Rhopalum (Latrorhopalum) nursei, Jacobs, 2016

Jacobs, Hans-Joachim, 2016, Rhopalum (Lathroropalum) creutzburgi spec. nov. from Nepal (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 66 (1), pp. 139-144 : 141

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Carolina (2021-05-12 17:00:23, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-02 09:21:47)

scientific name

Rhopalum (Latrorhopalum) nursei

nom. nov.

Rhopalum (Latrorhopalum) nursei View in CoL nom. nov.

NURSE (1902) as Crabro petiolatus : North India (Shimla). – LECLERCQ (1955): as Rhopalum (Latrorhopalum) petiolatum (figure of antenna and marginal cell). – LECLERCQ (2011) as Rhopalum petiolatum : description lectotype .

New name for Crabro petiolatus NURSE, 1902 nec Crabro petiolatus PANZER, 1797 , a synonym of Mellinus crabroneus (THUNBERG, 1791) (see PULAWSKI 2016).

: Black. Pronotal lobe and base of scape yellow. Front edges of pronotum acuminate. Apical margin of clypeus weakly produced, without teeth. Antenna without special features (Fig. 10). Submarginal cell conspicuously short (Fig. 9). Body length 7 mm. Only types known from north India (Shimla, 31.105° N 77.173° E) GoogleMaps .

NURSE (1902) described the species based on males and females, but there is no indication of the number of specimens. The relatively short description contains no differences between the sexes. LECLERCQ (2011) designated a female as lectotype. The figures in the paper of LECLERCQ (1955) contain no indication of the sex. Maybe it was a female (see LECLERCQ 2011). The other figures published by LECLERCQ (1955) are definitely of males. In the papers ( LECLERCQ 1955, 2011) is no reference to a male. Maybe it is the unknown female of Rhopalum iridescens (see LECLERCQ 2011).

KOHL (1915): Japan (Kofou). – TSUNEKI (1952): Japan (Kyoto, Nagano, Fukushima, Tochigi, Shikoku, Sapporo, Jozankei, Sounkyo), Sakhalin (Tarandomari), Kurile Islands (Horomuchiro). – MARSHAKOV (1976): key, Chitinskaya oblast, Sakhalin (Novoaleksandrovsk), Kurile Islands (Kunashir). – NEMKOV (1995): key, South Khabarovsk, Primorsky krai, Sakhalin, Kurile

KOHL, F. F. 1915: Die Crabronen (Hymenopt.) der palaarktischen Region. Monographisch bearbeitet. - Annalen des k. k. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums 29: 1 - 453, pls. I - XIV.

LECLERCQ, J. 1955: Rhopalum (Latrorhopalum) expeditionis, Crabronien nouveau du Thibet (Hym. Sphecidae). - Bulletin & Annales de la Societe Royale d'Entomologie de Belgique 91: 196 - 198.

LECLERCQ, J. 2011: Hymenopteres Crabroniens d'Asie du genre Rhopalum STEPHENS 1829 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae: Crabroninae). - Faunistic Entomology - Entomologie Faunistique 63: 3 - 21.

MARSHAKOV, V. G. 1976: Obzor rodov triby Crabronini (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) fauny SSSR. Rod Rhopalum STEPHENS, 1829. - Review of the genera of the tribe Crabronini (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from the USSR. The genus Rhopalum STEPHENS, 1829. - Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR 67: 100 - 112.

NEMKOV, P. G. 1995: Superfam. Sphecoidea. 67. Fam. Sphecidae - Digger wasps. Triba Crabronini. - 425 - 453. - In: LEHR, P. A. (ed.): Key to the insects of Russian Far East. Neuropteroidea, Mecoptera, Hymenoptera. - St. Peterburg: Nauka 4 (1): 1 - 606.

NURSE, C. G. 1902: New species of Indian Hymenoptera. - Indian Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 14: 79 - 92.

PULAWSKI, W. J. 2016: Catalog of Sphecidae sensu lato (= Apoidea excluding Apidae). Last updated 19 March 2016. - Online in Internet: ww. calacademy. org / scientists / projects / catalog-of-sphecidae. [Download 25.03.2016].

TSUNEKI, K. 1952: The genus Rhopalum KIRBY (1829) of Japan, Korea, Saghalien and the Kuriles, with a suggested reclassification of the subgenera and descriptions of four new species (Hym. Sphecidae, Crabroninae). - Journal of the Faculty of Sciences, Hokkaido Imperial University (Series VI, Zoology) 11: 110 - 125.











