Xenoxybelis boulengeri ( Procter, 1923 )

Rivas, Luis R., Rey-Ortíz, Gustavo, Eversole, Cord B., Powell, Randy L., Navarro-Cornejo, Gonzalo, Cortez, Edson, Ocampo, Mauricio, Callapa, Gabriel & Muñoz, Arturo, 2024, Vine snakes (Oxybelis) and Sharpnose snakes (Xenoxybelis) (Squamata, Serpentes) from lowlands of Bolivia, with first records of Oxybelis inkaterra for the country, Herpetozoa 37, pp. 201-211 : 201-211

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/herpetozoa.37.e120130

publication LSID




persistent identifier


treatment provided by

Herpetozoa by Pensoft

scientific name

Xenoxybelis boulengeri ( Procter, 1923 )


Xenoxybelis boulengeri ( Procter, 1923) View in CoL

Fig. 4 C, D View Figure 4

Specimens examined.

Two adult males ( CIRAH - 589, 608) collected at 2318 and 2112 h on 28 and 30 June 2017 from San Francisco community. Two adult males ( CIRAH - 624, 670) collected at 2122 and 0036 h on 01 and 04 July 2017 from Alta Gracia community. Two adult males ( CIRAH - 730, 744) collected at 2332 and 2229 h on 04 and 05 June 2019 from Vera Cruz community. One juvenile ( CIRAH - 1086) collected at 1943 h on 07 July 2023 from Ucia community (Table 3 View Table 3 , Fig. 5 View Figure 5 ).

Morphometric and meristic characters.

Snout-vent length 615–728 mm (adults> 500 mm, n = 6). Tail length 340–506 mm (n = 6). Smooth dorsal scales 17-17 - 15 rows (100 %), without apical pits. Ventral scales 196–209 (x ̅ = 201). Subcaudal scales 163–187 (x ̅ = 180). Divided cloacal plate (100 %). Loreal 1 (100 %). Preoculars 1–2 (1 / 1 in 71 % of specimens, and 2 / 2 in 29 %). Postoculars 2–3 (2 / 2 in 57 % of specimens, and 3 / 3 in 43 %). Generally temporals 1 + 1 (2) + 2 and 1 + 2 + 3 or less. Supralabials 6–7 (6 / 6 in 86 % of specimens and 6 / 7 in 14 %); fourth contacting the orbit. Infralabials 7–8 (7 / 7 in 57 % of specimens, 7 / 8 in 29 % and 8 / 8 in 14 %); the first four contacting the first pair of chin shields (100 %) (Table 4 View Table 4 ) and fourth and fifth contact the second pair of chin shields (100 %).

Coloration pattern.

Upper center region of head brown; dorsolateral region of the head and supralabials yellowish green, separated by a dark brown band with black edges, from nasal, crosses the eye, and extends to the front of the body; ventral surface of the head yellowish green. Dorsal surface of the body with two thin dark greenish-brown lateral bands, the broad vertebral band light greenish-brown, the broad lateral bands light green (much brighter on the anterior part of the body); ventral surface uniform yellowish-green (Fig. 4 C, D View Figure 4 ).

Ecological notes.

The specimens were found resting (coiled) on tree branches between 0.5–2 m above the ground, during nocturnal searches between 1943–0036 h. The localities where they were found correspond to primary and secondary Amazonian forests of the Manuripi and Tahuamanu river sub-basin.









