Schizoturanius clavatipes (Stuxberg, 1876)

Nefediev, P. S., 2019, New records of the millipede genus Schizoturanius Verhoeff, 1931 from Asian Russia (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Polydesmidae), Russian Entomological Journal 28 (3), pp. 331-339 : 335

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.28.3.14

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Schizoturanius clavatipes (Stuxberg, 1876)


Schizoturanius clavatipes (Stuxberg, 1876) View in CoL

Figs 1 View Fig , 10–11 View Figs 10–11 .

Polydesmus clavatipes Stuxberg, 1876a: 34 View in CoL , inset: figs.

Polydesmus clavatipes View in CoL — Stuxberg, 1876b: 316; Attems, 1904: 48; Nefediev, Nefedieva, 2008a: 117.

Schizoturanius clavatipes View in CoL — Lohmander, 1933: 27; Hoffman, 1975: 81, 82: figs; Lokšina, Golovatch, 1979: 384; Golovatch, 1979: 993; Mikhaljova, 1993: 31, 32: figs; 2002: 206; 2004: 238, 239: figs, 228: map; 2013a: 221; 2013b: 9; 2016: 24; 2017: 288, 289: figs, 290: map; Mikhaljova, Golovatch, 2001: 116; Nefediev, 2001: 85; 2002c: 139; Vorobiova et al., 2002: 62; Mikhaljova, Nefediev, 2003: 81; Nefediev, Nefedieva, 2005: 178; 2006: 98; 2007a: 139; 2007b: 161; 2007c: 99; 2008b: 62; 2011: 100; 2012a: 47; 2012b: 51; 2013: 87; 2017: 292; Nefedieva, Nefediev, 2008: 123; Nefediev et al., 2014: 63; Nefedieva et al., 2014: 65; 2015: 152 View Cited Treatment .

Turanodesmus clavatipes — Attems, 1940: 85.

Turanodesmus dmitrievi (sic!) — Byzova, Chadaeva, 1965: 337.

non Schizoturanius clavatipes View in CoL — Nefediev et al., 2017: 13; 2018: 228.

non Schizoturanius clavatipes View in CoL pro parte — Nefediev, Nefedieva, 2017: 292.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. 2 juv. ( ASU), Russia, Krasnoyarsk Province, Sorokino Railway Station, Betula forest with Pinus sibirica and Alnus , litter, 23.VIII.1994, leg. A.B. Ryvkin; 1 ♂ ( ASU), Russia, Tomsk Area, Tomsk District, Tomsk, “Universitetskaya Roshcha” Park, 56.468895°N, 84.949151°E, Betula pendula forest, 105 m a.s.l., 19.IV.2000; 3 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀ ( ASU), same Area and District, 15 km N of Tomsk, mixed forest, 11. VI.2000; 1 ♂, 19 ♀♀, 8 juv. ( ASU), same Area, Teguldet District, near Novyi Trud (abandoned), 57.428549°N, 87.999207°E, Populus tremula forest with Pinus sibirica , 175 m a.s.l., p.t., 15. VI –11.VII.2000; 1 ♂, 4 ♀♀, 3 juv. ( ASU), same Area and District, near Chet-Kontorka, 57. 064860°N, 88.115124°E, Populus tremula forest with Abies sibirica and Betula pendula , 190 m a.s.l., 19. VI.2000; 2 juv. ( ASU), near s.l., Abies sibirica forest, 19. VI.2000; 6 ♀♀, 11 juv. ( ASU), same Area and District, near Teguldet, 57.316881°N, 88.139437°E, Populus tremula forest, 135 m a.s.l., 4.VII.2000; 2 ♀♀, 4 juv. ( ASU), same Area and District, near Chiornyi Yar, 57.040621°N, 87. 301126°E, 150 m a.s.l., 5.VII.2000, all leg. P.N.; 2 ♀♀ ( ASU), same Area, Tomsk District, near Zorkaltsevo, 56.521326°N, 84.733903°E, Pinus sibirica forest, p.t., 23. V. 3. VI.2001; 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, 2 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 3–13. VI.2001; 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 13–26. VI.2001; 2 juv. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 16–19. VI.2001; 4 ♀♀, 1 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 26. VI –7.VII.2001; 14 juv., 6 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 7–24.VII.2001; 7 juv. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 24.VII.2001; 2 ♀♀, 5 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 24.VII–8.VIII.2001; 1 ♀, 4 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 8–24.VIII.2001; 1 ♂, 4 juv. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 24.VIII.2001; 6 ♂♂, 12 ♀♀, 1 juv., 1 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 24.VIII–20.IX.2001; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 16.X.2001; 1 ♂, 4 ♀♀, 35 juv. ( ASU), same Area and District, near Kislovka, 56.430654°N, 84.900971°E, Populus tremula forest, s.s., 10–11. VI.2001; 4 ♀♀, 3 juv. ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 10–26. VI.2001; 1 ♀, 3 juv. ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 26. VI –26.VII.2001; 47 juv., 1 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 18–22.VII.2001; 38 juv. ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 26.VII–6.VIII.2001; 6 ♂♂, 6 ♀♀, 46 juv., 1 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 6–26.VIII.2001; 1 ♂, 6 ♀♀, 34 juv., 1 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 26.VIII.2001; 10 ♂♂, 19 ♀♀, 11 juv., 1 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 26.VIII–18.IX.2001; 4 ♂♂, 13 ♀♀, 10 juv., 1 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 9.X.2001; 11 juv. ( ASU), same Area and District, near Petrovskii Uchastok, 56.512449°N, 84.789453°E, Populus tremula and Betula pendula patch, s.s., 20–26. VI.2001; 3 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, 14 juv., 1 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 8–10.VII.2001; 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀, 3 juv., 1 fragm. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 24.VIII.2001; 1 ♀ ( ASU), s.l., p.t., 24.VIII.– 20.IX.2001; 1 ♀, 6 juv. ( ASU), s.l., s.s., 16.X.2001; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ ( ASU), same Area and District, near Timiryazevskoye, ecotone of Betula pendula forest and Pinus sylvestris forest, p.t., 26.VIII–18.IX.2001, all leg. P.N., J.N.; 1 ♂ ( ASU), same Area, Krivosheino District, near Novoislambul, 57.418825°N, 83.878022°E, mixed forest, 115 m a.s.l., 21.IX.2003, leg. P.N.; 5 juv. ( ASU), same Area, Tomsk District, near Zorkaltsevo, Pinus sibirica forest,p.t., 12.VII.–24.VIII. 2006, leg. S.A. Krivets; 1♂, 1 ♀, 1 fragm. ( ASU), Russia, Novosibirsk Area, Toguchin District, near Yurty, 14.VIII.2007, leg. A.S. Babenko; 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀, 3 juv. ( ASU), Russia, Kemerovo Area, Kemerovo District, 45 km N of Tebenkovka, 55°23 ' 18.11 '' N, 86°22 ' 37.29 '' E, Abies sibirica forest with Betula pendula and Populus tremula , 170 m a.s.l., 30.VIII.2016; 1 juv. ( ASU), same Area, Krapivinskii District, 8 km SSW of Saltymakovo, 54°45 ' N, 87°01 ' E, Kemerovo State University Field Station “Azhendarovo”, floodplain of Tom River, 165 m a.s.l., 28.VII.2017; 1 ♂, 5 ♀♀ ( ASU), same Area and District, 56 km S of Taradanovo, 54°40 ' N, 86°41 ' E, Populus tremula forest, 300 m a.s.l., in litter and rotten logs, 13.

VIII.2017, all leg. D.A. Efimov; 2 juv. ( ASU), Russia, Altai Province, Zalesovo District,at border with Kemerovo Area, 54.235533°N, 85.375949°E, Betula pendula forest with Ribes nigrum , 400 m a.s.l., 3.VII.2018, leg. P.N.; 1 juv. ( ASU), Russia, Republic of Altai, Shebalino District, 3.5 air-km SE of Topuchaya, 51.11189°N, 85.63219°E, Betula pendula , Larix sibirica , Pinus sibirica and Picea obovata forest with Alnus , Lonicera , Ribes nigrum and tall grass vegetation on hummocks, along brook, ca. 1435 m a.s.l., sifted leaf litter, 22.VII.2018, leg. V.G., M.M., V.L.

DISTRIBUTION. This species is widespread in southwestern Siberia ( SE districts of the Tomsk Area, E districts of the Novosibirsk Area and Altai Province, N and central districts of the Republic of Altai, the entire Kemerovo Area, NW districts of the Republic of Khakassia) and the southwest of central Siberia ( SW districts of the Krasnoyarsk Province) ( Fig. 1 View Fig ) .

REMARKS. Originally described in Polydesmus Latreille, 1802 –1803 from the territory between Achinsk (Krasnoyarsk Province) and Mariinsk (Kemerovo Area) [see Stuxberg, 1876a, b], this species was later transferred to Schizoturanius [ Lohmander, 1933].

Being very close to S. dmitriewi , S. clavatipes differs from it and other species of the genus mainly by the presence of a small triangular blade (b) at the inner edge of the middle part of the gonopod exomere (ex) ( Fig. 11 View Figs 10–11 ), as well as the smooth, non-dentate outer edge of the gonopod endomere (en), which is directed caudad, elongated and distally point- ed, carrying a small, thin process (p) on the inner side near the pad/pulvillus ( Fig. 10 View Figs 10–11 ).

These two species are also quite similar in habitus, but due to their non-overlapping distribution areas even their females and juveniles are easily distinguishable. Living together over much of their distribution ranges, S. clavatipes and S. tabescens are not only sympatric, but often even syntopic congeners ( Figs 1 View Fig , 12 View Fig ).


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Schizoturanius clavatipes (Stuxberg, 1876)

Nefediev, P. S. 2019

Schizoturanius clavatipes

Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2017: 292

Turanodesmus dmitrievi

Byzova Yu. B. & Chadaeva Z. V. 1965: 337

Turanodesmus clavatipes

Attems C. 1940: 85

Schizoturanius clavatipes

Nefedieva J. S. & Nefediev P. S. & Sakhnevich M. B. & Dyachkov Yu. V. 2015: 152
Nefediev P. S. & Dyachkov Yu. V. & Nefedieva J. S. 2014: 63
Nefedieva J. S. & Nefediev P. S. & Sakhnevich M. B. & Dyachkov Yu. V. 2014: 65
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2013: 87
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2012: 47
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2012: 51
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2011: 100
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2008: 62
Nefedieva J. S. & Nefediev P. S. 2008: 123
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2007: 139
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2007: 161
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2007: 99
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2006: 98
Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2005: 178
Mikhaljova E. V. & Nefediev P. S. 2003: 81
Nefediev P. S. 2002: 139
Vorobiova I. G. & Rybalov L. B. & Rossolimo T. E. & Zalesskaja N. T. 2002: 62
Mikhaljova E. V. & Golovatch S. I. 2001: 116
Nefediev P. S. 2001: 85
Mikhaljova E. V. 1993: 31
Loksina I. E. & Golovatch S. I. 1979: 384
Golovatch S. I. 1979: 993
Hoffman R. L. 1975: 81
Lohmander H. 1933: 27

Polydesmus clavatipes

Stuxberg A. 1876: 34

Polydesmus clavatipes

Nefediev P. S. & Nefedieva J. S. 2008: 117
Attems C. 1904: 48
Stuxberg A. 1876: 316
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