Aplatophis chauliodus Böhlke, 1956

Del Moral-Flores, Luis Fernando, Wakida-Kusunoki, Armando T., Ramos-Hernández, Rafael & George-Zamora, Arturo, 2024, First records of two species of snake eels, Aplatophis chauliodus and Ophichthus hyposagmatus (Actinopterygii: Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae), from Mexico, Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 54, pp. 103-108 : 103-108

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/aiep.54.119085

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Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria by Pensoft

scientific name

Aplatophis chauliodus Böhlke, 1956


Aplatophis chauliodus Böhlke, 1956 View in CoL

English common name: fangtooth snake eel Spanish common name: Culebra colmilluda Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ; Table 1

Aplatophis chauliodus Böhlke, 1956. — Böhlke (1956): 3 (Type locality: Mayagüez pier, Puerto Rico). View in CoL

Material examined.

CIFI- 2391 , 1 specimen (499 mm TL); ca. 8.5 km to the North of Barra de Sontecomapan, Catemaco , Veracruz, Mexico; 18 ° 37 ′ 58 ′′ N, 094 ° 58 ′ 38 ′′ W (Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ); 15 Sep. 2023; Armando Campos Pérez leg. GoogleMaps


Morphometric data presented in Table 1. Body elongated, cylindrical, without scales. Head length 10.6 % of TL, its dorsal margin concave towards snout region; mouth large, with opening angle> 90 degrees; tongue black and fleshy; lower jaw length 40.6 % of HL; both jaws thin and elongated, bearing large canines; lower jaw with three anterior teeth; upper jaw with four on each side, vomer with one tooth, maxillary teeth in two rows. Snout short and pointed, length 11.7 % of HL. Eyes small with diameter 2.9 % of HL. Nostrils together, with anterior one tubular, situated in front and below eyes; posterior one elliptical. Trunk large and robust, length 37.5 % of TL, with its tail rigid, length 47.8 % of TL. Pectoral fin small, length 14.8 % of HL, slightly larger than gill slit. Cephalic pores: preoperculomandibular 6 + 2, infraorbital 4 + 2, supraorbital 1 + 2. Total vertebrae 108, predorsal vertebrae 15, preanal vertebrae 54.

Coloration (fresh).

Mottled whitish brown, with stronger tonality in dorsal and cephalic region, while more whitish in ventral region. Oral cavity, tongue, and lower jaw dark. In distal portion edges of dorsal and anal fins black.

Genus Ophichthus Ahl, 1789












Aplatophis chauliodus Böhlke, 1956

Del Moral-Flores, Luis Fernando, Wakida-Kusunoki, Armando T., Ramos-Hernández, Rafael & George-Zamora, Arturo 2024

Aplatophis chauliodus Böhlke, 1956 . — Böhlke (1956) : 3 (Type locality: Mayagüez pier, Puerto Rico ).

Böhlke JE 1956: 3
Aplatophis chauliodus Böhlke, 1956 . — Böhlke (1956) : 3 (Type locality: Mayagüez pier, Puerto Rico ).
Böhlke, 1956