Synolcus dubius (Macquart, 1846)

Londt, Jason G. H., 2012, The genus Synolcus Loew, 1858, with descriptions of new species (Diptera: Asilidae), African Invertebrates 53 (2), pp. 661-661 : 678-684

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Felipe (2023-05-08 21:25:07, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-09 03:32:02)

scientific name

Synolcus dubius (Macquart, 1846)


Synolcus dubius (Macquart, 1846)

Figs 1 View Fig , 7 View Figs 2–14 , 39–43 View Figs 39–43 , 80 View Figs 76–86 , 90 View Fig

Asilus dubius: Macquart 1846: 89 , pl. 8, fig. 15 (wing).

Synolcus dubius: Loew 1860: 149–150 ; Kertész 1909: 283 (catalogue); Engel 1927: 144; Hull 1962: 526; Oldroyd 1974: 163, figs 158 (whole ♂), 160 (♀ gen. incorrect caption, should be fig. 159); 1980: 346 (catalogue); Londt 1980: 30–33, figs 1 (whole ♂), 4 (wing), 16–18 (♂ gen.), 19 (♀ gen.); 1990: 2, 10–11.

Synolcus signatus Loew, 1858: 362 View in CoL ; 1860: 148–149, figs 1a (♂ gen.), 1b (♂ wing), 1c (head), 2a (♀ wing), 2b (♀ gen.); Londt 1980: 30–32.

Synolcus tenuiventris Loew, 1858: 362 View in CoL ; 1860: 147–148; Kertész 1909:283 (catalogue); Engel 1927: 143–145; Hull 1962: 526, figs 354 (ant.), 2300, 2304 (♂ gen.); Oldroyd 1974: 163.

Notes on synonymies:

Synolcus signatus Loew, 1858 View in CoL The synonymy of signatus View in CoL with dubius is discussed under acrobaptus View in CoL above.

Synolcus tenuiventris Loew, 1858 View in CoL

This longstanding synonymy, first recorded by Kertész (1909), has never been disputed. I have seen a series of photographs of the type male labelled ‘291’, ‘71’ ( NHRS). These confirm the synonymy. Loew’s (1860) illustrations (figs 1a (♂ gen.), 1b (♂ wing), 1c (head), 2a (♀ wing), 2b (♀ gen.)) clearly represent this species (or dubius ) and not signatus View in CoL as indicated by Loew .



Head: Dark red-brown to and orange-brown, strongly silver-gold pruinose, pale yellowish and black setose. Antenna: Orange (scape and pedicel) and red-brown (postpedicel and stylus), fine silver­gray pruinose, scape and pedicel black setose, postpedicel with a few small pale yellow setae dorsally; mean segmental ratios (n=5) 1:0.7:1.3:1.3 (0.2:1.0:0.1), i.e. pedicel shorter than scape, postpedicel longer than scape, stylus about as long as postpedicel. Face: Dark red-brown with orange-brown region ventrally, strongly silver-gold pruinose. Mystax entirely pale yellow (rarely with a few small blackish setae), setae better developed ventrally. Frons and vertex: Dark red-brown, silver-gold pruinose, frons pale-yellow setose laterally (rarely with some blackish setae), ocellar tubercle black setose. Occiput: Dark red-brown, strongly silver-gold pruinose, black (dorsally) and pale yellowish to white (centrally and ventrally) setose.

Thorax: Variable from bright orange to orange-brown with dark red-brown to blackish markings, silver-gold pruinose, black and pale yellowish setose. Prothorax: Usually orange-brown, silver-gold pruinose, pale yellowish setose. Mesonotum: Orange to orange-brown, silver-gold pruinose with dark red-brown pruinose median band and lateral patches, macrosetae black, minor setae short, blackish or yellowish. Macrosetae: acr poorly developed posterior of transverse suture only, dc moderately developed posterior of transverse suture (extending slightly anterior of suture), 2 npl, 2 spal (sometimes 1 strong, 1 weak), 1 pal (may be accompanied by moderately developed setae). Scutellum: Orange to orange-brown, silver-gold pruinose, disc pale yellow and black setose, 1 pair poorly developed black apical macrosetae. Pleura: Variable between bright orange to orange-brown, silver-gold pruinose, weakly pale yellow setose except for group of c. 12 moderately developed ktg. Legs: Cx orange to orange-brown, silver-gold pruinose, pale yellowish setose; cx 3 with 1 lateral macroseta. Tro orange, weakly apruinose, weakly pale yellowish setose. Fem largely orange with variable dark red-brown anterodorsal marking not reaching distal end, major setae pale yellow (posteriorly) and black (anteriorly), minor setae mostly pale yellowish. Tib orange with slightly darker brown-orange distal end, major and minor setae black and pale yellow. Tar brown-orange, major and minor setae mostly black (are some pale yellow). Wing ( Fig. 7 View Figs 2–14 ): Veins dark red-brown, membrane slightly yellowish stained, mostly transparent, appearing grayish due to microtrichiae (especially distally). Cell sc lacking sc–r. Cells r 1 and r 2+3 considerably expanded and displaying corrugations. Wing length × breadth (mean, n =10) 11.8 (9.3–15.0) × 4.6 (3.6–5.9) mm. Haltere: Orange with red-brown distal end.

Abdomen: Brown-orange to dark red-brown, silver-gold pruinose, pale yellow setose. T1 fairly uniformly brown-orange, silver pruinose, 5–6 pale yellow macrosetae laterally accompanied by many pale yellow setae, medially short setose. T2–8 becoming progressively darker posteriorly, from brown-orange to dark red-brown, silver-gold pruinose, but darker in appearance anteromedially, setae pale yellow. S as T but uniformly silver-gold pruinose, pale yellow setose.

Terminalia ( Figs 39–43 View Figs 39–43 ): Epand in lateral view ( Fig. 39 View Figs 39–43 ) more than twice as long as deep, with fairly narrowly rounded distal tip and moderately well-developed ventral lobe in proximal region; epand lobes in dorsal view ( Fig. 40 View Figs 39–43 ) divergent proximally, converging fairly rapidly before gradually diverging toward their tips which are slightly medially directed. S8 moderately well-developed with medially situated, somewhat ventrally directed setose lobe ( Figs 39, 41 View Figs 39–43 ). Hypd fairly narrow with medially indented hind margin ( Fig. 41 View Figs 39–43 ). Gonst in lateral view ( Fig. 42 View Figs 39–43 ) with pointed projection dorsally at about midlength. Aed fairly stout with narrow ventrally-directed tip ( Fig. 43 View Figs 39–43 ).

Female: Essentially similar to male. Wing length × breadth (mean, n=10) 12.6 (9.3– 14.9)× 4.1 (3.0–5.0) mm (wing not expanded and therefore relatively narrower than in male). Terminalia ( Fig. 80 View Figs 76–86 ): Ovipositor laterally compressed, knife-like, elongate (almost 3 times as long as deep). Note: This elongate condition, while the norm for species of the acrobaptus group, is exceptional within the dubius group where ovipositors are generally much shorter.

Material examined: MOZAMBIQUE: 1? [♀] Lourenço Marques [Maputo, 25°58'S 32°35'E], ix–xii.1913 (BMNH). SOUTH AFRICA: 1♀ Loskopdan Nat. Res. area, 2529AD, 24.i.1978, Londt, bushveld near river; 1♀ Noordkaap, 20, 5 km S Nelspruit, 2530DB, 1–2.xii.1976, Miller; 1♀ Ndumu Game Reserve, 2632DC, 4–9.x.1982, Londt, camp & riverine bush; 3♂ 2♀ Kosi Bay Nat. Res., 2632DD, 30.xi–2. xii.1982, Londt, Barraclough & Stuckenberg, forest & open woodland; 1♂ Makaheli Forest, c. 5 km NE Mangusi, 2632DD, 30.xi–2.xii.1982, Barraclough, Londt & Stuckenberg, forest; 3♂ Mseleni, 2732BC, 29.xi.1982, Stuckenberg, Barraclough & Londt, Woodland/sandy area; 1♂ 1♀ Cathedral Peak area, 2829CC, 17–27.xii.1977, Londt & Miller, indigenous forest Malaise trap; 1♂ 3♀ Cathedral Peak area, 2829CC, 16–18.xii.1977, Londt, Malaise trap; 1♂ The Kop Forest, Kranskop, 2830DD, 4.i.1970, Stuckenberg; 2♀ Entumeni Nat. Res., 16 km W Eshowe, 2831CD, 670 m, 26.i.1980, Miller & Stabbins, indigenous forest; 4♂ 1♀ Eshowe district, Ntumeni forest, 2831CD, 6.x.198, Freidberg; 2♂ 1♀ Dlinza Forest Reserve, Eshowe, 2831CD, 450 m, 20–23.x.1978, Londt; 1♂ Ongoye (Ngoye) Forest, near Eshowe, 2831DC, 29.ix.2006, Davies, main track through forest; 1♂ 1♀ Umlalazi Nat. Res., 1.5 km E Mtunzini, 2831DD, 4.xi.1979, Miller, coastal indigenous forest; 2♂ Umlalazi Nat. Res., 1.5 km E Mtunzini, 2831DD, x.1978, Miller, indigenous forest, Malaise trap; 2♂ Umlalazi Nat. Res., 1.5 km E Mtunzini, 2831DD, xi.1978, Miller, indigenous forest, Malaise trap; 1♂ 1♀ Umlalazi Nat. Res., 2831DD, 2–10.x.1982, Londt, dune forest & edges; 1♀ St Lucia Nat. Res., 2832AD, 18–20.xii.1981, Londt & Stuckenberg, coastal bush & forest; 1♀ St Lucia Nat. Res., 2832AD, 7.x.1983, Freidberg; 1♀ Cape Vidal, 20 mi [c. 32 km] N St Lucia [2832BA], 0–20 m, 24.xi.1971, Irwin, coastal dune forest; 7♂ 3♀ Injasuti Nat. Res., 2929AB, 5–11.xii.1983, Londt, at M/V light trap; 1♀ Umgeni Poort Convent, 2929BD, 1550–1610 m, 25–27.iii.1988, Whittington, in mixed grassland exotic scrub clear & warm; 1♂ Karkloof, 2930AB, 19.i.1983, Barraclough; 1♂ Clifton Canyon, Gillitts, 2930DD, 5.i.1980, Miller & Stabbins, indigenous forest; 1♂ Vernon Crookes Nat. Res., 3030BC, 23–30.x.2005, Davies, coastal forest; 1♂ Hogsback, 3226DB, 13–16.xii.1985, Londt, forest & forest margins; 1♀ Alexandria Forest Reserve, 3326DA, 28.xii.1985, Londt, forest & forest margins; 1♀ Leipsig Mission Station, Blouberg [23°00'S 28°59'E], 3–5.i.1955, Transvaal Museum Expedition; 1♀ Entabeni Forestry Station, Soutpansberg Range, 23°00'S 30°14'E, c. 1350 m, 15.i.1974, Stuckenberg, grassland near forest; 1♀ Entabeni Forestry Station, Soutpansberg Range, 23°00'S 30°14'E, c. 1350 m, 15.i.1974, Stuckenberg, forest edge & Lantana flowers; 1♀ Entabeni, Soutpansberg [23°00'S 30°14'E], xi.1931, van Son; 1♀ Entabeni For. Res. [23°00'S 30°14'E], 7–11.i.1987, Uys (SANC); 3♂ 2♀ Ben Lavin Nat. Res., 23°08'S 29°57'E, 2700 ft [c. 823m], 21.xi.1997, Barraclough & James, light trap; 1♀ Modjadji Nat. Res., 23.38S 30.20E, 13–14.i.1987, Eardley; 1♂ 1♀ Woodbush [23°44'S 30°02'E], i.1923, Roberts; 1♂ 2♀ Malta, Pietersburg [Polokwane, 24°10'S 30°14'E], 3.ii.1927, van Son; 2♂ Ekuthuleni, c. 7 km S Mica, 24°12'52"S 30°49'03"E, 352 m, 24–29.ix.2006, Londt, riverine vegetation along Olifants River; 1♂ Blyderivierspoort dam Nat. Res., 24°32'S 30°47'E, 25–26.xi.1984, Eardley (SANC); 2♀ Nylsvley Nature Res., 24°39'S 28°42'E, 1095 m, xi.1978, Ferreira (SANC); 1♀ Nylstroom [24°42'S 28°24'E], 4.xii.1944, Schumann; 1♂ Warmbaths [Bella Bella, 24°52'S 28°17'E], Wayner (SAMC); 1♀ Sudwala Caves, 25°22'S 30°41'E, 870 m, 17.xi.1997, Barraclough & James, indigenous woodland; 1♀ Nelspruit [Mbombela, 25°28'S 30°58'E], xii.1917, Breijer; 1♂ Malelane [25°29'S 31°31'E], 1.x.1963, Johannsmeier (SANC); 1♀ Pretoria, 25°44'S 28°13'E, 16.xi.1997, Loew; 1♀ Barberton, 25.48°S 31.03°E, 20–21.iii.1979, Moolman (SANC); 1♂ Eldoraigne, Centurion, 25°50'S 28°09'E, 26.iv.1999, Yetman; 1♂ Kyalami, 25°56'S 28°07'E, 10.iii.1998, Nolting; 1♂ Illovo, Johannesburg [26°07'46"S 28°03'03"E], 26.x.1985, Webb; 1♂ Kosi Bay Nat. Res., 26°5721"S 32°49'51"E, 37 m, 10–15.xii.2010, Londt, dune forest; 2♀ Kosi Bay Nat. Res., 26°57'28"S 32°49'36"E, 20 m, 8–14.x.2011, Londt, Ugudu Lodge area dune forest; 1♂ Kosi Bay Nat. Res., 26°57'46"S 32°48'35"E, 20 m, 9–13.x.2011, Londt, picnic area sandy mixed savannah; 1♀ Kosi Bay Nat. Res., 26.957589°S 32.827366°, 15 m, 9–13.x.2011, Miller, Malaise trap close to chalet; 1♂ Tembe Game Reserve, 26°58.3'S 32°31.5'E, 7.x.1999, Herbert, Masters & Van Heerden, sand forest and environs; 1♀ Lake Nhlange margin, Kosi Bay, 26°59'S 32°50'E, 14.x.2001, Reavell; 1♂ Manguzi Forest Reserve, 26.992588°S 32.723958°E, 60 m, 9–13.x.2011, Miller, Malaise trap on forest trail; 1♂ Pongola Bush Nat. Res., 27°21'S 30°26'E, 18.i.1995, Stuckenberg, indigenous forest; 1♂ Mantuma Camp Reception, Mkuzi Game Reserve, 27°35'55"S 32°13'05"E, 15.xi.2002, Conway; 1♀ Ngome [27°52'S 31°24'E], 3.i.1981, ‘202’ ♀ prey of ‘201’ ♀ [i.e. S. minor – see below]; 1♂ 2♀ False Bay Park, Lake St Lucia [27°58'S 32°22'E], 9–15.x.1985, Manning, thick sand forest; 1♀ Zinave Game Ranch, 20 km W of Ngweni, 27°59'S 32°18'E, 2.ii.1990, Schoeman; 1♂ Hluhluwe Game Reserve, 28°04'S 32°08'E, 4.xii.1992, Bagnall; 1♂ Cape Vidal area, 28°06'S 30°33'E, 30 m, 9.x.1992, Londt, coastal bush/forest; 1♂ Cape Vidal, 28°08'13"S 32°32'43"E, 31 m, 26.xi.1998, Leftwich, grassy clearing in coastal forest; 1♂ Eastern Shores, GSLWP, 28°18'07"S 32°27'18"E, 2.x.2001, Armstrong & Ngwenya, forest dune valley/bottomlands; 1♀ Van Reenen [28°22'S 29°23'E], xii.1926, Turner (BMNH); 1♀ Dukuduku Nat. Res., 15 km E Mtubatuba [28°23'S 32°19'E], 23.ix.1977, Brothers; 2♂ 4♀ St Lucia Estuary area, 28°23'S 32°25'E, 10 m, 5–10.x.1992, Londt, coastal bush and forest; 2♂ St Lucia Bay [28°23'S 32°25'E], x.1919, Bell­Marley (DMSA); 1♀ ‘Zululand’, Mposa [28°31'S 31°47'E], x.1951, Munro (SANC); 1♂ St Lucia Estuary, 7.x.1983, Stuckenberg, coastal bush & grassland; 1♂ Empangeni, 28°38'S 31°42'E, 18.ii.1990, Reavell (with prey: alate Isoptera); 1♂ 2♀ Royal Natal National Park [28°41'S 28°59'E], 6–10.xii.1984, Londt, riverine bush montane slopes; 2♀ Royal Natal National Park, 28°41.362'S 28°56.327'E, 1425 m, 13.xii.2004, Mostovski, Malaise trap stream yellowwood; 1♂ 1♀ Empangeni District, Enseleni Reserve [28°41'S 32°03'E], 8.x.1983, Stuckenberg, flowering meadow; 1♂ 2♀ Mfongosi [28°42'S 30°48'E], xii.1911, Jones (SAMC); 1♂ 1♀ Nkandla Forest Reserve [28°44'S 31°09'E], xii.1952 (BMNH); 1♀ Nkandla For. Res. [28°45'S 31°09'E], 19–21.x.2003, Mostovski, Malaise tr.; 1♀ Nkandla, i.1937, Lawrence, forest (SAMC); 1♂ Mpushini Falls, Dlinza, Eshowe, 28°50'S 31°25'E, 520 m, xi.1983, Digby; 2♂ 1♀ Kusikwayo Eastern section, Ongoye Forest, 28°50'S 31°43'E, 380 m, 6.ix–21.x.2008, Miller & Davies, Malaise trap forest understory (SANC); 1♀ Entumeni Nat. Res., 28°52'35"S 31°22'54"E, 26.i.1988, Londt, coast scarp forest; 5♂ 3♀ Ntumeni forest [28°53'S 31°19'E], 6.x.1983, Stuckenberg; 1? Eshowe [28°53'S 31°28'E], xi xii.1943, Bevis (DMSA); 1♂ 1♀ Eshowe, 28°53'S 31°28'E, 3.x.1995, Eckard; 3♀ Cathedral Peak [28°57'S 29°12'E], 18.xii.1966, Londt; 1♀ Cathedral Peak, Mike’s Pass [28°57'S 29°14'E], 1700 m, 24.ii.1984, Moolman (SANC); 1♀ Didima, Cathedral Peak, 28°57.000'S 29°14.395'E, 1422 m, 13–16.xii.2004, Mostovski; 1♀ Cathedral Peak Forestry Research Station, 1330 m, 15.xi.1990, Pajor; 2♀ Umlalazi Nat. Res., 28°57'S 31°46'E, 50 m, 8.xi.1997, Londt, dune forest & margins; 1♂ Monk’s Cowl, Drakensberg [29°00'S 29°23'E], 23–25.x.1993, Koch (ZMHB); 2♀ Lekkerwater Farm, 29°00'S 29°24'E, 1470 m, 18.xii.1996, Londt, in grotto near farm (1♀ with Lepidoptera, small unidentified moth, prey); 1? Hudley [29°00'19"S 31°42'21"E], 28.xi – 6.xii.1948, Pinhey; 1♀ Dragon Peaks Park [29°01'S 29°26'E], 9–12. xi.1993, Mey & Ebert (ZMHB); 1♂ Monk’s Cowl Nat. Res., 29°02'20"S 29°24'09"E, 1358 m, 21.i.2006, Londt, montane grassland; 1♂ Monk’s Cowl Nat. Res., 29°03'S 29°24'E, 1440 m, 10.xii.1995, Londt, stream & forest edges (with prey: Mecoptera , Bittacidae , Bittacus nebulosus ); 1♂ Monk’s Cowl Nat. Res., 29°03'S 29°24'E, 1440 m, 15–16.xii.1992, Londt, grass/streamside bush; 2♂ 1♀ Injasuti, 29°08'32"S 29°25'34"E, 1635 m, 8.xii.1998, Leftwich, within montane forest; 1♀ Geekies farm, Karkloof [29°15'S 30°20'E], 12.xii.1978, Londt; 1♂ Geekies farm, Karkloof, 21.xii.1983, Stuckenberg; 1♂ Karkloof, 29°17'S 30°23'E, 23.xii.1988, Wirminghaus; 1♂ Karkloof Nat. Res., 29°18'00"S 30°13'40"E, 1260 m, Londt, mixed Podocarpus forest edge; 1? Giant’s Castle, 29°20'S 29°29'E, 2006 m, 2.ii.1995, Barraclough, forest and margins; 1♀ Fort Nottingham Nat. Res., 29°24'44"S 29°55'00"E, 1525 m, 5.ii.2011, Londt, Podocarpus forest area; 1♂ 1♀ Karkloof [29°27'S 30°19'E], ii.1897, Marshall (BMNH); 1♂ Howick, 29°28'S 30°13'E, 1060 m, 29.xii.1991, Whittington, garden vegetation; 1♀ Howick, 29°28'S 30°13'E, 1060 m, 21.xi.1993, Whittington, garden vegetation; 1♀ Howick, 29°28'40"S 30°13'20"E, 6.ii.1991, Whittington, domestic lights; 1♂ 3 pupal cases Howick, 29°29'S 30°13'E, 1060 m, 6.xi.1993, Whittington, from building sand; 2♂ Salt Rock, 29°29'S 31°15'E, 10 m, 5–12.x.1991, Londt, caravan park & area; 2♂ Otto’s Bluff [29°30'30"S 30°21'45"E], 28.xi.1979, Londt; 1♀ Ballito, 29°32'S 31°13'E, 30 m, 11.x.1991, Londt, damp woodland; 1♂ Hilton [29°32'30"S 30°18'18"E], 24.xi–9.xii.2003, Mostovski, Malaise trap, garden; 1♂ same data but 10–23.xii.2003; 1♂ same data but 15–26.i.2004; 1♂ Ferncliff [Forest/Nature Reserve, 29°33'00"S 30°20'30"E], 6.xii.1961, Stuckenberg; 1♂ 1♀ same data but 975 m, 23.xi.1987, Londt & Seymour, mistbelt mixed forest; 1♂ 2♀ Ferncliff Nat. Res., 29°33'S 30°20'E, 9.i.1990, Londt & Whittington, indigenous forest; 1♀ same data but 16.i.1990, Chinn & Whittington, indigenous forest; 1♂ same data but 30.xi.1994, Cradock; 1♀ same data but 1020 m, 16.xii.1996, Londt, forest margin; 1♀ Pietermaritzburg, 29°33.051'S 30°20.490'E, 25.xi.2003, Davies & Conway, mist belt indigenous forest; 1♂ Ferncliff, 22.ii.1988, Whittington, indigenous forest; 1♂ Bishopstowe, near Pietermaritzburg, 2930CB, 9.xi.1981, Seymour; 1♂ 2♀ Townbush, Pietermaritzburg, 2930CB, 5.xi.1971, Irwin; 1♂ same data but xi.1976, Miller, Malaise; 1♂ same data but xii.1976, Miller, Malaise trap; 1♀ same data but 18.xi.1979, Londt; 1♀ same data but 10.iii.1983, Londt; 1♂ same data but 12.xi.1988, Londt; 1♂ Pietermaritzburg, 1953, Wattle Research Institute (BMNH); 1♂ Queen Elizabeth Park Nat. Res., 29°34.157'S 30°19.299'E, 856 m, 1–5.xii.2003, Londt & Mostovski, forest patch, Malaise trap; 1♂ Pietermaritzburg, 2930CB, 1.xi.1984, Croeser; 1♂ Pietermaritzburg, 29°34'54"S 30°21'33"E, 745 m, 6.i.2012, Londt, Athlone house garden; 1♂ 2♀ Tongaat [29°35'S 31°08'E], 1908–9, Burnup; 1? Upper Tongaat [29°35'S 31°08'E], xi.1919, Barker (DMSA); 1♂ Upper Tongaat, xi.1919, Barker (BMNH); 1♀ Pietermaritzburg [29°36'S 30°23'E], 20.xi.1955, B. Stuckenberg; 1♂ 1♀ Pietermaritzburg, xi.1940, Lawrence (SAMC); 1♀ Botha’s Hill, 29°45'S 30°45'E, 29.ix.1994, Cradock; 1♂ 1♀ Botha’s Hill, 29°45'S 30°45'E, 30.x.1993, Cradock (with prey: Coleoptera , Chrysomelidae & Scarabaeidae ); 1♀ Botha’s Hill, 29°45'S 30°45'E, 2.x.1994, Cradock; 1♀ Botha’s Hill, 29°45'S 30°45'E, 7.xi.1994, Cradock; 1♂ 1♀ Botha’s Hill, 27.xi.1993, Cradock; 2♀ Gillitts [29°47'S 30°48'E], 17.xi.1976, Londt, indigenous forest; 1♀ Gillitts, St Hellier, 7.xii.1978, Londt; 1♀ Pinetown District, Emberton [29°47'S 30°47'E], 21.xi.82, Manning, shady streamside herbs; 1♀ Kloof [29°47'S 30°50'E], 17.xii.1987, Reavell, in swimming pool; 1♀ Jacksons Falls, Mhlatuzana River, 29°48'S 30°45'E, 500 m, 1.xi.1990, Barraclough, indigenous forest; 1♀ same data but 18.xii.1990, Whittington, indigenous forest; 2♀ New Germany Nat. Res., 29°48'S 30°53'E, 25.12.1993, Cradock (with prey: Diptera , Tipulidae & Lepidoptera, unidentified moth); 1♀ Pinetown [29°49'S 30°51'E], 12.xii.1908, Leigh (ZSMC); 1♀ Kelvin Grove, 29°50'S 29°20'E, 20. xi.1993, Cradock; 1♀ Durban [29°51'S 31°01'E], 8.xii.1906, Leigh; 1♂ ‘Port Natal’ [Durban] (BMNH); 1♂ 1♀ Umbilo, Durban [29°54'S 30°59'E], 5.x.1913, Bevis (DMSA); 2♀ Umbilo, 5.x.1913, Bevis (BMNH); 2♀ Gxalingenwa Nat. Res., 30°00'38"S 29°38'39"E, 30.i.2003, Armstrong, forest; 1♂ Ixopo [30°09'S 30°05'E], 11.xii.1986, McGregor, carrying off bee; 1♀ Oribi Gorge Nat. Res., 30°41'S 30°17'E, 30. xi.2008, Davies; 2? Port Shepstone [30°45'S 30°27'E], i.1913, Barnard (SAMC); 2♂ 1♀ Port St Johns [31°38'S 29°32'E], 20–25.xi.1961, Stuckenberg; 1♀ 1? Port St Johns, xi.1916, Swinny; 1♀ Port St Johns, xii.1961, Gess (SAMC); 1♀ Port St Johns, xii.1923, Turner (BMNH); 3♀ Port St Johns, x.1923, Turner (BMNH); 1♀ Port St Johns, ix.1923, Turner (BMNH); 4♂ 4♀ Coffee Bay [31°58'S 29°09'E], 16– 20.x.1970, Londt; 1♀ Bonza Bay, East London [33°02'S 27°55'E], 22.i.1976 (BMNH); 1♂ East London [33°02'S 27°55'E], i.1924, Holden (SANC); 1♀ Port Alfred [33°36'S 26°54'E], 28.x.1967, Londt; 1♀ Vredehoek [33°56'00"S 18°25'30"E], 1989, Cochrane (SAMC); 1♀ Vredehoek, Cape Town [33°56'00"S 18°25'30"E], 7.xi.1993, Larsen (SAMC); 1♂ 4♀ Rondebosch, Cape Town [33°58'S 18°28'E], 16–30. xii.1980, Lamoral, in garden; 1♀ Rondebosch, Cape Town, 30.xi.1992, van Noort (SAMC); 1♀ Rondebosch, 9.xi.1996, Griffiths; 2♀ Cape Town, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens [33°59'S 18°25'E], 22–24 xi.1982, Eardley (SANC); 1♂ Cape Town, Constantiaberge above Donkerboskloof, above Tokai Forest, 34°02.0'S 18°23.5'E, 400 m, 25.i–2.ii.1994, van Noort, mesic mountain fynbos on sandstone, Protea dominated, Malaise trap (SAMC); 1♀ same data but 2–9.ii.1994 (SAMC); 1♂ same data but 2–14.iii.1994 (SAMC); 1♂ same data but 14–23.iii.1994 (SAMC); 1♀ Kirstenhof, Cape Town, 34°4.14'S 18°27.09'E, 20.xi.1998, van Noort, in garden (SAMC); 1♀ ‘Caffraria’ (ZMHB).

Distribution, phenology and biology: The most widely distributed species, being found along the southern and eastern coastlines of South Africa as well as the eastern highlands of Mpumalanga and southern Mozambique ( Fig. 90 View Fig ), has been recorded for the Western Cape, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu­Natal, and Mpumalanga provinces. Adults fly from September through to April (Table 1). Label data and personal experience show that adult flies rest mainly on vegetation, usually bushes and trees, and are associated with forests, forest margins and thin undergrowth. The occurrence of this species in suburban Cape Town is interesting and it appears to represent a discontinuity in distribution. It is possible that the species was inadvertently introduced through the importation of plant material from further east. Seven confirmed prey records are available: Isoptera (alate), Lepidoptera (two unidentified moths), Mecoptera ( Bittacidae Bittacus nebulosus ), Diptera (Tipulidae) , Coleoptera ( Chrysomelidae , Scarabaeidae ). One record states that one male was caught carrying off a bee ( Hymenoptera : Apoidea). The species appears to be a generalist predator.

Synolcus griseus Engel, 1927 View in CoL

Figs 8 View Figs 2–14 , 44–47 View Figs 44–47 , 81 View Figs 76–86 , 91 View Fig Synolcus griseus: Engel 1927: 146 View in CoL , fig. 9 (♂ gen.); Hull 1962: 526; Oldroyd 1974: 165, fig. 159 (♀ gen.– incorrect caption – should read fig. 160); 1980: 346 (catalogue); Londt 1980: 33–35, figs 5 (wing),

20–22, 23 (♀ gen.), 24–26 (♂ gen.); 1990: 2. Redescription:


Head: Dark red-brown to blackish, strongly gold-silver pruinose, black and white setose. Antenna: Dark red­brown to blackish, fine silver­gray pruinose, scape and pedicel black setose, postpedicel with a few tiny yellowish setae dorsally; mean segmental ratios (n=5) 1:0.7:1.4:1.3 (0.2:0.9:0.2), i.e. pedicel shorter than scape, postpedicel twice length of pedicel, stylus about as long as postpedicel. Face: Blackish, silver pruinose. Mystax white ventromedially, black dorsally and laterally on epistomal margin, setae slightly better developed ventrally. Frons and vertex: Blackish, weakly silver-gray pruinose, frons black setose laterally, ocellar tubercle black setose. Occiput: Blackish, strongly silver pruinose, black (dorsally) and white (centrally and ventrally) setose.

Thorax: Dark red-brown to blackish, silver pruinose, black, pale yellow and white setose. Prothorax: Dark red-brown to blackish, silver pruinose, pale yellow setose (a few black macrosetae). Mesonotum: Dark red-brown to blackish, silver pruinose, with broad black median band and large lateral patches, macrosetae black, minor setae short blackish and whitish. Macrosetae: acr poorly developed, confined to area posterior of transverse suture, dc moderately developed posteriorly and extending anteriorly beyond transverse suture, 2 npl, 1 spal (plus 1 or 2 weaker setae), 1 pal (1 weaker seta may also be present). Scutellum: Dark red­brown to blackish, silvery pruinose, disc fine white setose, 1 pair black apical macrosetae (1♀ has a second weaker pair). Pleura: Uniform dark red­brown to black, silver pruinose, weakly white and pale yellow setose except for c. 10 moderately developed pale yellowish ktg. Legs: Cx dark red-brown to black, silver pruinose, white setose; cx 3 with 1 lateral macroseta. Tro dark red-brown, weakly pruinose, white setose. Fem uniform blackish, major setae mostly black (few pale yellow), minor setae long or short pale yellowish. Tib predominantly dark red-brown but orange proximally, major setae black, minor setae yellowish. Tar dark red-brown, major setae black minor setae black and yellowish. Wing ( Fig. 8 View Figs 2–14 ): Veins mostly dark red-brown, proximal end more orange-brown, membrane usually transparent, but may be slightly yellowish stained at wing tip. Cell sc lacking a distal crossvein (sc–r) (except in 1 wing of 1♂). Cells r 1 and r 2+3 somewhat expanded and displaying corrugations. Wing length × breadth (mean, n =3) 7.4 (6.5–8.2) × 3.1 (2.6–3.6) mm. Haltere: Orange.

Abdomen: Dark red-brown to black, strongly silver pruinose, whitish (a few tiny black) setose. T1 fairly uniformly silver pruinose, 3–4 whitish macrosetae laterally accompanied by many white setae, medially a few short black setose. T2–8 silver pruinose but intensity dependent on angel of view, setae mostly whitish (including c. 3 macrosetae posterolaterally). S essentially as T but no black setae evident.

Terminalia ( Figs 44–47 View Figs 44–47 ): Epand in lateral view ( Fig. 44 View Figs 44–47 ) elongate oval, about twice as long as deep, with broadly rounded distal tip; epand lobes in dorsal view narrowly separated proximally ( Fig. 45 View Figs 44–47 ). S8 without special modification ( Figs 44, 46 View Figs 44–47 ). Hypd fairly narrow with fairly deeply medially indented posterior margin. Gonst distally projecting to somewhat pointed setose tip ( Fig. 44 View Figs 44–47 ). Aed fairly stout with ventrally directed narrow apical section ( Fig. 47 View Figs 44–47 ).

Female: Essentially similar to male. Wing length × breadth (mean, n=5) 7.7 (7.2–8.2)× 2.8 (2.7–3.0) mm (size range similar to ♂, wing not expanded, therefore narrower). Terminalia ( Fig. 81 View Figs 76–86 ): Ovipositor laterally compressed, knife-like, short (less than 1.5 times as long as deep).

Holotype (examined): 1♂ SOUTH AFRICA: Krabbefontein [23°46'S 30°07'E], xii.1902, Dr Breyer (ZSMC). Note: The type locality, Krabbefontein, was a farm owned by H.S. Altenroxel in the area north of Tzaneen in the Limpopo (then Transvaal) Province ( Bleloch 1902: 172, 174; Buchan 1903: 122; Worsfold 1913: 97), on the left bank of the Groot Letaba River most probably close to or between Westfalia and Merensky High School. Another farm of the same name is located in the Western Cape of South Africa (34.25°S 19.03°E), but that locality is clearly out of the distribution range of the species.

Other material examined: SOUTH AFRICA: 2♂ 1♀ Entabeni Forest Station, Soutpansberg Range , 2230CC, i.1975, Stuckenberg, grassland ; 1♀ Entabeni Forest Reserve , 22.00°S 30.16°E, 7.i.1987, Uys GoogleMaps ; 1♂ 3♀ Lone Creek River , 5 km W Sabie, 2530BB, 5.xii.1976, Miller . ZIMBABWE: 1♀ Mt Chiranda [Chirinda], Mashonaland [19°14'S 32°14'E], 14.xii.1910, Swynnerton ( BMNH) GoogleMaps .

Distribution, phenology and biology: Restricted to the eastern highlands of South Africa and Zimbabwe ( Fig. 91 View Fig ), being recorded for the Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces of South Africa and eastern Zimbabwe. Adults have been captured during the midsummer months of December and January (Table 1). Label data provide little information, but localities suggest that the species has an association with forests and/ or forest margins.

BLELOCH, W. E. 1902. The new South Africa: its value and development. London: Heinemann.

BUCHAN, J. 1903. The African colony: studies in the reconstruction. Edinburgh & London: W. Blackwood & Sons.

ENGEL, E. O. 1927. Notes on some Asilinae of the South African region. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 12: 132 - 180.

HULL, F. M. 1962. Robber flies of the World. The genera of the family Asilidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 224 (1): 1 - 430 (2): 431 - 907.

KERTESZ, C. 1909. Catalogus dipterorum hucusque descriptorum. IV. Oncodidae, Nemestrinidae, Mydaidae, Apioceridae, Asilidae. Budapest: Museum Nationale Hungaricum.

LOEW, H. 1858. Bidrag till kannedomen om Afrikas Diptera [part]. Ofversigt af Koniglichen Vetenskaps- Akademiens Forhandlingar 14: 337 - 383.

LONDT, J. G. H. 1980. The genus Synolcus Loew (Diptera: Asilidae). Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 43 (1): 23 - 40.

OLDROYD, H. 1974. An introduction to the robber flies (Diptera: Asilidae) of southern Africa. Annals of the Natal Museum 22 (1): 1 - 171.

WORSFOLD, W. B. 1913. The reconstruction of the new colonies under Lord Milner. Vol. 2. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner.

Gallery Image

Fig. 1. Synolcus dubius (Macquart, 1846), entire male specimen (Kosi Bay Nat. Res.).

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Figs 2–14. Synolcus species,♂ wing venation:(2) S.acrobaptus (Wiedemann, 1828) (Gydo); (3) S.amnoni Londt, 1990 (Nkhandla); (4) S. argentius Londt, 1990 (5 km NE Grootderm); (5) S.armstrongi sp.n. (Karkloof paratype); (6) S. aurulentus Engel, 1929 (Outeniqua); (7) S. dubius (Macquart, 1846) (Ntumeni); (8) S. griseus Engel, 1927 (Entabeni); (9) S. macrocercus sp. n. (Middelpos paratype); (10) S. malawi Londt, 1990 (Lichenya paratype); (11) S. minor (Bromley, 1947) (Melmoth); (12) S. namibiensis sp. n. (Ai-Ais paratype); (13) S. spinosus Londt, 1980 (Gladdespruit paratype); (14) S. ukhahlamba sp. n. (Monks Cowl holotype).

Gallery Image

Figs 39–43. Synolcus dubius (Macquart, 1846), male genitalia (Pietermaritzburg): (39) lateral, (40) dorsal, (41) ventral, (42) gonostylus, (43) aedeagus tip. Scale line 1 mm.

Gallery Image

Figs 76–86. Synolcus species, ovipositor: (76) S. acrobaptus (Wiedemann, 1828) (Cape Town); (77) S. argentius Londt, 1990 (5 km NE Grootderm, redrawn from Londt 1990); (78) S. armstrongi sp. n. (Karkloof paratype);(79) S.aurulentus Engel,1929 (Knysna Forest, redrawn from Londt 1980); (80) S. dubius (Macquart, 1846) (Coffee Bay, redrawn from Londt 1980); (81) S. grieseus Engel, 1927 (Entabeni,redrawn from Londt 1980); (82) S.macrocercus sp.n.(Worcester paratype);(83) S. minor (Bromley, 1947) (Ngome, redrawn from Londt 1990); (84) S. namibiensis sp. n. (Ai-Ais paratype); (85) S. spinosus Londt, 1980 (Gladdespruit paratype, from Londt 1980); (86) S. ukhahlamba sp. n. (Injasuti paratype). Scale lines 1 mm.

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Fig. 90. The distribution of Synolcus dubius (Macquart, 1846).

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Figs 44–47.Synolcus griseus Engel, 1927, male genitalia (Entabeni): (44) lateral, (45) dorsal, (46) ventral, (47) gonocoxite, gonostylus and aedeagus. Scale line 1 mm.

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Fig.91.The distributionsSynolcus species:S.amnoni Londt,1990 – squares,S.griseusEngel,1927 – circles, S. spinosus Londt, 1980 – triangles, S. ukhahlamba sp. n. – diamonds.


Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections











