Boletina rodentistyla Polevoi, 2020

Polevoi, A. V., Maximova, Yu. V. & Subbotina, E. Yu., 2020, New data on the fungus gnats (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Keroplatidae, Mycetophilidae) of the Taimyr Peninsula with a description of two new species of the genus Boletina Staeger, Russian Entomological Journal 29 (3), pp. 315-326 : 322-324

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.29.3.13

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Boletina rodentistyla Polevoi

sp. nov.

Boletina rodentistyla Polevoi , sp.n.

Figs 4–13 View Fig View Fig .

MATERIAL. Holotype. ♂. Russia, Pasvik Nature Reserve , 1 km SE of the island Varlam (Niilansaari), 80 m above sea level, 3.08– 10.10.2007, A. Bulychev leg. ( ZISP).

Paratypes. 1 ♂, same data as holotype ( ZISP) ; 1 ♂, Russia, Pasvik Nature Reserve , river Menikkajoki, 21 m above sea level, 14.08– 25.09.2007, A. Bulychev leg. ( ZISP) ; 1 ♂ Finland, Kotavaara , 190 m above sea level, 21.09– 2.10.1998, M.Tietäväinen leg. ( ZISP) . Other material. 4 ♂♂, Russia, Krasnoyarsk region, River Pyasina , 90 km N of Norilsk, 70.15°N, 88.28°E, 13.08.2015, M. Shcherbakov leg. ( UTR); 5 ♂♂, same data, except 10.08.2015 ( UTR). Also known from Finnish Lapland (J. Salmela. pers. comm.) GoogleMaps

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and N Norway (J. Kjaerandsen pers. comm.).

Male (n=6).

Head, including face and clypeus blackish-brown, mouthparts and palpi brownish-yellow. Antenna dark-brown with brownish pubescence. Sixth flagellomere 2.40–3.55 (mean value 3.04) times longer than wide.

Thorax brown to dark-brown. Mesonotum thinly dusted with subshining longitudinal stripes along acrostichal and lateral to dorsocentral rows of setae. Laterotergite bare.

Wing length 3.67–4.16 (3.90) mm. Wings hyaline. Veins yellow except C and R brownish. Costa extending beyond tip of R 5 to approximately half of the distance from R 5 to M 1. Sc bare ending in costa opposite or slightly distal to the base of R s. Sc-r located slightly distal to the middle of Sc. The stem of M fork 1.11–1.35 (1.21) times as long as r-m. Base of


posterior (M 4 -CuA) fork slightly proximal to the base of M fork. R 1 and R 5 with macrotrichia all over dorsal surface. R-m bare. M 1 and M 2 bare at base. M 4 and CuA 1 with macrotrichia in the apical 1/2 to 2/3. Halteres yellow to brownish-yellow.

Legs yellow to yellowish-brown. Coxae yellowish-brown, sometimes mid and hind coxae or all coxa more or less strongly darkened. Trochanters brown to black. Fore tibia with 3–4 short pv. Mid tibia with 3 ad, 3–4 pd, 2–4 av, 5–7 pv. Hind tibia with 3–4 ad (+ 1–4 short ad at the apex), 4–5 pd, 4 av, 4 pv. Ratio of tibia to first tarsomere for fore, mid and hind legs: 1.22–1.47 (1.36), 1.26–1.57 (1.43), 1.42–1.9 (1.71). Fore tibia with 1 pv spur, mid and hind tibia each with two spurs (av spur about 3/4 as long as pv spur). Tarsal claws not modified.

Abdomen dark-brown with pale hairs.

Terminalia dark-brown. Sternal submedian appendages wide basally and narrowed to the apices ( Fig. 4 View Fig , 9 View Fig ). Gonostylus of characteristic shape, resembling a grotesque animal head when viewed from the inner side ( Fig. 6 View Fig , 11 View Fig ). Tergite 9 rectangular, with rather deep apical triangular depression, cercus with two combs of spines ( Fig. 5 View Fig , 10 View Fig ). Aedeagus with “cobra hood” like subapical widening, parameres rectangularly bent and widened subapically and then narrowed to apices ( Fig. 7–8 View Fig , 12–13 View Fig ).

DIAGNOSIS. A small dark Boletina with transparent wings and yellowish-brown legs (sometimes with darkened coxa). The species clearly differs from other members of the genus in the structure of the male terminalia, especially in the shape of the gonostylus and details of the aedeagal apparatus.

ETYMOLOGY. The species name points to the characteristic shape of the male gonostylus, resembling a grotesque animal (e.g. rodent) head.

ECOLOGY.Specimens from Fennoscandia collected with Malaise’s traps in various forest habitats. The habitats in the Taimyr peninsula are sedge-dwarf tundra communities.

DISTRIBUTION. N Palaearctic: Finland, Norway, Russia (Murmansk Province and N Siberia).


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences













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