Agyneta orthogonia, Irfan & Wang & Zhang, 2023

Irfan, Muhammad, Wang, Lu-Yu & Zhang, Zhi-Sheng, 2023, Survey of Linyphiidae spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from Wulipo National Nature Reserve, Chongqing, China, European Journal of Taxonomy 871, pp. 1-85 : 4-8

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scientific name

Agyneta orthogonia

sp. nov.

Agyneta orthogonia sp. nov. (矩ff皿蛛)

Figs 1–3 View Fig View Fig View Fig

Differential diagnosis

The male of this new species can be distinguished from all other congeners by the prolateral margin of anterior part of terminal apophysis flap-like with several teeth ( Fig. 1A, D View Fig ), seems like an aperture in ventral view ( Fig. 1D View Fig ). Female epigyne resembles that of Agyneta mollis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) in having the similar proximal part of scape and the small stretcher ( Fig. 2 View Fig ; Dupérré 2013: figs 155–157), but can be distinguished from the latter species by the spermathecae spermathecae present anteriorly in anterior view in new species ( Fig. 2B, E View Fig ), whereas present antero-laterally in the latter species in new species ( Fig. 2B, E View Fig ), ( Dupérré 2013: figs 156–157).


The epithet is derived from the Latin adjective ‘ orthogonius ’ meaning ‘rectangular’ and referring to the proximal cymbial apophysis somewhat rectangular in prolateral view ( Fig. 1A View Fig ).

Type material

Holotype CHINA • ♂; Chongqing, Wushan County, Guanyang Town , Zhuxian Township , Xiang Yaocai Village ; 31°18′57.96′′ N, 110°5′23.55′′ E; elev. 1681 m; 6 Oct. 2020; L.Y. Wang, X.W. Zhou, T.Y. Ren, J.X. Zhao and L. Xiao leg.; SWUC-T-LIN-03-01 . GoogleMaps

Paratypes CHINA • 6 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀; same collection data as for holotype; SWUC-T-LIN-03-02–10 GoogleMaps 20 ♂♂, 12 ♀♀; Wushan County, Dangyang Town , Qizhi Mountain ; 31°28′6.55′′ N, 109°58′42.97′′ E; elev. 1475 m; 2 Oct. 2020; L.Y. Wang, X.W. Zhou, T.Y. Ren, J.X. Zhao and L. Xiao leg.; SWUC-T-LIN-03-11–42 GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀; Wushan County, Guanyang Town , Zhuxian Township , Putao Village ; 31°16′8.98″ N, 110°4′34.11″ E; elev. 1445 m; 6 Oct. 2020; L.Y. Wang, X.W. Zhou, T.Y. Ren, J.X. Zhao and L. Xiao leg.; SWUC-T-LIN-03-43–47 GoogleMaps .


Male (holotype, Figs 1 View Fig , 3A View Fig )

MEASUREMENTS. Total 2.58 long; carapace 1.18 long, 0.94 wide; abdomen 1.39 long, 0.94 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.06, ALE 0.09, PME 0.08, PLE 0.09, AME–AME 0.02, PME–PME 0.04, AME–ALE 0.03, PME–PLE 0.04, ALE–ALE 0.33, PLE–PLE 0.36, ALE–PLE 0.01, AME–PME 0.07.

CEPHALOTHORAX. Carapace yellow, brownish along margin, radiating lines; fovea, cervical and radial grooves distinct. Clypeus 0.21 high.

CHELICERAE. Yellowish-brown, excavated; retromargin at the base of fang with a rectangular projection; promargin and retromargin with two teeth.

LEG MEASUREMENTS. Legs long, yellow. Length of legs: I 3.66 (1.03, 1.23, 0.85, 0.55), II 3.27 (0.95, 1.03,0.75,0.54), III 2.83 (0.77, 0.94, 0.69, 0.43), IV 3.89 (1.05, 1.38, 0.92, 0.54). Leg formula IV-I-II-III. TmI 0.28 and TmIV absent. Tibial spine formula: 2-2-2-2.

ABDOMEN. Uniformly brown.

PALP ( Fig. 1 View Fig ). Retrolateral tibial apophysis long, with blunt end; with two retrolateral and on dorsal trichobothria. Cymbium retrolateral margin with a shallow depression at the base; prolateral margin with a small tubercle; proximal cymbial apophysis somewhat rectangular in prolateral view. Paracymbium with well-developed anterior and apical pocket; apical pocket with two projections. Distal suprategular apophysis with medially bears a transparent column with small pit-hook; median membrane well-developed with serrated margin. Radix with a small transparent projection at the base of embolus, with sclerotized curved tip (white arrow indicates the position); lamella characteristca simple, without any spikes, relatively sclerotized, apically with serrated margin; anterior terminal apophysis flap-like, widened proximally, tip with several teeth; posterior terminal apophysis sclerotized, broad with smooth tip; embolus moderately bent, with a long, needle-shaped tooth at its base. Embolus relatively large, with Fickert’s gland present proximally. Embolus proper set apically, with serrated margin; thumb long reaching almost equal to the embolus proper, with blunt end.

Female (paratype, SWUC-T-LIN-03-02, Figs 2 View Fig , 3B View Fig )

MEASUREMENTS. Total 2.36 long; carapace 0.99 long, 0.76 wide; abdomen 1.44 long, 0.89 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.05, ALE 0.07, PME 0.07, PLE 0.07, AME–AME 0.01, PME–PME 0.03, AME–ALE 0.03, PME–PLE 0.03, ALE–ALE 0.27, PLE–PLE 0.29, ALE–PLE 0.01, AME–PME 0.05.

CEPHALOTHORAX. Same as in male. Clypeus 0.14 high.

CHELICERAE. Yellowish-brown, not excavated; promargin and retromargin with five teeth.

LEG MEASUREMENTS. Legs long, yellow. Length of legs: I 3.21 (0.86, 1.09, 0.73, 0.53), II 2.92 (0.79, 0.98, 0.64, 0.51), III 2.67 (0.76, 0.87, 0.57, 0.47), IV 3.58 (0.94, 1.24, 0.88, 0.52). Leg formula IV-I-II-III. TmI 0.23 and TmIV absent. Tibial spine formula: 2-2-2-2.

ABDOMEN. Same as in male.

EPIGYNE ( Fig. 2 View Fig ). With wide proximal part of scape, narrowing evenly; lateral lobes of scape well-developed; stretcher small; pit deep. Spermathecae globular, pointing dorso-ventrally; fertilization ducts relatively thick, extending antero-mesally.


Known from type locality.













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