé, P.H. / Dalens, E. Poirier" [without elytra] (MUSM). 2 female with labels: "GUYANA FRANCESA: / Montagne des chevaux, / 04°43'N, 52°25'W, 90m[altitude in relation to sea level], / flight intercept trap(glass), /, S. Brûlé, / P.H. Dalens, E. Poirier" (MUSM); "GUYANA FRANCESA:The / Nouragues natural reserve, / Saut Pararé, 04°02'17.1"N, 52°40'22.3"W, 80m[altitude in relation to sea level]," "vii.2009, flight intercept trap / (glass), S. Brûlé, P.H. / Dalens, E. Poirier" (MUSM); all paratypes with label "Paratype / Neolindus / hermani Asenjo / Desig. Asenjo, 2011".


Among Neolindus species, Neolindus hermani sp. n. is similar to Neolindus pastazae , in having the three triangular lobes on the posterior margin of tergum VIII (Fig. 13) and antennal segment 10 shorter than 9. Neolindus hermani sp. n. differs from it by the acute lobe on each side of median apical emargination on sternum VII (Fig. 11) and sternum VIII with a large pair of depressions on each side of the central emargination of the apex (Fig. 14).


Holotype male, BL: 13.75.

Body dark brown (Fig. 8). Mandibles, femora, tibiae and antennal segments 1-2 dark reddish brown; antennal segments 3-11 reddish brown to yellow; all tarsi paler.

Head and pronotum moderately flattened dorsoventrally. Head (Fig. 8) wider (HW: 1.90) than long (HL: 1.22), with acute hind angles. Head disk with umbilicate punctures each carrying a black macroseta and one trichobothrium on lateral side of vertex near anterior third of eye. The umbilicate punctures mainly distributed at posterior edge in transversal line. Epicranium shiny without microsculpture and with micropunctures between umbilicate punctures, micropunctures homogeneously distributed. Gula with transverse cluster of numerous setae near anterior margin. Labrum with large, apically rounded lobe near middle of anterior margin and with smaller, apically rounded lobe near lateral edge of anterior margin. Antennae with scape gradually thickened, pedicel (0.20) shorter than 3.8 times the length of scape (0.76), scape (0.14) wider than pedicel (0.11), segments 3-11 longer than wide and with identical width (0.10), segment 3 (0.47) longer than pedicel (0.20), length segments 4 and 8 (0.31), length segments 5 and 6 (0.35), length segment 7 (0.33), length segment 9 (0.24), length segments 10 and 11 (0.20); segments 3-11 densely covered with microsetae; scape and pedicel with black macrosetae lacking a defined pattern, on segment 3 to 10 arranged in one ring in the apical region, on segment 11 in a ring in the middle region and one tuft in the apical region.

Pronotum (Fig. 8) wider than long (PL: 1.82; PW: 2.12), with anterior margin straight, lateral margin slightly concave and hind angles rounded. Disk polished and shiny without microsculpture; with longitudinal row of 8-11 punctures on each side of midline; several punctures on lateral to paramedial row of punctures; micropunctures homogeneously distributed. Elytra (Fig. 8) slightly wider than pronotum (EL: 2.45; EW: 2.33) with epipleural ridge; surface polished and shiny, with irregular rows; with black macrosetae.

Legs uniformly covered with glossy black macrosetae; segments 1-4 of protarsus strongly bilobate and with yellowish pale setae ventrally.

Abdomen polished and shiny, uniformly punctate; the first segments more strongly punctate than the last. Segments VII and VIII with microsculpture between punctures.

Male with broad and deep median apical emargination on sternum VII (Fig. 11), posterior margin with lobe on lateral edge of emargination; surface adjacent to emargination with shallow median depression. Segment VIII (Figs 13-14) with four internal canals at base of tergum and sternum. Tergum VIII (Fig. 13) with three triangular, apically acute lobes on posterior margin, apex of central lobe longer than lateral lobes; basal ridge with short median carina; surface with slightly midlongitudinal carina on apical portion of median lobe; Sternum VIII (Fig. 14) with large pair of depressions on each side of central emargination of apex. Tergum IX (Fig. 12) fused medially and with long black setae. Aedeagus as in Figs 9-10; parameres symmetric and fused to median lobe; with broad, deep median apical emargination; ventral side with median carina in front of basal foramen; apex of median lobe with many sclerites exposed.

Female with characters of head, pronotum, and elytra as described for male. Abdominal sterna VII and VIII with posterior margin emarginated.


From window traps in rainforest.


Known from Montagne des Chevaux (90m), Nouragues natural reserve-Saut Pararé (80m) and Réserve Trésor (225m) from French Guiana.


This species is named in honor of Dr. Lee Herman of the American Museum of Natural History, USA.

Key to the males of Neolindus species

The Peruvian species Neolindus amazonicus , Neolindus hanagarthi and Neolindus peruvianus described for Irmler 1981 are excluded from the key because they are known only from females.













