Gottschea multidentata (J.J.Engel) Glenny et J.J.Engel

Engel, John J., Glenny, David & Merrill, Gary, 2017, Studies of New Zealand Hepaticae. 69 - 73. A miscellanea of new taxa and combinations together with nomenclatural refinements, Phytotaxa 326 (2), pp. 156-158 : 157

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.326.2.8

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scientific name

Gottschea multidentata (J.J.Engel) Glenny et J.J.Engel


71. Gottschea multidentata (J.J.Engel) Glenny et J.J.Engel , comb. & stat. nov.

Basionym : Gottschea conchophylla (E.A.Hodgs. & Allison in Hodgson 1941: 191) Grolle & Zilstra (1984: 88) var. multidentata J.J.Engel , Nova Hedwigia 93: 407. 2011 ( Engel 2011: 407). Holotype: New Zealand, South Is., Canterbury, Arthur’s Pass, falls behind Department of Conservation Station, off Avalanche Peak Track, ca. 790 m, Engel & von Konrat 27243 (F); isotype: (CHR).

72. Plagiochila hartziana Pears., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1924: 72 View in CoL . f. 1. ( Pearson 1924: 72). Type: Tasmania, Hartz Mts., Lake Perry, 3000 ft., 7 Jan. 1908, Weymouth 1553 (BM!). Syzygiella virido-nigra E.A.Hodgs., Rec. Domin. Mus. 4: 120. 1962 ( Hodgson 1962; 120), syn. nov. Plagiochila virido-nigra (E.A.Hodgs.)

Inoue, Bryologist 68: 218. 1965 ( Inoue 1965: 218). Holotype: Auckland Is., Waterfall Inlet , sea level, 27 Nov. 1943, W. H. Dawbin

(MPN 36945, non vidi); isotypes: CHR 105305 View Materials !, TNS!, ex hb. Hodgson no. 11871 .

Distribution: New Zealand; Australia: Tasmania. The range of the species is thus here extended.

Comments: The type of P. harziana fits well within the range of variation of P. virido-nigra as we know it, and is thus an older name for the species. Notable features of P. viridio-nigra include its small size and distinctive habit, the basal portion of the plants forming a dense coralloid mass of leafless stolons; the dorsal leaf margin narrowly revolute and abruptly long-decurrent at base and filling the insertion; and the variable dentition of the leaves, either entire, or with a few, irregularly spaced, broad-based teeth at the apex and ventral margin. The leaves are loosely imbricate, broadly ovate to subquadrate, subopposite, and sporadically united dorsally at the base.

73. Lepidolaena reticulata (Hook. f. et Tayl.) Trevis., Mem. Reale Ist. Lombardo Sci. (ser. 3), C. Sci Math 4 (13): 393, 1877 ( Trevisan 1877: 393). Basionym : Jungermannia reticulata Hook.f. et Tayl., London J. Bot. 3: 395, 1844 ( Hooker & Taylor 1844: 395). Lepidolaena brachyclada (Lehm.) Trevis. f. alpina Rodway, Tasmanian Bryophyta View in CoL 2: 76. 1916 ( Rodway 1916: 76; preprint from Pap.

& Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania 1916: 126. 1917, Rodway 1917) syn. nov. Lectotype (designated here): Tasmania, summit of Mt.

Wellington, Nov. 1891, Rodway (HO 85274!).

Three localities are mentioned in the protologue of L. brachyclada f. alpina by Rodway (1916), Mt. Wellington, Hartz Mt., and Adamson Peak. Four probable syntypes of Lepidolaena brachyclada f. alpina collected by Rodway are in the Hobart Herbarium. Three collections are from Mt. Wellington and determined by Rodway as variety alpina (but published as f. alpina ) are L. reticulata . The Mt. Wellington collections agree with the protologue of L. reticulata in possessing “leaves entire or with few small spines” and a “dark purple” pigmentation. The Mt. Hartz Plateau station is represented by one specimen, which is L. brachyclada ; this specimen agrees with the protologue in having underleaf “lobes armed.” A specimen from Adamson Peak was not located. The specimens of L. reticulata best represent the protologue concept of the forma alpina , and a collection from Mt. Wellington is selected as a lectotype.


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Gottschea multidentata (J.J.Engel) Glenny et J.J.Engel

Engel, John J., Glenny, David & Merrill, Gary 2017

var. multidentata J.J.Engel

J. J. Engel 2011: 407

Syzygiella virido-nigra E.A.Hodgs., Rec. Domin. Mus.

E. A. Hodgs. 1962: 120

Lepidolaena brachyclada (Lehm.) Trevis. f. alpina

Rodway 1916: 76
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