Leptogenys bohlsi Emery, 1896

Tozetto, Leonardo, Chaul, Júlio C. M., Lattke, John E. & Boudinot, Brendon E., 2022, Review of the Leptogenys unistimulosa species group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with the description of a new Amazonian species, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20220045) 66 (3), pp. 1-17 : 5-7

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2022-0045

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scientific name

Leptogenys bohlsi Emery, 1896


Leptogenys bohlsi Emery, 1896 View in CoL

( Figures 3 View Figure 3 and 11A View Figure 11 )

Male diagnosis

Uniquely identified among the unistimulosa species complex by the following conditions: (1) Body size not very large (WL <3.00 mm); (2) ocelli small, with the distance between compound eye and lateral ocellus in full face view somewhat more than two times longer than median or lateral ocellus width; (3) ocelli close to but not surpassing posterior head margin in full face view; (4) compound eyes not enlarged, with the distance between them about equal to one eye length in full-face view; (5) scape no more than two times pedicel length and about the same length as clypeal length; (6) mesoscutum about as long as broad; (7) mesoscutum largely smooth; (8) vein M+Cu-f1 reduced; (9) 2r-rs shorter than Rs-f4; (10) petiolar node without bulge anterad of posterodorsal corner; (11) abdominal sternites AIII–VIII (gastral I–VI) sparsely pilose, without appearance of dense shaggy pads. The “small” ocelli and compound eyes are the most conspicuous combination diagnosing this species (chars 2–4).

Male measurements

EL 0.61–0.68; OL 0.13–0.14; OES 0.24–0.25; CML 0.37–0.43; ML 0.38; SL 0.38–0.45; HL 1.03–1.18 HW 1.12–1.22; MeL 1.06–1.16; MeW 1.00–1.01; WL 2.33–2.62; PetW 0.43–0.55; PetH 0.81–0.90; PetL 0.65–0.75; OI 54.5–55.7; MI 31.1–33.9; SI 34.2–36.9; CI 103.4–108.7; DPI 66.7–73.3; LPI 120.0–123.8; (n = 2).

Head longer than wide in full face view, with width measured just posterad of compound eyes. Mandible slightly shorter than antennal scape, rounded apically, edentate, dorsal surface smooth and shining. Clypeus anterolateral margin straight with thin lamella, apex truncate. Frontal carina reduced.Scape not more than 2x pedicel length and about same length as clypeal length. Pedicel longer than wide.Compound eyes grossly enlarged; tracing a horizontal line at maximum eye width in full-face view, face (= “frons”) width is about 3 x the maximum width of eye.Ocelli equal in size, not protruding beyond posterior head border with head in full-face view; distance between compound eye and lateral ocellus greater than two lateral ocellar diameters. Sculpture: cuticle of head capsule weakly punctate.

Mesosoma with dorsal profile in lateral view broadly convex; pronotum in dorsal view punctate laterally and smooth medially. Mesoscutum in dorsal view slightly longer than wide, sparsely punctate. Notauli strongly impressed, scrobiculate, and meeting medially, thus Y-shaped.Parapsidal lines impressed about half of mesoscutal length. Mesoscutellar disc with longitudinal striae.Upper mesopleural region (= anepisternum) punctate with oblique striae. Longitudinal mesopleural sulcus scrobiculate.Lower mesopleural region (= katepisternum) punctate. Propodeum with dorsal profile in lateral view weakly convex, separated from declivity by blunt angle. Sculpture: propodeum and metapleural area (= metapleuron) rugulose, declivity shining and with few carinae.

Wings. Vein C in fore wing present. Abscissa R-f3 present, running toward distal wing margin and enclosing radial (= marginal cell) with Rs-f5. Abscissae Rs-f2-3 present, connecting with Rs+M and M-f2 proximally. Crossvein 2r-rs present and about the same length as Rs-f4, and differentiated from Rs-f4 by presence of Rs-f2-3. Abscissae Rs-f4-5 differentiated into Rs-f4 and Rs-f5 by the presence of 2rs-m. Abscissa M-f 2 in fore wing present. Abscissa M-f4 almost reaching wing margin. Crossvein 1m-cu present. Vein Cu in fore wing present, M+Cu-f1 reduced.Vein A with abscissae A-f2 and A-f2 present; crossvein 1cu-a slightly prefurcal, i.e., Cu+M splitting just distad the crossvein. Vein C in hind wing absent. Vein Sc+R, M+Cu, Cu in hind wing present. Abscissa Rs-f 1 in hind wing present, shorter than 1rs-m. Abscissa Rs-f 2 in hind wing present, sometimes almost reaching wing margin. Abscissa M-f1 and M-f 2 in hind wing present. Crossvein cu-a in hind wing present. Vein A in hind wing with abscissae A-f1 and A-f2 present.

Metasoma. Petiole subtriangular to trapezoid in lateral view, anterior profile straight merging with convex summit, node highest posteriorly, posterior margin abruptly vertical. Subpetiolar process rounded; in dorsal view, petiole longer than broad, lateral margins converging anteriorly; lateral surface mostly rugose, posterior face smooth.Cinctus well-marked, gaster mostly smooth with sparse punctulae.Abdominal sternum IX posteriorly rounded.

Setation. Head with long, erect hairs and fine decumbent hairs; clypeus with fine subdecumbent hairs; antenna with fine decumbent hairs and some stout short, suberect hairs. Mesosoma, petiole, and gaster covered with some long erect hairs.

Color. Body black to brown; clypeus, antenna, legs, and gaster ferruginous brownish; petiole ferruginous ventrally and dark brown dorsally.


The Leptogenys bohlsi View in CoL male is associated with a worker; both ants were glued on their sides on the same cardstock. The male appears to have lost some or most of its pilosity. According to Borgmeier’s catalogue it was collected in 25.ii.33 [1933] Campinas, Goiás (Ulyssea, M. personal communication, July 2022). Although L. bohlsi View in CoL workers can be similar to L. unistimulosa ( Lattke, 2011) View in CoL , the males can be easily differentiated. Even though L. bohlsi View in CoL males are also smaller in size than L. unistimulosa View in CoL males, the compound eyes are more widely spaced in L. bohlsi View in CoL and not as bulging as in L. unistimulosa View in CoL ; the face (= frons) in L. bohlsi View in CoL is at least three times wider than the eye maximum width in full-face view. The ocelli are smaller in L. bohlsi View in CoL , with the distance between the lateral ocellus and eye greater than the maximum diameter of the median ocellus, but this varies among L. unistimulosa View in CoL males. The scape in L. bohlsi View in CoL is shorter than the clypeal length, while it is longer in L. unistimulosa View in CoL .

Material studied

Brazil. Goiás: Campinas, Schwarzmaier, Nr 5512 Coll.Borgm., 1 worker and 1 male, [ MZSP] . Maranhão: Mirador, Geraldina, 05.xii.2009, Mata de Galeria , Ponto de M.10, 1 male DZUP 550887 View Materials , [ DZUP] . Mato Grosso: Poconé, Pantanal, Faz. São Sebastião de Borba , 16°15’24”S 56°37’22” W, X.2016, L. Pavão, col., antes do fogo, AL 10 T4 P40, 1 worker DZUP 550888 View Materials , [ DZUP] GoogleMaps .


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure














Leptogenys bohlsi Emery, 1896

Tozetto, Leonardo, Chaul, Júlio C. M., Lattke, John E. & Boudinot, Brendon E. 2022

Leptogenys bohlsi

Emery 1896

L. bohlsi

Emery 1896

L. bohlsi

Emery 1896

L. bohlsi

Emery 1896

L. bohlsi

Emery 1896

L. bohlsi

Emery 1896

L. bohlsi

Emery 1896
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