Temnothorax laconicus, Csősz & Seifert & Müller & Trindl & Schulz & Heinze, 2014

Csősz, Sándor, Seifert, Bernhard, Müller, Benedikt, Trindl, Andreas, Schulz, Andreas & Heinze, Jürgen, 2014, Cryptic diversity in the Mediterranean Temnothorax lichtensteini species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 14 (1), pp. 75-88 : 82-85

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s13127-013-0153-3

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Temnothorax laconicus

sp. nov.

Description of worker caste of Temnothorax laconicus sp.n.


Holotype worker Taygethos Oros, Street to Profitis Ilias (GRE:S_342), N36.968, E22.404, 800 mH, 01.05.2011, leg: A. Schulz, (1☿ / HNHM Budapest); GoogleMaps

Paratypes Taygethos Oros, Street to Profitis Ilias (GRE:S_342), N36.968, E22.404, 800 mH, 01.05.2011, leg: A. Schulz, (2☿☿ / CAS San Francisco [unique specimen identifier CASENT0906682], 3☿☿ / HNHM Budapest, 3☿☿ / SMNG); W Taygethos Oros, Pigadia Canyon (GRE:S_358) GoogleMaps ,

Bayesian posterior probabilities of 0.95 and above are given at the nodes. Nestmate workers from all studied colonies were also investigated by morphometry

N36.984, E22.262, 700-800 mH, 01.05.2011, leg: A. Schulz, (2☿☿ / HNHM Budapest) GoogleMaps ; Taygethos Oros, Street to Profitis Ilias (GRE:2011:0345), N36.968, E22.404, 800 mH, 01.05.2011, leg: A. Schulz, (4☿☿ / HNHM Budapest) GoogleMaps ; W Taygethos Oros, Pigadia Canyon (GRE:2011:0356), N36.984, E22.262, 700-800 mH, 01.05.2011, leg: A. Schulz, (3☿☿ / HNHM Budapest) GoogleMaps ; Taygethos Oros, Street to Profitis Ilias (GRE:2011:0336), N36.968, E22.404, 800 mH, 01.05.2011, leg: A. Schulz, (4☿☿ / HNHM Budapest) GoogleMaps ;

For the full list of material investigated see Table 1.

Etymology This adjective [ laconicus (masculinum)] refers to Laconia, the region of the Peloponnese peninsula in which the type locality is situated.

Workers ( Figs. 5–7 View Fig View Fig View Fig )

General colouration of this species somewhat darker than in T. lichtensteini ; appendages, mesosoma, waist and basis of first gaster tergite dirty yellowish-brown to light-brown. Head dorsum and the posterior surfaces of gaster tergites darker, usually light-brown to brown. Small species ( CS 545 μm), but similar in size to its sister species. Head significantly longer than broad (CL/CWb 1.226) and with feebly convex sides. Vertexal corners rounded, posterior margin of vertex strait. Scape long (SL/ CS 0.788) with variable pubescence: adpressed (0–5°) to decumbent (10–15°) on the surface that is adjacent to head surface when the scape is directed fully caudad and subdecumbent (30°) to suberect (35–45°) on the surface that becomes external in the same scape position. Clypeus between sagittal level of frontal carinae with a number of longitudinal carinulae, interstices smooth and shiny. Eyes rather large ( EL / CS 0.246) and more approached to hind margin of vertex (PoOc/CL 0.396). Vertex with fine microreticulate sculpture that is superimposed by a number of longitudinal rugulae. Frontal carinae non-divergent. Frontal lobes widely distant ( FRS / CS 0.344). Propodeal spines very long, longer than in T. lichtensteini ( SPST / CS 0.409) and acute, in lateral view deviating from longitudinal axis of mesosoma by 20–25°. Propodeal spines in dorsal view much more divergent than in related species ( SPWI / CS 0.434), spine-tips curving inward ( SPTI / CS 0.410). Mesosoma as wide as in related species ( MW / CS 0.608). Metanotal depression well visible, moderately deep. Mesosoma with microreticulate sculpture that is

T. lichtensteini “ West Mediterranean cluster ” (blue rectangles) and T. lichtensteini type material (purple rectangle)

superimposed by a few irregular or longitudinal rugulae. Petiole and postpetiole covered by a fine reticulate microsculpture that can occasionally be superimposed by a few irregular rugulae in particular on dorsum of petiolar node. Petiole in profile with a high node and a rather straight or slightly concave anterior face; the top of the node forms a short truncate dorsum that slopes down to caudal cylinder without a distinct step.

For morphometric data of 17 nest sample means see Table 3.


Pairwise analysis confirms nearly complete separation (99.4 %) between workers of T. lichtensteini (“ Western ” and “ Eastern clusters ” combined) and T. laconicus sp. n. Even drastic character reduction up to three characters (D3= − 0.0498 PoOc– 0.0541 FRS +0.0975 SPST +3.3108) yields 98.6 % classification success at individual level.

D3 scores forT: lichtensteini ð n ¼ 295 Þ: –0:6671; ½ − 4:0905; þ 1:9182 D3 scores forT: laconicussp:n: ð n ¼ 64 Þ þ 3:0748 ½þ 0:8556; þ 4:9404

The same function yields complete separation at nest sample mean level.

D3 scores forT: lichtensteini ð n ¼ 84 Þ: − 0:6762; ½ − 2:1468; þ 0:9519 D3 scores forT: laconicussp:n: ð n ¼ 17 Þ þ 3:1357 ½þ 1:9419; þ 4:2677

Application of a simple ratio ( SPST / CS) yields nonoverlapping ranges of T. lichtensteini and laconicus sp.n. at nest sample mean level (see Table 3); therefore, it can provide the most simple opportunity for separation.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


California Academy of Sciences


Senckenberg Museum fuer Naturkunde Goerlitz


Musee des Dinosaures d'Esperaza (Aude)


Falconer Museum


Museum Wasmann













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