Scaura Schwarz, 1938

Engel, Michael S., 2022, Notes on the stingless bee genera Scaura and Geotrigona (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Journal of Melittology 2022 (108), pp. 1-4 : 1-2

publication ID 10.17161/jom.i108.16375

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scientific name

Scaura Schwarz


Genus Scaura Schwarz View in CoL

The genus Scaura Schwarz is a distinctive group of small to minute stingless bees (3–6 mm in total length), particularly noteworthy for the expanded metabasitarsus, a trait shared with the species of Schwarzula Moure. While Schwarzula is sometimes treated as a separate genus sister to Scaura (e.g., Silveira et al., 2002; Camargo & Pedro, 2002a), it has more recently been classified as a subgenus or synonym of Scaura (e.g., Engel et al., 2021). The genus superficially resembles Plebeia Schwarz View in CoL , which led Michener (1990, 2007, 2013) to consider Scaura View in CoL as a subgenus of the former (and Schwarzula View in CoL as a synonym of Scaura View in CoL ). Nonetheless, Scaura View in CoL does not appear to be immediately related to Plebeia ( Rasmussen & Cameron, 2010) View in CoL , and its inclusion therein is unwarranted.

The phylogeny of Rasmussen & Cameron (2010) suggested that Scaura View in CoL was paraphyletic with respect to Schwarzula View in CoL . In their phylogeny, species of the former “ latitarsis View in CoL ” complex were more closely related to Schwarzula View in CoL than to Scaura longula (Lepeletier) View in CoL and S. tenuis (Ducke) View in CoL . Note, however, that in their phylogeny S. latitarsis (Friese) View in CoL , the type species of Scaura View in CoL , was represented by its junior synonym S. tenuis View in CoL (vide Nogueira et al., 2017, 2019), and that the species identified as “ S. latitarsis View in CoL ” was instead likely S. amazonica Nogueira et al. Regarding View in CoL such paraphyly, an easy solution is the synonymy of Schwarzula View in CoL under Scaura View in CoL . However, this classificatory arrangement obscures some interesting biological differences among these groups of bees. For instance, both S. latitarsis View in CoL and S. longula View in CoL are distinctive for their elongate, thin metasomas and both have brood cells arranged in either irregular clusters or columns ( Nogueira et al., 2019, in press). By contrast, the remaining species have broader metasomas similar to those of Schwarzula View in CoL (and are putatively more closely related to this group), and all build brood cells in horizontal discs ( Nogueira et al., 2019, in press). Moreover, Schwarzula View in CoL is known to have a unique mutualism with scale insects ( Coccidae View in CoL ) ( Camargo & Pedro, 2002a, 2002b), and it is therefore itself a practical taxonomic unit. To rectify the situation regarding potential paraphyly of Scaura View in CoL relative to Schwarzula View in CoL it is simple to consider a third subgenus, as proposed herein. Although finely split, the recognition of this group putatively leaves each group monophyletic and allows each subgenus to be associated with a distinctive morphology and biology. Moreover, as subgenera can be ignored easily, it does not burden the classification as those not wishing to employ subgeneric names can simply leave them out.

Key to Subgenera of Scaura View in CoL

1. Metabasitarsus as wide as or wider than metatibia; malar space shorter than flagellar diameter; gena in profile narrower than compound eye; mandible virtually edentate ............................................................................................................ 2

—. Metabasitarsus narrower than metatibia; malar space as long as or longer than flagellar diameter; gena in profile broader than compound eye; mandible with two denticles ................................................................ Schwarzula Moure View in CoL

2(1). Metasoma elongate, length 3× width or more; metasomal tergum VI with dark fuscous or black setae ............................................................ Scaura Schwarz View in CoL , s.str.

—. Metasoma subtriangular, length 1.5× width; metasomal tergum VI with white setae ............................................................................................ Scauracea , n. subgen.











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