Podocotyle, Dujardin, 1845

Blend, Charles K., Dronen, Norman O. & Armstrong, Howard W., 2019, Occurrence of Podocotyle Dujardin, 1845 (Opecoelidae, Podocotylinae) in three species of deep-sea macrourids from the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea with an updated key to species and host-parasite checklist, Zootaxa 4638 (4), pp. 507-533 : 517-521

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4638.4.3

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Podocotyle View in CoL sp. 2

( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 3–4 )

Synonyms: Podocotyle (Podocotyle) sp. n. #2 of Armstrong (1974), Bray (1995) & Blend (1996).

Host: Western Atlantic grenadier, Nezumia atlantica (Parr) (= Ventrifossa atlantica Parr ) ( Gadiformes : Macrouridae : Macrourinae ).

Locality: Northeastern Gulf of Mexico off Florida, 28°22’ N, 86°31’ W, depth = 710 m, 26/June/1971.

Site of infection: Intestine.

Prevalence: 1 of 21 (4.8%).

Intensity: only 1 worm.

Mean intensity: 1/1 = 1.00.

Relative density/abundance: 1/21 = 0.05.

Deposited Specimen: NHMUK 2019.4.12.23 (1 slide).

Records: 1. Armstrong (1974); 2. Bray (1995); 3. Blend (1996); 4. Present study.

Descriptions: 1, 4.

Description: [Based on 1 specimen wherein stain appears slightly faded and a tiny tear is present in posterodextral region of worm. Measurements and proportions given in Table 2 View TABLE 2 .] With characteristics of genus. Body ovalelongate, rounded to slightly pointed extremities, flattened dorsoventrally, margins parallel and widest in middle 1/3 of body. Forebody slightly attenuated to rounded extremity, 1/4 body length. Hindbody wider than forebody, with parallel margins until posterior 1/4 of body where it attenuates to a more pointed extremity. Tegument smooth. Pre-oral lobe not observed. Oral sucker subspherical, subterminal, unspecialized. Ventral sucker prominent, unspecialized with wide muscular perimeter, somewhat protuberant, transversely oval and wider than long, at junction of first and second 1/4 of body. Prepharynx not observed. Pharynx muscular, round, large. Esophagus contracted, thick-walled and sinuous. Intestinal bifurcation ventrally overlapped by anterior margin of ventral sucker. Ceca conspicuous, thin-walled, voluminous, with near consistent width throughout until posterior end where ceca narrow and terminate blindly at posterior extremity; left cecum more narrowed at posterior end than right cecum.

Testes 2, median, tandem, contiguous, transversely oval to globular, intercecal, post-equatorial near junction of middle and posterior 1/3 of body. Post-testicular region occupies posterior 1/4 of body. Cirrus pouch clavate with indistinct wall, extends posterodextrally over right side of ventral sucker to level of posterior edge of sucker. Seminal vesicle internal, bi-partite; proximal portion saccate, occupies posterodextral portion of cirrus pouch; distal portion tubular and narrows towards anterior end of pouch. Pars prostatica inconspicuous; ejaculatory duct long; prostatic gland cells distributed throughout cirrus pouch with dense numbers along left margin of pouch. Genital pore submedian (sinistral), ventrally overlapped by puckered anterior margin of ventral sucker, at level of lower esophagus, midway between left margin and midline of worm. Genital atrium present.

Ovary 3-lobed, lobes inconspicuous, sub-triangular in shape, median, equatorial in middle 1/3 of body, postacetabular, contiguous to and immediately anterior to anterior testis, intercecal. Vitelline reservoir conspicuous, median to just submedian (sinistral), sub-triangular, contiguous with anterodorsal edge of ovary. Transverse vitelline ducts run dorsal to and parallel along anterior margin of ovary, extend laterally to medial walls of ceca. Canalicular seminal receptacle oval, pre-ovarian, dextral to vitelline reservoir and along midline of worm, 74 long × 44 wide. Laurer’s canal runs between ovary and vitelline reservoir, opens dorsally. Oviduct arises from anterior-most lobe of ovary (large ova seen in anterior lobe), receives both Laurer’s canal and main vitelline duct, then enters oötype anterior to ovary; large Mehlis’ gland cells present. Uterus inconspicuous, narrow, intercecal, extends posteriorly to mid-level of ovary and runs anterodorsally over ventral sucker and parallel to and along left side of distal portion of cirrus pouch before it enters genital atrium. Metraterm not observed. Vitelline fields follicular, large, circular to more elongate in shape, extend longitudinally in uninterrupted lateral bands (small gap to right of ventral sucker near body margin) from near posterior extremity anteriorly to level of anterior margin of ventral sucker (right band extends to anterior margin of sucker; left band extends anteriorly only to posterior margin of sucker); dorsal follicles along medial and lateral margins of ceca only, ventral follicles confluent over ceca, overlap lateral margins of testes, not confluent in but encroach into pre-ovarian region, in space between ovary and anterior testis, and in inter-testicular region; follicles in post-testicular region are not confluent dorsally but confluent ventrally in anteriormost area of this region. Eggs few (only 3 observed), collapsed and/or crenulated, large, operculate, amber, non-embryonated, non-filamented with nib on one pole.

Excretory bladder I-shaped/tubular, wide, very conspicuous, extends to posterior border of posterior testis. Excretory pore terminal.

TABLE 2. Dimensions of Podocotyle pearsei Manter, 1934 from Bathygadus melanobranchus Vaillant and unidentified Podocotyle spp. from Bathygadus favosus Goode & Bean and Nezumia atlantica (Parr) (Gadiformes: Macrouridae) collected from the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea off Colombia.

Parasite Podocotyle pearsei Manter, 1934 Podocotyle pearsei Manter, 1934 Podocotyle sp. 1 Podocotyle sp. 2 Podocotyle View in CoL sp. 3
n = 1 11 1 1 1
Type designation & fixation Voucher; cold-fixed 1 Vouchers; cold-fixed 2 Voucher; alive/heat- fixed Voucher; alive/heat- fixed Voucher; cold-fixed
Host B. melanobranchus (Macrouridae) B. melanobranchus (Macrouridae) N. atlantica (Macrouridae) N. atlantica (Macrouridae) B. favosus (Macrouridae)
Locality NE Gulf of Mexico Western Gulf of Mexico NE Gulf of Mexico NE Gulf of Mexico Caribbean Sea off Colombia
Length 1,632 1,064–1,704 (1,371) 3 1,592 1,512 3,072
Width at pharynx 248 152–376 (265) 400 352 224
Width at VS 3 624 296–480 (419) 520 512 656
Width at PT 3 632 304–608 (460) 592 512 632
Forebody L 3 688 264–496 (400) 400 392 928
Hindbody L 944 752–1,224 (971) 1,192 1,120 2,144
Oral sucker (OS) L 192 152–216 (169) 196 208 288
OS W 3 204 188–216 (200) 236 232 168
Prepharynx L 0 0 (0) 0 0 24
Pharynx L 148 92–140 (116) 100 132 164
Pharynx W 112 92–136 (110) 128 160 160
Esophagus L 320 216–444 (343) [n = 10] 3 52 384 624
Intestinal bifurc. anterior to VS 88 0–28 (7) 60 0 52
Ceca W @ widest point Left = 104; Right = 72 Left = 40–104 (65); Right = 40–96 (63) Left = 48; Right = 44 Left = 188; Right = 188 Left = 60; Right = 84
Post-cecal region L 124 64–200 (121) 184 128 248
VS L 304 236–352 (290) 344 320 408

...Continued on next page

TABLE 2. (Continued)

Parasite Podocotyle pearsei Manter , Podocotyle pearsei Manter , Podocotyle sp. 1 Podocotyle sp. 2 Podocotyle sp. 3
  1934 1934      
VS W 384 272–424 (358) 432 368 568
AT 3 L 90 88–120 (105) 140 120 212
AT W 240 160–280 (208) 276 168 364
PT L 94 116–180 (152) 140 120 344
PT W 216 156–264 (207) 272 192 312
AT to PT 0 0 (0) [n = 10] 0 0 16
Post-testicular region (PTR) L 376 208–432 (309) 264 400 896
PTR W at mid-point 408 248–488 (362) 432 392 480
Cirrus pouch (CP) L 256 226–304 (257) [n = 9] 492 308 348
CP W 96 70–104 (85) [n = 10] 62 104 160
Genital pore (GP) to lateral 72 48–92 (66) [n = 10] 96 60 120
GP anterior to VS 208 44–132 (84) [n = 10] 120 0 156
GP anterior to intestinal bifurc. 80 32–84 (65) [n = 10] 40 20 52
Pre-ovarian region L 1,160 480–984 (759) 872 784 1,480
Ovary (OV) L 88 60–116 (82) [n = 10] 192 84 140
OV W 212 100–236 (161) [n = 10] 292 156 340
VS to OV 164 52–188 (102) [n = 10] 144 120 112
OV to AT 0 0 (0) 0 0 0
Vitelline follicle L 40–76 (61) [n = 5] 3 24–68 (41) [n = 55] 3 24–50 (37) [n = 5] 3 26–40 (32) [n = 5] 3 48–92 (75) [n = 5] 3
Vitelline follicle W 28–52 (37) [n = 5] 3 12–60 (24) [n = 55] 3 20–24 (22) [n = 5] 3 16–24 (20) [n = 5] 3 40–60 (48) [n = 5] 3
Vitelline fields to VS 0 0 (0) [n = 10] Right band = 0; Left 0 0
band = 52
Vitelline reservoir L 90 50–110 (75) 130 130 68

Natural History Museum, London















Blend, Charles K., Dronen, Norman O. & Armstrong, Howard W. 2019


Dujardin 1845
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